18 research outputs found

    Učinci oralnog davanja mononatrijeva glutamata na morfologiju jaja i rezervu spermija u nuzjajčanom repu mladih i odraslih štakora.

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    The effects of oral administration of varied doses of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on the morphology of the testes and cauda epididymal sperm reserves of rats were studied using 28 four-week old (young) male Sprague-Dawley rats and 28 twelve-week-old (adult) male Sprague-Dawley rats. Increasing doses (1 mg/g body mass, 2 mg/g body mass, and 4 mg/g body mass) of a 40% aqueous solution of monosodium glutamate were administered to the male Sprague-Dawley rats every 48 hours for 6 weeks, using a rat gavage needle. The results showed that age variation did not influence the effect of MSG on the parameters studied in male rats. There was a significant reduction in the cauda epididymal sperm reserves (P<0.05) and the serum testosterone levels (P<0.05) of the rats that received monosodium glutamate relative to the control rats. The histomorphology of the testes of the rats that were given monosodium glutamate did not differ from those of the rats in the control group. No overt pathological lesions were seen in the testicular sections. These observations suggest that monosodium glutamate may have adversely affected spermatogenesis by disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitarytestis regulatory axis, and not through any direct toxic effect on the testis.Učinci oralnog davanja različitih doza mononatrijeva glutamata na morfologiju jaja i rezervu spermija už nuzjajčanom repu bili su istraživani u pokusima na 28 štakora Sprague-Dawley u dobi od četiri tjedna (mladi) i na 28 štakora Sprague-Dawley u dobi od 12 tjedana (odrasli). Štakorima su bile primijenjene povećavajuće doze (1 mg/g tjelesne mase, 2 mg/g tjelesne mase i 4 mg/g tjelesne mase) 40% tne vodene otopine mononatrijeva glutamata svakih 48 sati kroz šest tjedana iglom prilagođenom za štakore. Rezultati su pokazali da razlika u dobi nije utjecala na učinak mononatrijeva glutamata na pretraživane pokazatelje. Ustanovljeno je značajno smanjenje rezervi spermija u nuzjajčanom repu (P<0,05) kao i razina serumskog testosterona (P<0,05) u štakora kojima je primijenjen mononatrijev glutamat u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Histološki nalaz tkiva jaja štakora kojima je bio primijenjen mononatrijev glutamat nije se razlikovao od onog u štakora kontrolne skupine. Nisu bili uočeni patološki poremećaji u histološkim rezovima tkiva. Ovi nalazi upućuju na zaključak da mononatrijev glutamat može imati nepovoljan utjecaj na spermatogenezu prekidanjem regulacijske osi hipotalamus-hipofizatestis, a ne putem ikakvoga izravnoga toksičnoga učinka na testese

    Evidence-based investigations into the ethnoveterinary use of Mimosa pudica L. (Fabaceae) as an anthlemintic

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    Purpose: To investigate the toxicity, clinical outcome and anthelmintic effects of M. pudica in vitro and in vivo.Methods: Dried leaves of M. pudica were extracted using 70 % methanol cold maceration method. Acute toxicity inquiry was evaluated using Lorke’s method. Anthelmintic effects were investigated in vitro using the egg hatch assay and in vivo using Heligmosomoides bakeri experimentally infected adult albino mice. Coprological and haematological parameters were recorded during the experiment while the serological analysis and post mortem worm burden were assessed at the conclusion of the research.Results: No mortality was recorded in oral acute toxicity test up to a dose of 5000 mg/kg. A probit-log analysis of the percentage egg hatch of the extract and albendazole gave lethal concentration 50 (LC50) values of 1.160 and -1.042, respectively. A reduction in worm count was observed in all the extracttreated groups post mortem, with the maximum extract group having the least worm count (p &lt; 0.05). Treatment with extract resulted in improvement in the haematological parameters. Serum chemistry revealed no significant differences (p &gt; 0.05) in alanine aminotransferase and blood urea nitrogen in all groups. However, a dose-dependent increases in the total protein and albumin was observed.Conclusion: These results show that although M. pudica has weak anthelmintic effects compared to albendazole (standard&nbsp; anthelmintic), in vivo and in vitro, at the doses used in this study, nonetheless, it reduces worm burden and improves haematologic parameters, serum total protein, albumin and overall weight gain of the treated mice. Thus, increased doses may be effective in anthelmintic chemotherapy. Keywords: Mimosa pudica, Anthelmintic, Toxicity, Heligmosomoides bakeri, Ethnoveterinary medicine, Anthelminti

    The effect of resveratrol supplementation on haematological parameters and trypanocidal efficacy of diminazene aceturate in dogs

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    Trypanosomosis is a debilitating, fatal disease of man and animals often associated with anaemia. The trypanocides currently used in the management of the disease are far from giving desired results. This study investigated changes in haematological indices and the treatment outcome of diminazene aceturate (DA) against Trypanosoma brucei in dogs supplemented with resveratrol. A total of twenty (20) male Nigerian local breed of dogs (NBD) aged 6 to 12 months were used for the study. The dogs were randomly assigned into five groups (I-V) of four dogs per group. Group I was uninfected and unsupplemented; group II, was infected, untreated, and unsupplemented; group III, infected unsupplemented, treated with DA, group IV was infected and supplemented but untreated with DA, and group V was infected and supplemented DA-treated. The mean pre-patent period of Trypanosoma infection was 5.75±0.96 and 9.00±0.82 days for the infected unsupplemented and the infected resveratrol-supplemented groups, respectively. There was a complete parasite clearance from peripheral blood within 24-48 hours following treatment with DA on day 10 post-treatment (PT) in the supplemented and 24-72 hours in the unsupplemented treated groups. The supplemented treated did not show any relapse of infection, whereas the un-supplemented, DA-treated showed relapse on day 25 PT. It was concluded that resveratrol supplementation enhanced the efficacy of diminazene aceturate with no risk of relapse, minimized the effects of the parasite in the animals, and increased survival time

    The Age and Sex Incidence of Keloids / Hypertrophic Scars in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State from 2001-2006

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    Hypertrophic scars and keloids have been seen to occur frequently among burnt and accident patients. Keloids and hypertrophic scars result from excessive collagen deposition. They are dermal fibro proliferative disorders unique humans and occur as a complication of healing of wounds following trauma, inflammation, surgery, burns and sometimes occur spontaneously. Clinically, these scars can be disfiguring functionally and aesthetically or both. A retrospective study of patients with keloids and hypertrophic scars was carried out in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) using medical records of 41 patients that were diagnosed and / or treated. Sex, age, provisional diagnosis, manifestations and treatment procedures were extracted from their folders. The result of the study was statistically analyzed which revealed that keloids and hypertrophic scars increase with years and occur a little more in females than in males (M:F ratio = 48.8%:51.2%). The age range that was mostly affected was 15 to 45 years. Keywords: keloid, hypertrophic scar, sex, age, trib

    Evaluation of the anti-coccidial effect of aqueous Sacoglottis gabonensis (Magnoliophyta, Humiriaceae) stem bark extract in broilers experimentally infected with mixed Eimeria species

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    Aim of the study: The aqueous Sacoglottis gabonensis stem bark extract (SGSBE) was evaluated for its anti-coccidial effects and toxicity in broiler chickens Area of the study: Nsukka, Nigeria Materials and methods: A hundred and nineteen, four-week old, broiler birds were used for this study. The toxicity of SGSBE was evaluated by administering graded doses of the extract once and for 21 days. The anticoccidial effect of SGSBE was determined using 25 birds arbitrarily divided into five groups (A-E) of five birds each. Groups A-D were orally infected with 200,000 sporulated mixed Eimeria oocysts while group E served as the uninfected control. Groups A and B birds were treated orally with SGSBE (200 mg/kg) once and daily for five consecutive days respectively while group C birds were treated with amprolium daily for five days. Birds in group D remained infected-untreated. The birds were observed for clinical signs, body weight changes, oocyst output, and some haemato-biochemical parameters. Main results: Mild signs of toxicity were detected with mortality only in the group that received the highest dose of SGSBE following toxicity tests. Clinical signs of coccidiosis were observed following infection of the birds. Oocyst output, clinical signs and lesions were significantly reduced (p&lt;0.05) while body weight, survivability and haemato-biochemical indices of the birds were significantly improved (p&lt;0.05) in SGSBE treated groups. Moreover, five days consecutive treatment with SGSBE yielded better results. Research highlights: The aqueous S. gabonensis stem bark extract is relatively safe and possesses anti-coccidial efficacy against mixed Eimeria infections in broiler chickens

    Socio economic and health challenges of internally-displaced persons as a result of 2012 flooding in Nigeria

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    Displaced people are faced with over-crowded conditions in camps with children being the most vulnerable. This is because they are faced with myriad of challenges such as poor nutrition, breakdown of health infrastructure, disease epidemics, looting and violence. Others include unprotected sex especially when separated from their families. Displaced persons are prey to a host of diseases, most of which could be prevented. In this study the socio-economic and health impacts among internally displaced persons (IDPs) following floods in Nigeria were identified. Information on social, economic and health issues obtained from 432 household heads, nursing mothers and pregnant women from 17 IDP camps in three states was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Majority (58%) of IDPs had their occupation as farming and as a result of the flood, 299 (69.2%) people lost their means of livelihood with a concomitant decrease in income to a mean of $35.2. Victims’ nutrition was affected, resulting 63.3 % having less to eat. Though the major source of water to the IDPs before the flood was rivers/streams and wells, there was no statistical significance (p=0.99) between the major source of water to the community even when they had access to pipe-borne water after the disaster