8 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Perlindungan Pantai Tanjung Nipah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Permasalahan yang terjadi pada wilayah pesisir Pantai Tanjung Nipah meliputi mundurnya garis pantai, sedimentasi pada Muara Sungai dan kerusakan konstruksi bangunan pengaman pantai eksisting berupa jetty. Permasalahan tersebut diakibatkan tingginya gelombang. Penyusunan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan dan merencanakan pengaman pantai yang tepat terhadap bahaya erosi dan pengendalian sedimentasi muara sungai di Pantai Tanjung Nipah. Wilayah pantai yang direncanakan yaitu sekitar 1,2 km termasuk area muara Sungai. Hasil analisis dari data angin yang diolah selama 23 tahun didapat angin dominan dari arah selatan dengan prosentase kejadian 29,43%. Tinggi gelombang pecah yang didapat dari gelombang representatif yaitu 0,6 m dan dari gelombang signifikan yaitu 2,1 m. Pengolahan data pasang surut menggunakan metode admiralty. Kemudian dilakukan pemodelan arus pantai dan pasang surut menggunakan aplikasi MIKE 21 Flow Model FM dan pemodelan Perubahan garis pantai menggunakan aplikasi GENESIS (Generalized Model For Simulating Shoreline Change). Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan dan pemodelan disimpulkan bahwa bangunan perlindungan pantai yang dipilih yaitu jetty dan breakwater. Jetty yang direncanakan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu pada sisi timur dengan kedalaman 0,8 m – 1,1 m dan 1,1 m – 1,8 m dan sisi barat dengan kedalaman 0,8 m – 1,1 m. Breakwater direncanakan total 5 buah dengan panjang masing-masing 50 m, jarak antar breakwater 100 m, dan jarak dari garis pantai 100 m

    Molecular Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia: MicroRNA Hypothesis

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    The discovery of micro RNA (miRNA) in 1993 by Ambros and colleagues has a huge influence in pathogenesis theory, diagnosis and treatment approach of some diseases. Some studies have conducted to seek the association alterations of miRNA expression to incidences and severity of preeclampsia (PE). We have reviewed some studies that conducted to seek the association of miRNA and PE and we discussed the role of various miRNAs in PE pathogenesis. In summary, we have shown that many researchers have given evident that the different placental and plasma miRNA expression is associated with PE. Some studies also identified the novel candidate of miRNAs (and their pathways) that may be of etiologic relevance in the pathogenesis of PE. Base on review, specific miRNA have a role to down regulate of anti apoptosis genes, regulate angiogenics growth factors such as angiogenin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) B (VEGF-β), cysteine-rich 61 (CYR61), Placental growth factor (PlGF) and VEGF-A that have a role in angiogenesis. miRNA also have a role in survival, migration, and capillary tube formation of HUVEC by targeted of c-kit. Some miRNAs target genes that participate in immunologic dysfunction, cell adhesion, cell cycle, and signaling. miRNA also have a roles in endothelial cell response to hypoxia, cell differentiation, and survival. A miRNA influence calcium signaling through negative regulations of the calmodulin-coding mRNAs, Mef2a and Gata4, mainly in smooth muscle cells that contribute to PE pathogenesis. These investigations provide novel targets for further investigation of the pathogenesis of PE and these differential miRNAs may be potential markers for the diagnosis and provide a potential therapeutic target for PE. Further investigations on posttranscriptional regulation in PE to evaluate biologic effects of identified miRNAs (including confirmations of miRNA and target gene interactions) are neede

    Analisis Kesulitan Pemahaman Konseptual Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal pada Materi Fisika di XI MIA 3 di MAN 2 Langsa

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    The research aims to determine the level of difficulty and differentiation of the exam on the middle semester of the subjects of the Physics class XI MIA 3 in MAN 2 Langsa. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that for the difficulty level was obtained 13 questions (43.33%) Easy, 17 questions (56.66%) Medium and 0 problem (0%) Difficult. The results of the analysis of the differentiator power about 10 questions (33.33%) Received, 16 questions (53.33%) Discarded and 4 questions (13.33%) Fixed. Overall about the middle semester exam of physics subjects in class XI MIA 3 in MAN 2 Langsa year 2018/2019 is categorized as a good question, because it has the largest percentage of difficulty level in the category of moderate problems, namely as many as 17 questions (56.66%) And the largest percentage of the differentiator's power in the category of questions received 10 questions (33.33%)

    Growth And Population Parameters Of Panulirus Penicillatus And Panulirus Homarus In Labangka Tidal Waters, Indonesia

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    HighlightUtilization, Growth, and Population of Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei Risso 1810) in Indian Ocean Southern Sumbawa (2020)Eligibility Status Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis Cantor, 1849) from Lombok Strait and Indian Ocean Southern Sumbawa (2020)Biological Aspect of Parent Candidate of White-spotted Rabbitfish (Siganus canaliculatus) from Serewe Bay, Lombok Timur District (2020)Study of Sustainability in Management of Malabar Blood Snapper Fisheries in the Indian Ocean Coastal Waters, Sumbawa Regency (2020)Growth Rate and Survivorship of Acropora sp. Fragments that Transplanted on the Artificial Substrate Made from Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (2020)Reproductive Biological Aspect of Panulirus penicillatus in Sumbawa Island Waters, Indonesia (2019)Fisheries Resource Status of Spiny Lobster Panulirus penicillatus in Labangka Waters, South Sumbawa, Indonesia (2019)Growth Rate of Acropora formosa Coral Fragments Transplanted on Different Composition of Faba Kerbstone Artificial Reef (2019)Agribusiness of Edible Jellyfish Crambione mastigophora in Saleh Bay, NTB: Implementation of Sustainable Fisheries (2019)AbstractThe Labangka tidal waters, located south of Sumbawa Regency are the habitat and potential fishing ground for lobsters. The dominant species caught by the Labangka fishermen are the Panulirus penicillatus and P. homarus. Fishing pressure is one of the greatest factor influencing the biological and stock condition of lobsters in Labangka. The aim of this study is to determine the key attributes in growth and population parameters. Some attributes whose values are relatively stable compared to that of 2015, consist of conditional factors such as (old age), growth pattern (hypoallometric), growth coefficient (slow growth), exploitation rate (overexploited), and fishing rate (excessive fishing). While, attributes that have improved are carapace length at first capture (CLc) longer than 50% carapace length of infinity (0.5CL∞) and CL rate (CLc/0.5CL∞) reaching more than 1.00 (CLR > 1.00). In implementing sustainable management of spiny lobster for fishery resources, improvisation is needed in place of catching technologies. One of the recommendation is to add more fishing vessel (Lboat > 17.0 m) equipped with engines that are able to reach potential fishing ground in the west waters of Cemplung beach, Labangka

    Book Chapter Pengantar Pasar Modal Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal Kabinet Radiant Universitas Siliwangi

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    Buku ini tidak lain adalah untuk membantu mengedukasikan pasar modal kepada generasi muda khususnya para mahasiswa baik di lingkungan kampus Universitas Siliwinagi maupun dari berbagai kalangan. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai perngertian dan tekhnik dasar di dalam pasar modal. Dengan buku ini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi regenerasi ilmu khususnya dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021 kepada generasi selanjutnya, dimana buku ini merupakan kolaborasi beberapa penulis dari Kabinet Radiant KSPM UNSIL 2021