51 research outputs found

    Modeling the effect of intercalators on the high-force stretching behavior of DNA

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    DNA is structurally and mechanically altered by the binding of intercalator molecules. Intercalation strongly affects the force-extension behavior of DNA, in particular the overstretching transition. We present a statistical model that captures all relevant findings of recent force-extension experiments. Two predictions from our model are presented. The first suggests the existence of a novel hyper-stretching regime in the presence of intercalators and the second, a linear dependence of the overstretching force on intercalator concentration, is verified by re-analyzing available experimental data. Our model pins down the physical principles that govern intercalated DNA mechanics, providing a predictive understanding of its limitations and possibilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    Direct imaging of intraflagellar-transport turnarounds reveals that motors detach, diffuse, and reattach to opposite-direction trains

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    Intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional intracellular transport mechanism in cilia, relies on the cooperation of kinesin-2 and IFTdynein motors. In Caenorhabditis elegans chemosensory cilia, motors undergo rapid turnarounds to effectively work together in driving IFT. Here, we push the envelope of fluorescence imaging to obtain insight into the underlyingmechanismofmotor turnarounds. We developed an alternating dual-color imaging system that allows simultaneous single-molecule imaging of kinesin-II turnarounds and ensemble imaging of IFT trains. This approach allowed direct visualization of motor detachment and reattachment during turnarounds and accordingly demonstrated that the turnarounds are actually single-motor switching between opposite-direction IFT trains rather than the behaviors of motors moving independently of IFT trains. We further improved the time resolution of single-motor imaging up to 30 ms to zoom into motor turnarounds, revealing diffusion during motor turnarounds, which unveils the mechanism of motor switching trains: Detach-diffuse-attach. The subsequent singlemolecule analysis of turnarounds unveiled location-dependent diffusion coefficients and diffusion times for both kinesin-2 and IFTdynein motors. From correlating the diffusion times with IFT train frequencies, we estimated that kinesins tend to attach to the next train passing in the opposite direction. IFT-dynein, however, diffuses longer and lets one or two trains pass before attaching. This might be a direct consequence of the lower diffusion coefficient of the larger IFT-dynein. Our results provide important insights into how motors can cooperate to drive intracellular transport

    Introduction to optical tweezers: Background, system designs, and commercial solutions

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    Optical tweezers are a means to manipulate objects with light. With the technique, microscopically small objects can be held and steered, while forces on the trapped objects can be accurately measured and exerted. Optical tweezers can typically obtain a nanometer spatial resolution, a picoNewton force resolution, and a millisecond time resolution, which makes them excellently suited to study biological processes from the single-cell down to the single-molecule level. In this chapter, we will provide an introduction on the use of optical tweezers in single-molecule approaches. We will introduce the basic principles and methodology involved in optical trapping, force calibration, and force measurements. Next we describe the components of an optical tweezers setup and their experimental relevance in single-molecule approaches. Finally, we provide a concise overview of commercial optical tweezers systems. Commercial systems are becoming increasingly available and provide access to single-molecule optical tweezers experiments without the need for a thorough background in physics
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