24 research outputs found

    Does pleural tuberculosis disease pattern differ among developed and developing countries

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    SummaryBackground: A number of reports from developed countries have documented a rising age at which pleural tuberculosis occurs and increase in the frequency of reactivation disease being as the main cause of pleural involvement.Objective: To determine the age at which pleural tuberculosis occurs, study its clinical pattern, and to determine whether pleural tuberculosis is a result of reactivation of pulmonary tuberculosis or it is a primary one comparing our findings with results from developed countries.Method: Retrospective study of 100 cases discharged from Hamad General Hospital with the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis from January 1996 to December 2002.Results: Pleural tuberculosis tends to affect younger age groups (84% are below the age of 45 years, with mean age of 31.5). The disease tends to be mostly a primary infection. Fever is the most common symptom (90%) and the disease is usually an acute or sub acute one. Weight loss precedes other symptoms. Exudative pleural effusion with predominant lymphocytosis is characteristic. Majority of patients have no predisposing conditions for the disease.Conclusion: In contrast to what has been reported in some developed countries, Pleural tuberculosis tends to be a primary disease in the present study. Younger age groups are particularly affected

    Recent advances and controversies in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    Since its introduction more than four and half decades ago, the science of cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been enriched with a significant amount of scientific evidence. This in turn has led to the birth of new evidence based guidelines for resuscitation published by the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association in late 2005. This article aims to review the recent advances and controversies in the science of resuscitation

    Patterns of Cancer Incidence Among the Population of Qatar: A Worldwide Comparative Study

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    Background: Cancer is a major public health problem all over the world. Monitoring the evolution of the cancer burden in the State of Qatar is of great value but has never been explored in depth. Aims: The aim of the study was to determine the incidence patterns of cancer cases, assess trends during the period 1991-2006 and make comparisons with other countries. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study based on the Cancer disease registry of Al Amal Cancer hospital, State of Qatar, from 1991-2006. All Qataris and non-Qataris, males and females, who were diagnosed with any type of cancer were included in this study. The diagnostic classification of definite cancer cases was made according to the International Classification of Disease 10th revision (ICD-10). Results: A total of 5,825 cancer cases were registered in Qatar during the period 1991-2006 with 56.7% in males and 43.3% in females, 35.6% in Qataris and 64.4% in non-Qataris. Incidence rates per 100,000 population showed that lung (5.9), lymph node (5.9), bone marrow (4.1) and connective tissue (3.9) were the top major cancers in men. In women, breast (30.1), genital organs (9), lymph node (6.8), rectum (6.1) and thyroid (5.7) cancers were the leading cancers. There was a sharp rise in the total number of cancer cases during the period 2002-2006 of 57.1% compared to the period 1991-1996. The incidence rate of cancer cases increased with increasing age in all cancer types except for breast cancer in women above 65 years old. During the study period, the five most common cancers among women were different from those in men. The incidence rate per 100,000 population of all cancer types in Qatar (63.1) was remarkably lower than the other Middle East countries and the UK. Conclusions: Cancer is an important public health problem in Qatar, with increase in incidence with age. Incidence rates of all cancers were higher across all age groups of women compared to men. Lung cancer was the most frequent cancer diagnosed in men and breast cancer in women. More epidemiological studies are now required to elucidate the patterns of cancer and related risk factors

    فلسفة الوسطية: دراسة مقارنة بين الفكر اليوناني والفكر الإسلامي

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    تعد فلسفة أمة من الأمم روحها التي تسير في مجاري دماغ كل فرد من أفرادها. ومن هذا المنطلق، فقد أصبح من الضروري على أفراد تلك الأمة أن يتعرفوا على حقيقة تلك الفلسفة، خصائصها ومميزاتها محددين اتجاهاتها وفاعليتها في ضمان بقائها و ازدهارها. وهذا المعنى ينطبق على ظاهرة ممارستنا لفلسفة الوسطية، فلماذا نختلف في تحديد مدلوليتها؟ وهل أفراد الأمة على وعي تام بفعالية هذه الفلسفة؟ ومن هذا المنطلق، تحاول هذه الدراسة إجراء مقارنة بين فكرتين لفلسفة الوسطية، هما اليونانية والإسلامية، لمعرفة مدى تأثر الفلاسفة المسلمين بالفلسفة اليونانية في تبنيهم لفكرة الوسطية. وهذه المحاولة تؤدي إلى معرفة وجوه التأثير والتأثر بين الثقافتين اليونانية والإسلامية من جانب، ومعرفة علاقة الحكمة والفضيلة بفكرة الوسطية من جانب آخر

    الحذف في ترجمة دبلجة الفيلم السينمائي "أسد الصحراء" عمر المختار Omission in the dubbing of the movie “Lion of the desert” ʿUmar Al-Mukhtār

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الدبلجة التي تصنف ضمن الأنواع الأكثر شهرةً بين أنواع الترجمة السمعية البصرية، والتي يقصد بها تركيب صوت جديد على الصوت القديم؛ سواء كان بلغة مختلفة أم باللغة نفسها؛ على أن يتم ذلك وفق شروط تتعلق بضرورة المحافظة على طول الجمل والمدة التي يستغرقها النطق بها، ومزامنة الكلام الجديد مع حركات شفاه المتكلمين الأصليين. واعتمد البحث في جانبه التطبيقي على فيلم "أسد الصحراء" الذي أنتج بالإنجليزية ودبلج إلى العربية بعنوان (عمر المختار). ومن خلال المنهج الوصفي التحليلي قدم الباحثان وصفاً نظرياً لظاهرة الدبلجة، ولأسلوب الحذف في الترجمة، وانتقيا (6) نماذج للحذف على مستوى الكلمة وردت في الفيلم على لسان أبطاله، وتناولا دبلجتها بالتحليل لتحديد ما إذا كانت عمليات الحذف تؤدي في النهاية إلى نقل المعنى المراد من النص الأصلي، وإلى تحقق التزامن بين الصوت والصورة. وقد تبين من الدراسة أن عمليات الحذف التي أُجريت لم تغير في الواقع من المحتوى الكلي للرسالة التي يتضمنها النص الأصلي، ولم تضف إلى محتواها الدلالي؛ وإنما أسهمت في نقل المعاني، وإيصال المعلومات إلى لغة المتلقي بأسلوب أوضح، كما تبين أن مبدأ التزامن قد تحقق في معظم النماذج التي تم تحليلها؛ فجاءت العبارات المدبلجة متزامنة في المدة التي قيلت فيها مع العبارات الأصلية، ومتسقة مع حركات شفاه الممثلين، وإشاراتهم الجسدية. الكلمات المفتاحية: الحذف، الترجمة، الدبلجة، الفيلم السينمائي، فيلم أسد الصحراء. This paper aims at highlighting on the dubbing process that is categorized as one of the most popular types of the audio-visual translation. It is a process of substituting the original script with the new voice either with a different language or with the same source text. Dubbing needs to preserve the length of the sentences and the time needed to complete the expression. It needs also to be synchronized with the movements of the lips of the original actors. The study focuses on the film ‘Lion of the desert’ which was originally produced in English and translated into Arabic with the new title ʿŪmar Mukhtār. Through descriptive analytical study the two writers present a theoretical description for dubbing and the method of omission in translation. 6 samples were extracted on the levels of words spoken by the original actors. They were analyzed to determine whether the dubbing manage to translate the original intended meaning or not and whether the synchronization between the visual and audio. It is observed from the study that the omissions that were done did not change the content of the original texts and the synchronization between the visual and the audio. It did not add new things to its semantic content. Rather, it helps to convey the content in a clearer manner. Synchronization was also achieved in most of the samples that were analyzed. The dubbed expressions were synchronous with the original script and movements of the lips of the actors as well as their body language. Keywords: Omission, Translation, Dubbing, Cinematic film, Lion of the Desert

    Acute myelopathy with sudden paraplegia as the sole manifestation of meningococcal meningitis

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    Acute myelopathy with sudden paraplegia is a very rare manifestation of meningococcal meningitis, with only a few cases reported in the literature. In almost all previously reported cases, other clinical manifestations of meningitis, such as fever, headache, and neck stiffness preceded acute myelopathy. In this paper, we report a case of acute myelopathy with sudden paraplegia as the sole manifestation of meningococcal meningitis, in the absence of other clinical manifestations of meningitis

    Assessing Breast Cancer Risk Estimates Based on the Gail Model and Its Predictors in Qatari Women

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    Background: The Gail model is the most widely used breast cancer risk assessment tool. An accurate assessment of individual’s breast cancer risk is very important for prevention of the disease and for the health care providers to make decision on taking chemoprevention for high-risk women in clinical practice in Qatar. Aim: To assess the breast cancer risk among Arab women population in Qatar using the Gail model and provide a global comparison of risk assessment. Subjects and Methods: In this cross-sectional study of 1488 women (aged 35 years and older), we used the Gail Risk Assessment Tool to assess the risk of developing breast cancer. Sociodemographic features such as age, lifestyle habits, body mass index, breast-feeding duration, consanguinity among parents, and family history of breast cancer were considered as possible risks. Results: The mean age of the study population was 47.8 ± 10.8 years. Qatari women and Arab women constituted 64.7% and 35.3% of the study population, respectively. The mean 5-year and lifetime breast cancer risks were 1.12 ± 0.52 and 10.57 ± 3.1, respectively. Consanguineous marriage among parents was seen in 30.6% of participants. We found a relationship between the 5-year and lifetime risks of breast cancer and variables such as age, age at menarche, gravidity, parity, body mass index, family history of cancer, menopause age, occupation, and level of education. The linear regression analysis identified the predictors for breast cancer in women such as age, age at menarche, age of first birth, family history and age of menopausal were considered the strong predictors and significant contributing risk factors for breast cancer after adjusting for ethnicity, parity and other variables. Conclusion: The current study is the first to evaluate the performance of the Gail model for Arab women population in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Gail model is an appropriate breast cancer risk assessment tool for female population in Qatar