833 research outputs found

    Osmium Vapor Pretreatment of Gnomonia Infected Leaves

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    A study was conducted to determine if pretreatment with osmium tetroxide (OsO4) vapor prior to the conventional preparation procedure would increase the retention of fungal structures on leaf surfaces as observed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Leaves of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) were inoculated with conidia of Gnomoma lepfostyla (Fr.) Ces. and de Not., the etiological agent that causes anthracnose of walnut. Following lesion development, leaves were either conventionally prepared with immersion in fixative, ethanol and critical-point dried or vapor-fixed with OsO4 before conventional specimen preparation. Data indicate that significantly more fungal structures were present on OsO4 vapor-fixed leaf samples than on conventionally prepared samples

    A Complex Network Approach to Topographical Connections

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    The neuronal networks in the mammals cortex are characterized by the coexistence of hierarchy, modularity, short and long range interactions, spatial correlations, and topographical connections. Particularly interesting, the latter type of organization implies special demands on the evolutionary and ontogenetic systems in order to achieve precise maps preserving spatial adjacencies, even at the expense of isometry. Although object of intensive biological research, the elucidation of the main anatomic-functional purposes of the ubiquitous topographical connections in the mammals brain remains an elusive issue. The present work reports on how recent results from complex network formalism can be used to quantify and model the effect of topographical connections between neuronal cells over a number of relevant network properties such as connectivity, adjacency, and information broadcasting. While the topographical mapping between two cortical modules are achieved by connecting nearest cells from each module, three kinds of network models are adopted for implementing intracortical connections (ICC), including random, preferential-attachment, and short-range networks. It is shown that, though spatially uniform and simple, topographical connections between modules can lead to major changes in the network properties, fostering more effective intercommunication between the involved neuronal cells and modules. The possible implications of such effects on cortical operation are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Excitonic Effects and Optical Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Many-electron effects often dramatically modify the properties of reduced dimensional systems. We report calculations, based on an many-electron Green's function approach, of electron-hole interaction effects on the optical spectra of small-diameter single-walled carbon nanotubes. Excitonic effects qualitatively alter the optical spectra of both semiconducting and metallic tubes. Excitons are bound by ~ 1 eV in the semiconducting (8,0) tube and by ~ 100 meV in the metallic (3,3) tube. These large many-electron effects explain the discrepancies between previous theories and experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Four projection streams from primate V1 to the cytochrome oxidase stripes of V2

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    In the primate visual system, areas V1 and V2 distribute information they receive from the retina to all higher cortical areas, sorting this information into dorsal and ventral streams. Therefore, knowledge of the organization of projections between V1 and V2 is crucial to understand how the cortex processes visual information. In primates, parallel output pathways from V1 project to distinct V2 stripes. The traditional tripartite division of V1-to-V2 projections was recently replaced by a bipartite scheme, in which thin stripes receive V1 inputs from blob columns, and thick and pale stripes receive common input from interblob columns. Here, we demonstrate that thick and pale stripes, instead, receive spatially segregated V1 inputs and that the interblob is partitioned into two compartments: the middle of the interblob projecting to pale stripes and the blob/interblob border region projecting to thick stripes. Double-labeling experiments further demonstrate that V1 cells project to either thick or pale stripes, but rarely to both. We also find laminar specialization of V1 outputs, with layer 4B contributing projections mainly to thick stripes, and no projections to one set of pale stripes. These laminar differences suggest different contribution of magno, parvo, and konio inputs to each V1 output pathway. These results provide a new foundation for parallel processing models of the visual system by demonstrating four V1-to-V2 pathways: blob columns-to-thin stripes, blob/interblob border columns-to-thick stripes, interblob columns-to-pale(lateral) stripes, layer 2/3– 4A interblobs-to-pale(medial) stripes

    Theory of optical transitions in graphene nanoribbons

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    Matrix elements of electron-light interactions for armchair and zigzag graphene nanoribbons are constructed analytically using a tight-binding model. The changes in wavenumber (Δn\Delta n) and pseudospin are the necessary elements if we are to understand the optical selection rule. It is shown that an incident light with a specific polarization and energy, induces an indirect transition (Δn=±1\Delta n=\pm1), which results in a characteristic peak in absorption spectra. Such a peak provides evidence that the electron standing wave is formed by multiple reflections at both edges of a ribbon. It is also suggested that the absorption of low-energy light is sensitive to the position of the Fermi energy, direction of light polarization, and irregularities in the edge. The effect of depolarization on the absorption peak is briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Oscillator Strength of Metallic Carbon Nanotubes

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    Based on the tight binding method with hopping integral between the nearest-neighbor atoms, an oscillator strength \int_0^{\infty} \d \omega {\rm Re} \sigma (\omega) is discussed for armchair and metallic zigzag carbon nanotubes. The formulae of the oscillator strength are derived for both types of nanotubes and are compared with the result obtained by a linear chain model. In addition, the doping dependence is investigated in the absence of Coulomb interaction. It is shown that the oscillator strength of each carbon nanotube shows qualitatively the same doping dependence, but the fine structure is different due to it's own peculiar band structure. Some relations independent of the radius of the tube are derived, and a useful formula for determining the amount of doping is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. at June 30, 200


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    We have performed femtosecond reflectivity ∆R/R and transmissivity ∆T /T measurements in Nd 2 CuO 4 thin film at 80 and 300 K. We have derived time variations of ∆ and ∆ from transient data of ∆R/R and ∆T /T . Assuming a Lorentz oscillator model consisting of three oscillators, we obtain spectra of the real part and imaginary part of dielectric function from the measured reflectivity and absorption spectra in the visible-uv region. The absorption bands in the visible region are assigned to in-plane charge-transfer (CT) excitations, and relaxation times of CT excitations are found to be 0.6 and 1.0 ps

    Chlorotetracycline As An Indicator Of The Interaction Of Calcium With Brain Membrane Fractions

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    The fluorescence of chlorotetracycline (CTC) in the presence of synaptosomes isolated from sheep brain is selectively increased by Ca2+ under conditions in which Mg2+, Na+, K+, Li+ or choline have only a small effect. The monovalent cations release bound Ca2+ from synaptosomes, and this effect is reflected by a decrease in the CTC fluorescence. Under optimal conditions there is a near parallelism between Ca2+ and CTC binding to the synaptosomes membranes, and Li+ is the monovalent cation tested which interferes the most with the binding of both substances. These results obtained in a predominantly sucrose medium become less distinct when media simulating physiological composition are utilized, which limits the usefulness of the method. Brain mitochondria and myelin also bind Ca2+ and CTC. The ratio of the fluorescence signal (or CTC bound) to Ca2+ bound is highest of all for mitochondrial membranes, and the apparent fluorescence quantum yield of CTC is also the highest in these membranes, which suggests that the Ca2+ in these membranes is localized in a more apolar region than is the case for synaptosomes and myelin
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