35 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sikap Terhadap Pelajar di UPSI Apabila Menggunakan Aplikasi Permainan Atas Talian

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    Permainan atas talian semakin menjadi pilihan pelajar untuk mengisi masa terluang seiring dengan perkembangan dalam teknologi maklumat. Penggunaan aplikasi permainan atas talian menggunakan telefon pintar banyak mempengaruhi dan membentuk budaya hiburan pelajar pada masa kini. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan pengaruh sikap terhadap pelajar UPSI apabila bermain aplikasi permainan atas talian. Kajian tinjauan ini melibatkan seramai 60 orang pelajar Diploma kursus Pembangunan Permainan 2D UPSI dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi MYGURU UPSI melalui perbincangan forum “Faktor dan Kesan Permainan Digital”. Penyelidik menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen untuk mengumpul data tersebut. Dapatan kajian mendapati rakan-rakan merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi pelajar untuk bermain permainan atas talian. Kesan positif yang utama apabila bermain permainan atas talian ialah dapat meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir, pengetahuan dan pemikiran logik manakala kesan negatif yang utama pula ialah masalah kesihatan seperti rabun, obesiti, dan masalah tidur yang tidak teratur. Kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan kepada para pelajar untuk memanfaatkan permainan yang bersesuaian dan membantu mereka dalam memperolehi impak positif dalam hidupan seharian serta membantu pensyarah dalam mengubahsuai strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk menarik minat pelajar. Attitudes Influence on UPSI Students in Using Online Game Applications Abstract: Online games are increasingly becoming the choice of students to fill their free time in line with developments in information technology. The use of online gaming applications using smartphones greatly influences and shapes the entertainment culture of students nowadays. This study aims to discuss the influence of attitudes on UPSI students when playing online game applications. This survey study involved a total of 60 Diploma students of UPSI 2D Game Development course and data were collected using the MYGURU UPSI application through the discussion of the "Faktor dan Kesan Permainan Digital” forum. Researchers use document analysis methods to collect such data. The findings of the study found that peers are a major factor influencing students to play online games. The main positive effects when playing online games is to improve thinking skills, knowledge and logical thinking while the main negative effects are health problems such as myopia, obesity, and irregular sleep problems. This study can be used as a reference for students to take advantage of appropriate games and assist them in obtaining a positive impact in daily life as well as assist lecturers in modifying teaching and learning strategies to attract students. Keywords: Attitude Influence, Instructional Technology, Online Games

    Deposition of ZnO-Al (AZO) thin films for optical properties

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    Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is an inorganic compound and it is doped with aluminum to increase its capabilities. Aluminum Zinc Oxide (AZO) thin films are semiconductor materials that have band gap energy of 3.3eV. Various method of deposition have been study to growth AZO thin films. It has been extensively use in solar cell application, display application, gas sensing purposes, and thin film transistors (TFTs). In this work, sol gel method and spin coating was used to deposited AZO thin films. The ZnO sol-gel were synthesized using zinc acetate dihydrate as precursor, isopropanol as solvent, diethanolamine as sol stabilizer, and distilled water as oxidation agent. Then, synthesized ZnO were doped with different mole ratio of aluminum nitrate nanohydrate to produced AZO. The glass substrate was used as substrate and AZO thin films were then calcinated at 300°C and 500°C. The characterization of AZO thin film were done using X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The XRD results show that the ZnO with hexagonal wurtzite-type structure and temperature does have effect on the film intensity which related to crystallinity of thin films. Through AFM analysis, the value of RMS decreases from 3.018 nm to 2.240 nm as the temperature increases. Meanwhile, from UV-Vis result, it can be seen that AZO thin film have a high transmittance percentage above 90% after wavelength 400 nm with band gap value of 3.3 eV. FESEM image show that the grain boundary of AZO decrease with both parameter (mole ratio and calcinations temperature). Both parameters do have effect on AZO thin film. EDX analysis shows that there are existence of zinc, oxide, and aluminum

    Necesidad de estudios sobre el desarrollo de módulos de gamificación de consejería multicultural para consejeros en formación

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    Gamification in higher education is a new way in the learning environment for the 21st century. It has become an effective pedagogical tool to increase students’ involvement through immediate feedback on learning activities that allow them to reflect on what they are learning. The use of games as a pedagogical strategy is the basis for student-centered pedagogy as they help promote a flexible teaching and learning environment that is in line with the curriculum stated in counselor education. To date, little research has been carried out that incorporates games in multicultural counseling pedagogy; hence, research needs to be conducted pertaining to this aspect. The article will highlight the development of a multicultural counseling gamification module known as “Immerse” based on the Gamified E-learning Design Process Model proposed by Malas and Hamtini. The Gamified E-learning design process consists of five stages; Planning, Design, Development, Deployment, and Review. The article highlights the first stage of the development of a multicultural gamification module which involves the survey on the needs analysis for constructing the criteria and elements of the module. The findings indicated that there was positive feedback in terms of respondents’ needs for gaming platform to enhance their multicultural counseling competencies. Additionally, the implications of the study that help plan and design the multicultural counseling competency module will also be discussed.La gamificación en la educación superior es una nueva forma en el entorno de aprendizaje para el siglo XXI. Se ha convertido en una herramienta pedagógica efectiva para aumentar la participación de los estudiantes a través de comentarios inmediatos sobre las actividades de aprendizaje que les permiten reflexionar sobre lo que están aprendiendo. El uso de los juegos como estrategia pedagógica es la base de la pedagogía centrada en el estudiante, ya que ayuda a promover un entorno flexible de enseñanza y aprendizaje que está en línea con el plan de estudios establecido en la educación de los consejeros. Hasta la fecha, se han llevado a cabo pocas investigaciones que incorporan juegos en la pedagogía multicultural de asesoramiento; Por lo tanto, la investigación debe llevarse a cabo en relación con este aspecto. El artículo destacará el desarrollo de un módulo de gamificación de asesoramiento multicultural conocido como “Immerze” basado en el Modelo de proceso de diseño de aprendizaje electrónico gamificado propuesto por Malas y Hamtini. El proceso de diseño de Gamified E-learning consta de cinco etapas; Planificación, Diseño, Desarrollo, Despliegue y Revisión. El artículo destaca la primera etapa del desarrollo de un módulo de gamificación multicultural que involucra la encuesta sobre el análisis de necesidades para construir los criterios y elementos del módulo. Los hallazgos indicaron que hubo una retroalimentación positiva en términos de las necesidades de los encuestados de una plataforma de juegos para mejorar sus competencias de asesoramiento multicultural. Además, también se discutirán las implicaciones del estudio que ayuda a planificar y diseñar el módulo de competencia de asesoramiento multicultural

    Perceived stress among university students during COVID-19 outbreak

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of people around the world, including Malaysia. Students' mental health in higher education has been an increasing concern as they face many challenges with the changes in their educational experience. The study examines the perceived stress level among university students during the outbreak. This is the first study to use a convenience sampling technique to analyze data from 305 Malaysian university students. IBM SPSS 23.0 was used to analyze descriptive data and provide an analysis of the results. The majority of those who participated in this study were undergraduate students at age 21 years old. The pandemic affected 181 of their family's earnings, while the remaining 124 were unaffected. Out of 305 respondents, 131 (42.9%) of them have stress in an extremely severe state. It followed by 68 respondents in a state of severe stress. Simultaneously, 47 (15.4%) of them are at the normal state of stress and 32 (10.5%) respondents in mild stress. The result shows that only 27 (8.9%) of the respondents have moderate stress. It is believed that the main factors associated with students' perceived stress level are home-based online learning and financial constraints

    Aplikasi Kahoot Sebagai Alat Pengujian Terhadap Pencapaian Murid dalam Mata Pelajaran Sejarah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan aplikasi Kahoot dalam mengukur pencapaian murid bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan 1. Objektif kajian ini adalah membangunkan alat pengujian pencapaian menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot untuk mata pelajaran Sejarah; dan mengenal pasti perbezaan penggunaan aplikasi Kahoot dan ujian bertulis dalam mengukur pencapaian murid. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah berbentuk kuantitatif terhadap 30 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada murid Tingkatan 1 di sebuah sekolah di Melaka. Kajian mengapliksikan kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik dan eksperimen menggunakan set ujian untuk melihat kesan pencapaian murid terhadap mata pelajaran Sejarah dengan menggunakan dua alat pengujian yang berbeza. Hasil kajian mendapati alat pengujian menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot memberikan hasil dapatan yang positif oleh murid dan pencapaian bagi murid yang menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot adalah lebih tinggi berbanding menggunakan alat pengujian konvensional.   Application of Kahoot as a Testing Tool to Student Achievement in History Subjects Abstract: This study aimed to identify the impact of using the Kahoot application in measuring student achievement for Level 1 history subjects. The objectives of this study were to develop achievement testing tools using the Kahoot application for History subjects; and identify differences in use of the Kahoot application and written tests in measuring student achievement. The design of this study was quantitatively based on 30 participants from Form 1 students at a school in Malacca. The study applied survey methods using questionnaires and experiments using test sets to see the impact of student achievement on History subjects using two different testing tools. The results showed that testing tools using the Kahoot app gave students positive results and the achievement for students using the Kahoot app was higher than using conventional testing tools. Keywords: Testing Tools, Kahoot Applications, Achievements, History

    Learning History Using Augmented Reality

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    Subject of history is one of the subject that must be passed in the SPM examination. Subjet of history is very important in our life as a guides and teaches us in how to progress and advance not making the same mistakes. We also must have deep knowledge about history of homeland so we can appreciate them and also make them all our idols. However, learning about history of homeland warrior can be challenging, especially for student who think that learning about history is boring and some student are less aware of the importance of studying history. For help teacher to teach and also attract student in learn about history, we are try to use Augmented Reality for make learning session fun. The research aims to design an application for learning history of homeland using Augmented Reality

    Motivation of trainee teachers in conducting online learning using digital games based on arcs motivation model

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    The endemic situation of Covid-19 plaguing the world today has huge implications for education. This requires teachers to be more creative and innovative in delivering knowledge in the classroom via online learning. However, trainee teachers lack experience and skills compared to professional teachers, which affects the consistency of their motivation. Therefore, this paper discusses the perceived improvement of motivation of trainee teachers based on the ARCS motivation model toward a game-based learning approach through a digital game called StayFit as a teaching tool. This study focuses on four components of ARCS motivational constructs;- i) attention; ii) relevance; iii) confidence; and iv) satisfaction. The research design is quantitative and based on a survey using a questionnaire to collect the data. 56 respondents were involved in this study and the data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The results of this study show that the trainee teachers gave positive feedback through the implementation of digital game-based learning in their online classes especially in terms of enhancing their motivation in the teaching process. The implication of the study shows that the use of digital game as a teaching aid in online learning can increase the motivation of trainee teachers and make the learning process more effective, which meet with the needs of remote learning that applied during this endemic situation

    Learn Idioms Using Augmented Reality

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    English language is international language that are worldwide use and also one of the important language in communication and a main-medium of instruction in education in Malaysia. In order to become good in English we must learn since we were kids like since preschool and primary school and that show how important to learn English language. Then it need to help the students especially the pre-school and the primary school students to learn English in more effective and attractive ways so that they will not feel boring or lost interest in learning English language. Aim of this research is to find an interactive tool that can be used in learning an English idioms. This research use RAD Model to develop AR application and quantitative methods through questionnaires were implemented to evaluate the research that were developed. The research was evaluated by 10 teachers who teach English Language and evaluated based on usefulness, satisfaction and ease of use questionnaires

    Travel to Southeast Asia: Learning About Southeast Asia through Augmented Reality

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    ‘Travel to Southeast Asia’ application is one of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Learn about Southeast Asia is very important and has been emphasized in high schools. However, there are some students who are bored and not interested in learning geography especially related to foreign countries due to lack of exposure and information about it. So, the main purpose of this project is to develop an educational application based on Augmented Reality for students to interest them in learning about Southeast Asia. Students also can identify eleven countries in Southeast Asia by using this application and gain some knowledge related to the countries. Unity software is the main software to develop this Augmented Reality because Unity engine can support the high quality of audio and visual effects to ease the development of the project. This project developed by using ADDIE Model as a dynamic and flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools. This research was evaluated by among 15 students from Sultan Idris Education University who pursuing a Bachelor of Education (Geography) with Honor by using quantitative methods through online questionnaire. This questionnaire was distributed to the respondents for evaluation based on Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use (USE) questionnaire. As a result of the questionnaire, majority of respondents gave positive feedback and interested with ‘Travel to Southeast Asia’ application. Based on the research, learning about Southeast Asia using Augmented Reality provides better knowledge and understanding