76 research outputs found

    Image of Nursing Profession as Perceived by Egyptian and Jordanian Undergraduate Male Nursing Students: A Comparative Study

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    The hiring and maintaining of male nurses in the nursing field is a very apparent issue nowadays. Hence, there is an urgent need to promote a professional nursing image and enhance its standing in the community, especially for men. Although they have an important position in nursing, men are still proportionately in the minority. This study aimed to explore and compare the perceptions of undergraduate male nursing students regarding the image of the Nursing Profession in the two different Arabian countries of Egypt and Jordan. The study was conducted at two governmental nursing faculties; Alexandria University in Egypt and Jordan University in Jordan. The study subjects were all undergraduate male nursing students who enrolled in the fourth academic year, from the previous mentioned colleges, forty one students from Egypt and one hundred from Jordan. The Nursing Image, as a profession questionnaire (NIPQ), was used for data collection. Based on the analysis of the subject's responses, the results revealed that there is a significant positive perception as regards the image of nursing profession among both Egyptian and Jordanian male nursing students in relation to the description of the profession, societal view, benefits of the nursing profession and view of self satisfaction in nursing. The clinical instructor and the relationship with the medical staff are the apparent perceived enhancing factors, while the public view is the major perceived inhibiting factor regarding the image of the profession. The highest percentage of both study subjects ranked the nursing profession in the second position after the medical profession and agreed that they faced several problems in being a male nurse such as: assuming some obstetric nursing practices, lack of specific job title, embarrassment while explaining a sensitive topic with female patients and the refusal of the presence of male nurses in female wards. Conclusion: Egyptian and Jordanian male students have approximately a similar positive perception towards the image of the nursing profession. The worth of the nursing profession have been understood more than in past decades, even though they are exposed to some clinical problems in assuming their role as male nurses. Key words: Male nurse, Perception, Nursing students, Nursing image, Nursing profession.  

    Effect of the granular size on the zeolite content in the natural zeolite ores

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      Natural zeolite which named TS-14 from Tel- Asis area in Syria has beenstudied. The sample was crashed under fixed force, 5kg/cm2 and sieved with differentsizesieves. The product was divided to five samples with different size, andnamedTS-14-1,<0.125mm, TS-14-2, 0.125-0.3mm, TS-14-3, 0.3-0.6mm, TS-14-4, 0.6-85mm, TS-14-5, 0.85-1.4mm. The specific surface area was calculated. The maximum specific surface area was 84.6m2/g for the first sample which has minimum size, then the value of surface area decreases to become 54.2m2/g for the second sample, therefore the value of surface area increases for third and fourthsamples to became 60.3m2/g and 66.3m2/g, respectively. The adsorption of the Ni(II) ions was studied using the samples. The capacity of the samples is increasing when the granule size is increasing, and the maximum capacity was 91.7mg/g as Ni(II) ions for last sample. The adsorption process of Ni(II) ions takes place on the heterogeneous centers.

    The Mediating Effect of Blockchain Technology on the Cryptocurrency Purchase Intention

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    Cryptocurrencies, enabling secure digital asset transfers without a central authority, are experiencing increasing interest. With the increasing number of global and Turkish investors, it is evident that interest in digital assets will continue to rise sustainably, even in the face of financial fluctuations. However, it remains uncertain whether consumers perceive blockchain technology's ease of use and usefulness when purchasing cryptocurrencies. This study aims to explain blockchain technology's perceived ease of use and usefulness in cryptocurrency purchases by considering factors such as quality customer service, reduced costs, efficiency, and reliability. To achieve this goal, data were obtained from 463 participants interested in cryptocurrencies in different regions of Turkey. The data were analyzed using SPSS Process Macro programs. The analysis results indicate that perceived ease of use and usefulness mediate the effects of customer service and reduced costs, efficiency, and security on purchase intention

    Is decreased bone mineral density associated with development of scoliosis? A bipedal osteopenic rat model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An association between adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and osteopenia has been proposed to exist. It is still not clear whether there is such an association and if so, whether osteopenia is a causative factor or a consequence. Our previous pilot studies have suggested the presence of osteopenia in scoliotic animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the development of scoliosis in an unpinealectomized bipedal osteopenic rat model, implementing osteoporosis as a causative factor.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifty Sprague-Dawley rats were rendered bipedal at the 3<sup>rd </sup>postnatal week and separated into control (25 rats) and heparin (25 rats receiving 1 IU/gr body weight/day) groups. DEXA scans after 4 weeks of heparin administration showed low bone mass in the heparin group. Anteroposterior and lateral x-rays of the surviving 42 animals (19 in heparin and 23 in control groups) were taken under anesthesia at the 40<sup>th </sup>week to evaluate for spinal deformity. Additional histomorphometric analysis was done on spine specimens to confirm the low bone mass in heparin receiving animals. Results of the DEXA scans, histomorphometric analysis and radiological data were compared between the groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bone mineral densities of rats in the heparin group were significantly lower than the control group as evidenced by both the DEXA scans and histomorphometric analyses. However, the incidence of scoliosis (82% in heparin and 65% in control; p > 0.05) as well as the curve magnitudes (12.1 ± 3.8 in heparin versus 10.1 ± 4.3 degrees in control; p > 0.05) were not significantly different. Osteopenic rats were significantly less kyphotic compared to control specimens (p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study has revealed two important findings. One is that bipedality (in the absence of pinealectomy) by itself may be a cause of scoliosis in this animal model. Further studies on animal models need to consider bipedality as an independent factor. Secondly, relative hypokyphosis in osteopenic animals may have important implications. The absence of sagittal plane analyses in previous studies makes comparison impossible, but nonetheless these findings suggest that osteopenia may be important in the development of 3D deformity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.</p

    Les Mille et une nuits dans le cinéma arabe

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    Arabic Editions And Bibliography

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    Notes sur la poésie de Sûl et Shumûl

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    International audienceThis article is a concordance for the Sûl and Shumûl poems, followed by a few remarks about these poems

    Les Mille et une nuits dans le cinéma arabe

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    La bibliothèque arabe des Mille et une nuits : les vestiges de la tradition arabe

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    International audienceThe Arabic Sources of the Thousand and One Nights« La bibliothèque arabe des Mille et une nuits : les vestiges de la tradition arabe », dans Catalogue de l’exposition « Les Mille et une nuits » à l’Institut du monde arabe, éds. Élodie Bouffard et Anne-Alexandra Joyard, Paris : Hazan, pp. 43-47, 2012

    L’intertextualité dans les nouvelles de Zakariyya Tamir

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