1,787 research outputs found

    Gauge Theory of Composite Fermions: Particle-Flux Separation in Quantum Hall Systems

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    Fractionalization phenomenon of electrons in quantum Hall states is studied in terms of U(1) gauge theory. We focus on the Chern-Simons(CS) fermion description of the quantum Hall effect(QHE) at the filling factor ν=p/(2pq±1)\nu=p/(2pq\pm 1), and show that the successful composite-fermions(CF) theory of Jain acquires a solid theoretical basis, which we call particle-flux separation(PFS). PFS can be studied efficiently by a gauge theory and characterized as a deconfinement phenomenon in the corresponding gauge dynamics. The PFS takes place at low temperatures, TTPFST \leq T_{\rm PFS}, where each electron or CS fermion splinters off into two quasiparticles, a fermionic chargeon and a bosonic fluxon. The chargeon is nothing but Jain's CF, and the fluxon carries 2q2q units of CS fluxes. At sufficiently low temperatures TTBC(<TPFS)T \leq T_{\rm BC} (< T_{\rm PFS}), fluxons Bose-condense uniformly and (partly) cancel the external magnetic field, producing the correlation holes. This partial cancellation validates the mean-field theory in Jain's CF approach. FQHE takes place at T<TBCT < T_{\rm BC} as a joint effect of (i) integer QHE of chargeons under the residual field ΔB\Delta B and (ii) Bose condensation of fluxons. We calculate the phase-transition temperature TPFST_{\rm PFS} and the CF mass. PFS is a counterpart of the charge-spin separation in the t-J model of high-TcT_{\rm c} cuprates in which each electron dissociates into holon and spinon. Quasiexcitations and resistivity in the PFS state are also studied. The resistivity is just the sum of contributions of chargeons and fluxons, and ρxx\rho_{xx} changes its behavior at T=TPFST = T_{\rm PFS}, reflecting the change of quasiparticles from chargeons and fluxons at T<TPFST < T_{\rm PFS} to electrons at TPFS<TT_{\rm PFS} < T.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Gas pressure sintering of Beta-Sialon with Z=3

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    An experiment conducted on beta-sialon in atmospheric pressure, using a temperature of 2000 C and 4 MPa nitrogen atmosphere, is described. Thermal decomposition was inhibited by the increase of the nitrogen gas pressure

    Instanton correlators and phase transitions in two- and three-dimensional logarithmic plasmas

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    The existence of a discontinuity in the inverse dielectric constant of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas is demonstrated on purely numerical grounds. This is done by expanding the free energy in an applied twist and performing a finite-size scaling analysis of the coefficients of higher-order terms. The phase transition, driven by unbinding of dipoles, corresponds to the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model. The method developed is also used for investigating the possibility of a Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in a three-dimensional system of point charges interacting with a logarithmic pair-potential, a system related to effective theories of low-dimensional strongly correlated systems. We also contrast the finite-size scaling of the fluctuations of the dipole moments of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas and the three-dimensional logarithmic system to those of the three-dimensional Coulomb gas.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Wall and Anti-Wall in the Randall-Sundrum Model and A New Infrared Regularization

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    An approach to find the field equation solution of the Randall-Sundrum model with the S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 extra axis is presented. We closely examine the infrared singularity. The vacuum is set by the 5 dimensional Higgs field. Both the domain-wall and the anti-domain-wall naturally appear, at the {\it ends} of the extra compact axis, by taking a {\it new infrared regularization}. The stability is guaranteed from the outset by the kink boundary condition. A {\it continuous} (infrared-)regularized solution, which is a truncated {\it Fourier series} of a {\it discontinuous} solution, is utilized.The ultraviolet-infrared relation appears in the regularized solution.Comment: 36 pages, 29 eps figure file

    Temperature in Fermion Systems and the Chiral Fermion Determinant

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    We give an interpretation to the issue of the chiral determinant in the heat-kernel approach. The extra dimension (5-th dimension) is interpreted as (inverse) temperature. The 1+4 dim Dirac equation is naturally derived by the Wick rotation for the temperature. In order to define a ``good'' temperature, we choose those solutions of the Dirac equation which propagate in a fixed direction in the extra coordinate. This choice fixes the regularization of the fermion determinant. The 1+4 dimensional Dirac mass (MM) is naturally introduced and the relation: |4 dim electron momentum| \ll M|M| \ll ultraviolet cut-off, naturally appears. The chiral anomaly is explicitly derived for the 2 dim Abelian model. Typically two different regularizations appear depending on the choice of propagators. One corresponds to the chiral theory, the other to the non-chiral (hermitian) theory.Comment: 24 pages, some figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.