396 research outputs found

    Multiple Salinity Equilibria and Resilience of Persian/Arabian Gulf Basin Salinity to Brine Discharge

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    The Persian/Arabian Gulf is the most important region for seawater desalination. Surrounding countries produce about 50% of global desalinated seawater. If Gulf salinity significantly rises because of desalination effluent (brine), marine ecosystems and the water supply for many population centers will be threatened. In order to quantify current and future impacts of seawater desalination on Gulf salinity and avoid costly environmental problems, it is vital to first examine the present Gulf salinity state and its response to salinity perturbation (i.e., determine its stability). Here, using a coupled Gulf-Atmosphere numerical climate model, we test the hypothesis that the Gulf has a single stable equilibrium state under the current climate. Simulations with different initializations under identical external forcing show that the natural coupled Gulf-Atmosphere system may exhibit a mixture of unstable and stable equilibrium salinity states. When continuous salinity perturbation is added to the simulations, results show that the present Gulf equilibrium state, characterized by annual mean basin-average salinity of about 40.5 g/kg, is stable. We conclude that Gulf basin salinity is resilient to present brine discharge activities under the current climate

    Insect and vertebrate pests associated with cultivated field pea (Pisum Sativum linn) in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

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    Pisum sativum commonly called field pea (Family; Fabaceae). The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and identify pests of field pea in major growing areas of Nigeria. The larval stages of the insect were collected from different field pea farms in Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria (Shika dam, Katanga and Zangon Danbarno, Sabuwa, Rapiyan fan in Barkin Ladi and Razek fan). The percentage incidence of pest’s infestation was calculated for each sampling location. Identification of the pests was done using identification keys. Shika dam has the highest percentage incidence of insects with 60 % followed by Katanga, Zangon Danbarno and Rapiyam fan with 20 % while Razek fan has 15 %. Sabuwa has the least with 10 %. A total of six insect pests were identified from the six different sampling locations (Spodoptera exigua Hwan, Spodoptera exempta Walk, Heliocoverpa armigera Hubn, Etiella zinckenella Trerischk, Tetranychus urticae and Caliothrips sp.) and one mammal (Rattus sp.). All the insect pests are more devastating at seedling stage; however, Tetranychus sp. and Caliothrips sp. proceed up to podding stage. Farmers are advised to practice sole cropping and avoid intercropping with susceptible hosts. Keywords: Pisum sativum, Pest

    Simulation of Single Stage Cascode Low Noise Amplifier at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network

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    This paper presents a 5.8 GHz single stage cascode low noise amplifier using T-matching techniques for IEEE 802.16 standard. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 17.21dB and noise figure (NF) at 0.845dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -12.71dB and -15.52dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    The Cascode and Cascaded Techniques LNA at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network for WiMAX Applications

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    This project presents the cascode and cascaded techniques LNA at 5.8GHz using T-matching network applicable for worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WIMAX) application. The amplifier uses FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The LNA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump element reactive element at the input and the output terminal. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 52.4dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.3dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -19.71dB and -10.07dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1.24GHz. The input sensitivity is compliant with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    Design of LNA at 5.8GHz with Cascode and Cascaded Techniques Using T-Matching Network for WiMAX Applications

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    This project presents a 5.8 GHz Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) design with cascode and cascaded techniques using T-matching network applicable for IEEE 802.16 standard.The amplifier uses the FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is done by using the Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produces a gain of 53.4dB and noise figure (NF) of 1.2dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -24.3dB and -23.9dB respectively. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    High Gain of Cascode LNA at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network for wireless Applications

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    This paper presents a design of high gain single stage cascode low noise amplifier (LNA), which operates at 5.8GHz frequency for WIMAX application. The LNA design used T-Matching network consisting of lump reactive element at input and output matching. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. A cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 19.52dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.195dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -18.86dB and -19.49dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards. The LNA used FHX76LP low noise SuperHEMT FET transistor from Eudyna Inc

    Low Noise Amplifier at 5.8GHz with Cascode and Cascaded Techniques Using T-Matching Network for Wireless Applications

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    This paper present a 5.8 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) design with cascode and cascaded techniques using T-matching network applicable for IEEE 802.16 standard. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 36.52dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.2dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -21.1dB and -27.7dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    High Gain, Low Noise Cascode LNA Using T-Matching Network for Wireless Applications

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    This paper presents a high gain, low noise Cascoded LNA using T-matching network applicable for wireless applications. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The LNA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump reactive element at the input and the output terminal. The cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 18.5 dB and noise figure (NF) of 1.30 dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -11.5 dB and -12.3 dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier recorded is 1.4 GHz.The input sensitivity is compliant with the IEEE 802.16 standards


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhpemberian ekstrak kunyit peroral dan penambahan onggok fermentasi pada ransum terhadap performans hematologi dan kadar metabolit lemak darah ayam broiler. Materi penelitian adalah ayam broiler strain Lohman umur 2 minggu sebanyak 96 ekor rataan bobot awal385±63,93 gram. Ransum jadi BR1 untuk periode starterdan BR2 untuk periode finisher. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap faktorial 2x3. Faktor A:ekstrak kunyit (200 dan 400 mg/kg bb/2 hari) dan faktor B: onggok fermentasi (0, 5 dan 10 % dari ransum), diulang 4 kali setiap ulangan terdiri 4 ekor. Variabel yang diamati jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit, kolesterol, HDL dan LDLdarah ayam broiler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara ekstrak kunyit dengan onggok fermentasi. Secara terpisah, ekstrak kunyit dan onggok fermentasi masing-masing tidak berpengaruh terhadap rataan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit, kolesterol, dan HDL, namun berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap rataan LDLdarah ayam broiler. Kata kunci : ekstrak kunyit, onggok fermentasi, performans darah, metabolit lemak darah, ayam broile
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