337 research outputs found

    The Energy of a Plasma in the Classical Limit

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    When \lambda_{T} << d_{T}, where \lambda_{T} is the de Broglie wavelength and d_{T}, the distance of closest approach of thermal electrons, a classical analysis of the energy of a plasma can be made. In all the classical analysis made until now, it was assumed that the frequency of the fluctuations \omega << T (k_{B}=\hbar=1). Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we evaluate the energy of a plasma, allowing the frequency of the fluctuations to be arbitrary. We find that the energy density is appreciably larger than previously thought for many interesting plasmas, such as the plasma of the Universe before the recombination era.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Vlasov Equation In Magnetic Field

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    The linearized Vlasov equation for a plasma system in a uniform magnetic field and the corresponding linear Vlasov operator are studied. The spectrum and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the Vlasov operator are found. The spectrum of this operator consists of two parts: one is continuous and real; the other is discrete and complex. Interestingly, the real eigenvalues are infinitely degenerate, which causes difficulty solving this initial value problem by using the conventional eigenfunction expansion method. Finally, the Vlasov equation is solved by the resolvent method.Comment: 15 page

    On the Ground State of Electron Gases at Negative Compressibility

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    Two- and three-dimensional electron gases with a uniform neutralizing background are studied at negative compressibility. Parametrized expressions for the dielectric function are used to access this strong-coupling regime, where the screened Coulomb potential becomes overall attractive for like charges. Closely examining these expressions reveals that the ground state with a periodic modulation of the charge density, albeit exponentially damped, replaces the homogeneous one at positive compressibility. The wavevector characterizing the new ground state depends on the density and is complex, having a positive imaginary part, as does the homogeneous ground state, and real part, as does the genuine charge density wave.Comment: 6 double-column pages, 2 figures. 2nd version is an extension of the 1st one, giving more detail

    Theory of spin and charge fluctuations in the Hubbard model

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    A self-consistent theory of both spin and charge fluctuations in the Hubbard model is presented. It is in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo data at least up to intermediate coupling (U8t)(U\sim 8t). It includes both short-wavelength quantum renormalization effects, and long-wavelength thermal fluctuations which can destroy long-range order in two dimensions. This last effect leads to a small energy scale, as often observed in high temperature superconductors. The theory is conserving, satisfies the Pauli principle and includes three-particle correlations necessary to account for the incipient Mott transition.Comment: J1K 2R1 10 pages, Revtex 3.0, 4 uuencoded postscript figures, report# CRPS-93-4

    Application of a new screening model to thermonuclear reactions of the rp process

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    A new screening model for astrophysical thermonuclear reactions was derived recently which improved Salpeter's weak-screening one. In the present work we prove that the new model can also give very reliable screening enhancement factors (SEFs) when applied to the rp process. According to the results of the new model, which agree well with Mitler's SEFs, the screened rp reaction rates can be, at most, twice as fast as the unscreened ones.Comment: 8 RevTex pages + 7 ps figures. (Revised version). Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Neutrino Trapping in a Supernova and Ion Screening

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    Neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering is reduced in dense matter because of correlations between ions. The static structure factor for a plasma of electrons and ions is calculated from Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized with a least squares fit. Our results imply a large increase in the neutrino mean free path. This strongly limits the trapping of neutrinos in a supernova by coherent neutral current interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 postscript figure using epsf.st

    Polarizational stopping power of heavy-ion diclusters in two-dimensional electron liquids

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    The in-plane polarizational stopping power of heavy-ion diclusters in a two-dimensional strongly coupled electron liquid is studied. Analytical expressions for the stopping power of both fast and slow projectiles are derived. To go beyond the random-phase approximation we make use of the inverse dielectric function obtained by means of the method of moments and some recent analytical expressions for the static local-field correction factor.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Published in Physical Review B http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v75/e11510

    Effective dynamics of a nonabelian plasma out of equilibrium

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    Starting from kinetic theory, we obtain a nonlinear dissipative formalism describing the nonequilibrium evolution of scalar colored particles coupled selfconsistently to nonabelian classical gauge fields. The link between the one-particle distribution function of the kinetic description and the variables of the effective theory is determined by extremizing the entropy production. This method does not rely on the usual gradient expansion in fluid dynamic variables, and therefore the resulting effective theory can handle situations where these gradients (and hence the momentum-space anisotropies) are expected to be large. The formalism presented here, being computationally less demanding than kinetic theory, may be useful as a simplified model of the dynamics of color fields during the early stages of heavy ion collisions and in phenomena related to parton energy loss.Comment: 20 two-column pages, 2 figures. v3: minor changes. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Stationary Velocity and Charge Distributions of Grains in Dusty Plasmas

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    Within the kinetic approach velocity and charge distributions of grains in stationary dusty plasmas are calculated and the relations between the effective temperatures of such distributions and plasma parameters are established. It is found that the effective temperature which determines the velocity grain distribution could be anomalously large due to the action of accelerating ionic bombarding force. The possibility to apply the results obtained to the explanation of the increasing grain temperature in the course of the Coulomb-crystal melting by reduction of the gas pressure is discussed. This paper was received by Phys.Rev.Lett. on 11 August 1999. As potential referees the authors offered to Editor the following persons: V.N.Tsytovich, Russia; R.Bingham, UK; D.Resendes, Portugal; G.Morfill, P.Shukla, Y.M.Yu., Germany.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Collective and static properties of model two-component plasmas

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    Classical MD data on the charge-charge dynamic structure factor of two-component plasmas (TCP) modeled in Phys. Rev. A 23, 2041 (1981) are analyzed using the sum rules and other exact relations. The convergent power moments of the imaginary part of the model system dielectric function are expressed in terms of its partial static structure factors, which are computed by the method of hypernetted chains using the Deutsch effective potential. High-frequency asymptotic behavior of the dielectric function is specified to include the effects of inverse bremsstrahlung. The agreement with the MD data is improved, and important statistical characteristics of the model TCP, such as the probability to find both electron and ion at one point, are determined.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Published in Physical Review E http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v76/e02640