184 research outputs found

    Carbon Nanosorbent for Purification Different Biomolecules

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    The article presents the results of physico-chemical studies on the development of nanostructured carbon materials from domestic raw materials. Were obtained and tested micro-mesoporous carbon sorbents for molecular-sieve chromatography of markers and investigated the applicability of carbon sorbents for the separation of protein-lipid complex, and plant bio-stimulator. Carbon sorbents have well-developed porous structure but their disadvantage is the weak mechanical strength. Recently it was shown that some carbon nanostructures have enormous strength. Thus arose the need to give the nano structured elements to carbon sorbent. Creating carbon sorbents containing nanocarbon structure was the aim of our study, as these by sorbents will be very useful for large-scale purification of biomolecules. The new carbon nanosorbent was prepared by carbonization of the stones of abricot seeds. The physico - chemical characteristics of nanostructured carbon sorbent was investigated by modern methods like scanning electrone microscope and infra red spectrophotometry. Based on the goal, nano-carbon materials in the laboratory of the Institute of Combustion Problems, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University synthesized nanostructured carbon sorbents – ‘Nanokarbosorb’ type for chromatography of biomolecules. It should be noted that the nanostructured elements of the frame attached to an unusually high mechanical strength to nanokarbosorb. Because of this, this sorbent can withstand high fluid pressure at work and has high durability, therefore, it can be used over the years. The sorbent has a very large porosity and large internal surface and, accordingly, a large capacity and has no parasitic sorption. Studies have shown that "Nanokarbosorb" suitable for purification of a powerful biostimulator plants. In this regard, of great interest represents nanostructured carbon sorbents with improved chromatography characteristics. Carbon sorbents known to mankind over thousands of years. They arewidely used for purification of alcohol and other solutions. They are mechanically very weak and quickly attacked by fungi and bacteria. In this reason they are unconvenient large scale purification biomolecules. However, further improvement of chromatographic sorbents is impossible without the use of ideas and techniques of nanotechnology

    Template synthesis and magnetic characterization of FeNi nanotubes

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    Iron-nickel nanotubes consisting of 20% Ni and 80% Fe with an aspect ratio of about 100 were synthesized by electrochemical deposition in the pores of polyethylene terephthalate ion-track membranes. The main morphological parameters such as composition, wall thickness and structural characteristics were defined. Macro- and micromagnetic parameters of FeNi nanotubes were determined. © 2017, Electromagnetics Academy. All rights reserved

    Ribonuclease activity as a new prospective disease resistance marker in potato

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    Disease resistance is an important characteristic for each variety of potato, and the search for pathogen resistance markers is one of the primary tasks of plant breeding. Higher plants possess a wide spectrum of enzymes catalyzing the hydrolysis of nucleic acids; it is believed that protection against pathogens is the most probable function of the enzymes. RNases are actively involved in several immune systems of higher plants, for example, systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and genetic silencing, hence RNase activity in plant leaves, as a relatively easily measured parameter, can serve as a good marker for the selection of pathogen resistant varieties. We have analyzed sixteen varieties of potatoes permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and tested the correlation of the level of variety­specifc ribonuclease (RNase) activity with such economically valuable traits as maturity and resistance to viruses, late blight and common scab. In general, the level of RNase activity was variety­specifc, which was confrmed by very small values of average squared error for the majority of tested varieties. We have detected a statistically signifcant positive correlation of RNase activity in potato leaves with increased resistance of varieties to phytopathogenic viruses, a negative correlation with resistance to scab and an absence of a signifcant connection with maturity and resistance to late blight, regardless of the organ affected by the oomycete. Thus, the level of RNase activity in potato leaves can be used as a selective marker for resistance to viruses, while varieties with increased RNase activity should be avoided when selecting resistance to scab

    Conversion of organic matter in the carbonaceous medium in the supercritical water

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The work is based on the modeling of geothermal transformations of hydrocarbons in oil-bearing formations of deep horizons of the earth's crust - under abnormally high pressure, in the presence of aqueous fluid and carbonaceous substances. The pressure and temperature in the experiments are typical for water in the supercritical state. The regularities of the conversion of heavy oil in supercritical water and in the presence of finely dispersed caustobioliths and metal oxides were shown. Aquathermolysis in the presence of proton provides blockage of free radicals of high-molecular weight hydrocarbons and saturation of unsaturated hydrocarbons, produced by cracking reactions, and inhibiting of condensation reactions of aromatic macromolecules. The hydrogen protons also promote hydrogenation reactions in the crude oil. The regularities of changes of the component, structural-group, fractional and elemental compositions of heavy oil during the conversion under the above conditions were established, rheological characteristics of the initial crude oil and converted oil were studied as well. As a result of carrying out aquathermolysis in the supercritical water environment and in the presence of initiating additives, the high-molecular weight components of the initial crude oil were degraded with the formation of light distillate fractions, which were scarcely present in the initial crude oil. Thus, the conversion rate for various samples amounted to 18–29%. It resulted in the significant reduction in the viscosity of the converted oil, up to 96% compared to the initial crude oil

    The BNO-LNGS joint measurement of the solar neutrino capture rate in 71Ga

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    We describe a cooperative measurement of the capture rate of solar neutrinos by the reaction 71Ga(\nu_e,e^-)71Ge. Extractions were made from a portion of the gallium target in the Russian-American Gallium Experiment SAGE and the extraction samples were transported to the Gran Sasso laboratory for synthesis and counting at the Gallium Neutrino Observatory GNO. Six extractions of this type were made and the resultant solar neutrino capture rate was 64 ^{+24}_{-22} SNU, which agrees well with the overall result of the gallium experiments. The major purpose of this experiment was to make it possible for SAGE to continue their regular schedule of monthly solar neutrino extractions without interruption while a separate experiment was underway to measure the response of 71Ga to neutrinos from an 37Ar source. As side benefits, this experiment proved the feasibility of long-distance sample transport in ultralow background radiochemical experiments and familiarized each group with the methods and techniques of the other.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; minor additions in version

    Measurement of the Solar Neutrino Capture Rate by the Russian-American Gallium Solar Neutrino Experiment During One Half of the 22-Year Cycle of Solar Activity

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    We present the results of measurements of the solar neutrino capture rate in gallium metal by the Russian-American Gallium Experiment SAGE during slightly more than half of a 22-year cycle of solar activity. Combined analysis of the data of 92 runs during the 12-year period January 1990 through December 2001 gives a capture rate of solar neutrinos with energy more than 233 keV of 70.8 +5.3/-5.2 (stat.) +3.7/-3.2 (syst.) SNU. This represents only slightly more than half of the predicted standard solar model rate of 128 SNU. We give the results of new runs beginning in April 1998 and the results of combined analysis of all runs since 1990 during yearly, monthly, and bimonthly periods. Using a simple analysis of the SAGE results combined with those from all other solar neutrino experiments, we estimate the electron neutrino pp flux that reaches the Earth to be (4.6 +/- 1.1) E10/(cm^2-s). Assuming that neutrinos oscillate to active flavors the pp neutrino flux emitted in the solar fusion reaction is approximately (7.7 +/- 1.8) E10/(cm^2-s), in agreement with the standard solar model calculation of (5.95 +/- 0.06) E10/(cm^2-s).Comment: English translation of article submitted to Russian journal Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (JETP); 12 pages, 5 figures. V2: Added winter-summer difference and 2 reference

    The relationship between philosophy and medicine. Based on the materials of the magazine "Man"

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    In this article, a literary review of the journal “Human being” is made in order to study the issues of the relationship between medicine and philosophy. The analysis of the journal's publication in the period from 2016-2020 allows us to identify the acute problems considered by the authors in the field of the relationship between philosophy and medicine.В данной статье сделан литературный обзор журнала “Человек” с целью исследования вопросов взаимосвязи медицины и философии. Анализ публикации журнала в период с 2016-2020 г позволяют выявить острые проблемы, рассматриваемые авторами в области взаимосвязи философии и медицины

    The role of the gut microbiota in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    At the beginning of the XXI century, with the advent of technical capabilities and new methods of genes sequencing, the attention of researchers to the study of the human metagenome has significantly increased. The interaction between changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the gut microbiota (GM) and various diseases is being actively studied, a search for specific metabolites and genes of microorganisms that may be associated with the development, in particular, of immune-mediated diseases is underway. In recent years, a lot of new data have been published on the possible contribution of gut flora dysbiosis to the development of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), while the first assumptions were put forward as far back as 1970s. The search for pathogenetic mechanisms of GM influence on the development and progression of T1DM is becoming an increasingly relevant objective, since in recent years the incidence of T1DM is rapidly increasing, which is a serious health problem throughout the world.This review discusses the current ideas about the role of GM in the immunopathogenesis of T1DM, new data on the near-term prospects in the study of the human macrogenome, current ideas about the role of GM in the immunopathogenesis of T1DM, and the possibility of applying this knowledge by the practitioner

    Self-assembling systems based on amphiphilic alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides: Elucidation of the role of head group

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    A systematic study of the aggregation behavior of alkyltriphenylphosphonium bromides (TPPB-n; n=8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18; here n is the number of carbon atoms in alkyl groups) in aqueous solutions has been carried out and compared with trimethyl ammonium bromides (TMAB-n). Critical micelle concentrations (cmcs) of TPPB-n and TMAB-n decrease with the number of carbon atoms with the slope parameter of ca.0.3. The low cmcs and effective solubilization power toward Orange OT indicate high micellization capacity of phosphonium surfactants. The low counterion binding parameter β is revealed for TPPB-10 and TPPB-12, while high counterion binding of ≥80% is observed for high TPPB-n homologs. Values of the surface potential ψ calculated on the basis of pK a shifts of p-nitrophenols is similar for both series and monotonously increase with alkyl chain length. Several points indicate non-monotonic changes within TPPB-n series. There are peculiarities of the tensiometry and solubilization plots for high homologs and above mentioned increases in counterion binding on transiting from low to high molecular weight surfactants. Differences in aggregation behavior between TPPB and TMAB series and between low and high homologs can be due to the specific structural character of the TPP + cation, which is supported by X-ray data. © 2011 Elsevier Inc