308 research outputs found

    Art in the Holocaust: On Josef Bor’s Novella Terezínské rekviem and its Reception

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    The name of the Czech writer Josef Bor (1906–1979) is nearly forgotten today, although he was very successful with two works in the sixties. Both works deal with the Holocaust. The novel Opuštěná panenka (1961) is inspired by the author’s own horrible experiences at Terezín, Auschwitz and other places of the Holocaust. In 1963, the novella Terezínské rekviem followed which is subject of this paper. Bor’s novella is about the Jewish musician Rafael Schächter and his staging of Verdi’s Requiem at Terezín. From the viewpoint of reception, this work is interesting on two counts: on the one hand, in the story the reception and interpretation of art play a crucial role, on the other hand, there are some special features in the reception of the novella itself, as the work has mostly been read in the light of the real events the story is referring to, whereas the text’s literary character has often been neglected.The name of the Czech writer Josef Bor (1906–1979) is nearly forgotten today, although he was very successful with two works in the sixties. Both works deal with the Holocaust. The novel Opuštěná panenka (1961) is inspired by the author’s own horrible experiences at Terezín, Auschwitz and other places of the Holocaust. In 1963, the novella Terezínské rekviem followed which is subject of this paper. Bor’s novella is about the Jewish musician Rafael Schächter and his staging of Verdi’s Requiem at Terezín. From the viewpoint of reception, this work is interesting on two counts: on the one hand, in the story the reception and interpretation of art play a crucial role, on the other hand, there are some special features in the reception of the novella itself, as the work has mostly been read in the light of the real events the story is referring to, whereas the text’s literary character has often been neglected

    The Holocaust between Pop Literature and High Literature: Maxim Biller’s Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz

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    Maxim Biller, one of the most prominent, but also most controversial German-Jewish authors, is an important figure in modern Holocaust literature. After a short introduction to his early journalistic and literary oeuvre dealing with the Holocaust, we will focus on his novella Inside the Head of Bruno Schulz from 2013. A short outline of the story will be followed by a detailed analysis of therole the Holocaust plays in this story, especially with regard to the two protagonists, Bruno Schulz and Thomas Mann. It will be shown that the pop-literary provocations that dominate Billers’ early works, are now displaced by clear tendencies towards a high literary, artistic standard, which are characteristic for the developments of modern Holocaust literature in general

    Hearing the Community: Evolution of a Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for African American Women to Improve Weight

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    Listening to the needs of the community is an important step toward reducing health disparities. Researchers may need to adjust their methods to maximize participation and benefit to the community. This report describes how the project team adjusted its approach to a weight loss intervention to support a community of African American women seeking to improve their health

    Međunarodna zajednica

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    D. Šepić o problematici narodnih manjina 30-ih godina

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    Dragovan Šepić je 1935. god. uspješno, plastično, objektivno ukazao na položaj manjina u sistemu Lige naroda. Nije bio povjesničar koji rekonstruira povijest, već govori o — tadašnjoj — sadašnjosti, o vremenu u kojem promatra i zaključuje, on je svjedok ali i tumač. Ima u Šepića i elemenata prognoze o sudbini Lige naroda, o manjinskom pitanju, o slobodi Lige da utječe na rješenje krize. Autor drži da točnost šepićevih razmišljanja iz 30-ih godina valja danas smatrati dokazanim


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    U Švedskoj kraljevskoj biblioteci nalazi se crtež pečata s centralnim motivom u formi šahovnice, koji je pripadao plemićkoj obitelji Kristiernsson iz XV. stoljeća. Njeni članovi bili su štitonoše skandinavskog kralja Erika VII. Pomeranskog i Ivana Anža Frankopana, koji je kao njego namjesnik u to vrijeme upravljao istočnim dijelom Švedske. Za vrijeme svog puta u Svetu zemlju 1424/5., kralj Erik prolazio je kroz Hrvatsku i zadržao se u Senju kod kneza i bana Nikole Frankopana. Brojna pratnja s opremom čekajući na povratak svog vladara iz Svete zemlje, boravila je duže vrijeme u Senju i okolici. Raspravljajući o okolnostima, pod kojima je motiv hrvatskog grba mogao doći u posjed švedske plemićke obitelji, autor u kraćim crtama prikazuje povijest hrvatskog grba i pojavu šahovnice u grbovima Danske i Švedske.This paper attempts to explain the possible origin of the coat of arms owned by the Swedish noble family Kristiernsson from Östergötland in Sweden. This family served the Scandinavian king Erik VII of Pomerania and his governor in Östergötland, count Ivan Anž Frankopan (in Sweden known as Johan Franke) during the fifteenth century. The central part of Kristiernsson\u27s coat of arms corresponds to the traditional chequered Croatian coat of arms, known since the eleventh century. During the king Erik of Pomerania\u27s travel through Croatia on his way to the Holy Land, his followers and possibly Kristiernsson made a longer break in Frankopan\u27s city of Senj. The coat of arms very similar to that of Kristtiernsson\u27s, belonged to the noble family Perović from Senj. The author discuss the details concerning King Erik\u27s visit to Senj and briefly describes the appearence of chequer in the Croatian and the Scandinavian coat of arms.In der schvvedischen königlichen Bibliothek befindet sich die Zeichnung des Siegels mit dem Zentralmotiv in der Schachform, derder Adelsfamilie Kristiernsson ausdem 15. Jahrhundertgehörte. Ihre Angehörigen waren Schildträgerdes skandinavischen Königs Erich VII. Pommerschens unddes Ivan Anž Frankopan, der als sein Statthalter zu dieser Zeit mit dem östlichen Teil Schwedens regierte. Als er am Weg nach Heiligem Land 1424/1425 durch Kroatien reiste, hielt er sich bei dem Fiirsten und Banus Nikola Frankopan auf. Die zahlreiche Begleitung mit großer Ausstattung wartete auf die Rückkehr ihres Königs aus dem Heiligen Land und weilte eine Zeit in Senj und seiner Umgebung. Der Autor des Artikels analysiert die Umstände unter denen das Motiv des kroatichen Wappens in den Besitz der schwedischen Adelsfamilie kommen konnte, und zeichnet in kurzen Ziigen die Geschichte des kroatischen Wappens und die Erscheinung der Schachform in den Wappen von Dänmark und Schweden

    Los nuevos retos y tendencias del derecho administrativo en Alemania

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    Hoy el derecho administrativo en Alemania tiene que aportar esencialmente a superar retos nacionales, europeos y globales. La seguridad de las personas, la protección del ambiente, la creación de una infraestructura industrial y económica moderna, pero también la información, la protección jurídica y la protección de datos son algunas de las materias en las que se hace especialmente visible una necesidad de continuo desarrollo del derecho administrativo. Bajo la notable influencia del derecho europeo y del derecho internacional público, Alemania reacciona a estos retos también con ayuda de su derecho administrativo de manera diferenciada. La prevención estatal de peligros es fortalecida, para otras tareas públicas se facilita en gran medida una privatización y el Estado se limita a garantizar que los privados cumplan satisfactoriamente las tareas públicas. Una mayor transparencia de la actuación administrativa y nuevos derechos informativos deben fortalecer la protección ambiental y la aceptación de la planeación estatal de infraestructura. Se deben alcanzar todos los objetivos sin descuidar la protección de datos y la protección jurídica de los ciudadanos. Esto se logra con la ayuda del legislativo, del ejecutivo, del judicial y de la ciencia jurídica, pues el derecho administrativo alemán cuenta con un fundamento fijo del Estado de derecho y una sistemática y dogmática acreditadas e idóneas para el futur

    Međunarodna zajednica

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