96 research outputs found

    Music as Art and Science: An Evaluation

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    Music is presented in this discourse as a coin with two sides –thus as an Art also as a science. Looking at music as an Art draws one’s attention to the artistic features and characteristics of music such as styles and skills of performances as in dancing, singing, playing instrument and its position in other related areas with similar attributes. On the other hand, seeing music from the perspective of a science, the study of acoustics, sound productions, mathematical relationships and intervallic applications are evident. Art involves creative thinking and inspiration to achieve an expected goal or a set objective. Science on its own employs knowledge interaction and inquiries to produce new scientific discoveries. Music co-habits these two complex entities in a seemingly integrative association. This paper therefore is a critical examination and evaluation of musical potency that qualifies it as an art as well as science. The argument is anchored on qualitative evaluation of materials drawn from related literatures and sources. It finally draws the conclusion that since music fits in properly, and performs creditably as an art, as well as maintains great affinity with science, it should be treated as a bicameral discipline. Keywords: Art, Science, Relationship, Music, Imagination, Inspiratio

    The Role of Music and Musicians in Promoting Social Stability in the Country

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    Some of the prerequisites for promoting social stability in a country include, adequate security, socio-cultural and economic viability, political freedom, freedom of expression and association etc., On the other hand, a nation that lacks all these qualities is wrecked morally, socially, culturally and above all, most vulnerable to treason. In such instance, and obviously too, the portrayal of false identity, lawlessness, insubordination and the likes infiltrate or bedevil such a nation.. This paper critically examined the role music and musicians play in achieving stability in the country


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    A major problematic concept in our world today is that of freedom which has gained prominence into mainstream discussions. Everyone craves freedom, since “it is only in freedom that man realizes his being” yet only a few think about the responsibilities of freedom. Here we encounter the problems inherent in the possibility of human free choice of actions as preordained by forces beyond his control and opposed to his will, the reconciliation of our answers to human freedom with our acknowledgment of objective necessity, and whether humans are not means of realizing the laws of social development. These and many more puzzles point to the fact that the problem of freedom has remained a perennial one down the ages. Freedom is a distinctive quality of man from other beings. A man beyond being intelligent is also free in his actions and deliberations in the face of decisions and choices. This article hence takes a critical look at the concept of Freedom. Adopting a critical methodological outlook from Satrean dimension, it exposes its nature and pays particular attention to its attendant consequences in our society today.&nbsp

    Musicians and nation building - need for quality control: old and new generation music and musicians exemplified

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    The growth of any nation is largely dependent upon a number of factors, which may be viewed from such perspectives as, fiscal status, economic development, political system, cultural awareness, social integration, security management, educational attainment, health facilities and other global endowment and or empowerment. One may then ask, what business has Music and Musicians on these afore mentioned developmental strategies. Obviously, music and musicians are integral to the full realization of any nation's growth. They are culture propagators, indicators or pointers to nation's identity, revenue generators, social and health promoters, moral censors, astute educationists and in fact, they constitute strong steering forces to a whole gamut of nation building. Therefore, if such powers are credibly inherent in music and musicians, the quality should be of utmost importance, otherwise the situation becomes farcical and unyielding to nation building. Well cultured individuals will make a better society. Standing on such premise, the paper made a comparative case, by critically analyzing some samples of music drawn from old and modern artistes between 60's-80's, and 2000 to date. It was discovered that most of the old generation music and musicians fulfill societal expectations better than the new and suggest that the later be properly censored to achieve a desired objective

    The Pattern of Cut Throat Injuries in the University of Port-Harcout Teaching Hospital, Portharcourt

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    The incidence of cut throat injuries irrespective of the cause is on the increase worldwide but they are underreported in Nigeria. The neck contains a lot of vital organs and great vessels which make the patientswith injuries to the neck to present most times as emergency. The management of cut throat injuries is bedeviled with complications which can be reduced to the barest minimum if managed by the specialists. Our aim and objectives are to determine the pattern of cut throat injuries as seen in University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) and to highlight the factors responsible for the morbidity and the mortality associated with this condition. The study is a retrospective review of cut throat injuries that presented to the Ear Nose and Throat (E.N.T.) department of University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital (U.P.T.H.) over a 10yr period (1995 to 2010). The accident and emergency department records; ward records and theatre registers were the main source of the information. Twenty four cases were recorded and analyzed. The data extracted for analysis were age, sex, occupation, clinical presentation, treatment, duration of stay and complications. All the patients were males; age range was 26-45 years. The commonest age group affected was 31-35years, suicide accounted for 60% of cases. Majority (62.5%) of patients were unemployed. Lacerations of the anterior aspect of the neck, aphonia with exposure of the thyroid cartilage were the commonest clinical features. Majority (58.3%) of the patients had complications following treatment while two patients had mortality. Cut throat injuries require a multidisciplinary approach and could be managed with better prognosis if the patients present early to the hospital and are given prompt attention. Poor socioeconomic status and poverty have been associated with a high incidence of cut throat injuries.Key words: Cut throat injuries, Suicide, Homicide, Multidisciplinary managemen

    Mandatory or Flexible: Whither Retirement Age Policy?

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    The debate over whether to end mandatory retirement age policy in favor of flexible retirement policy has heightened. It is argued that it is wasteful to compel productive workers to retire at an arbitrary chronological age and that productivity should be the correct criterion for continued employment. This paper examines the preference between mandatory and flexible retirement age policies based on a survey conducted among workers in Lagos State, the former federal capital of Nigeria. It evaluates the impact of eliminating mandatory retirement age policy on the productivity of Nigerian workers. Particularly, the study investigates the influence of age, gender, income, and duration to retirement on workers’ preference for the type of retirement age policy. The study found that all the factors of interest influence employees’ preference for type of retirement plan and employees are indeed more disposed to flexible retirement. It also found that flexible policy will have a positive welfare effect as many employees can then take care of their extended span of dependants for a longer period and employee productivity will also be improved. Key words: Retirement, Mandatory, Flexible, Pension Plan, Extended Family System

    Africa and Cultural Authenticity

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    The media outlets all over the world project Africa as inferior and mere notion of the continent brings to mind war- Hunger, Malnourishment, deadly diseases, religious fanaticism etc. These and many other pessimistic notions about Africa live a remarkable question ‘Can anything good come from Africa? Hence, this article pays particular attention to the authenticity of African Culture. It maintains that amidst ferocious criticisms on the African Continent, Her cultural values remain inestimable and thus second to none in the whole world. This article exposes the different problems that exist in African culture including the ones caused by Africans themselves, those caused remotely by colonialism or recently by the West. Hence this article is a call back to cultural authenticity as that would be the only saviour of the African continent. It believes that truly Africa can still be authentic and can remain true to her values and cultural Heritage

    Physicochemical Characteristics and Heavy Metals Assessment in Water and Sediments of Obodo Oilfield in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the physicochemical characteristics and heavy metals levels in water and sediments of Obodo Oilfield in Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State using standard laboratory-approved APHA and ASTM methods. Results indicated traces of heavy metals present in the water and sediments. Temperature and TDS in the water samples were within the DPR established limits while TSS, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Salinity and Biochemical Oxygen Demand were higher than the control and well above the DPR established limits. The heavy metals present in the soil were all still within the permissible DPR limits, except for Cadmium which was higher than the control and DPR established limit. The results showed that the water and soil within the environment may have been considerably polluted and degraded by the operations of oil and gas production in the region. The study recommends that the activities of the oil and gas production companies be checked to ensure they are operating within the environmental standard regulations of the country and that the Government and necessary bodies should be proactive in checkmating illegal bunkering activities as they have become the major source of oil spills in the region

    Childhood suppurative otitis media in Abakaliki: Isolated microbes and in vitro antibiotic sensitivity pattern

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    Background: Suppurative otitis media (SOM) is the most common pediatric problem seen by otolaryngologists in Nigeria. Devising simple and effective ways of treating pediatric patients with suppurating ears, especially in situations without a specialist care, will help prevent chronicity. Our experience with SOM at the Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital (EBSUTH), Abakaliki, is reviewed in this study. It may serve as a guide in patient care.Objective: Determine the bacteriology of SOM in children in Abakaliki and ascertain their sensitivity to common antibiotics.Materials and Methods: A 2-year retrospective analysis of ear swabs culture results and case files of children aged 0-18 years with SOM managed in EBSUTH.Results: Sixty-five patients with discharging ears were reviewed. Of these, 73% were ≤5 years, of which 41.5% were infants. About 83% had unilateral ear discharge. Acute suppuration was seen in 67%. Overall swab yield was 87.7%; Pseudomonas was (57.4%), Klebsiella (16.4%), and Proteus species (11.5%). Ciprofloxacin showed 60% sensitivity, Gentamicin (58%), and Ceftazidime (35%). Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid, ceftriaxone, and cefuroxime showed sensitivity of 4.3%-9.7%.Conclusions: Treatment protocols of SOM in children should emphasize the use of Ciprofloxacin or Gentamicin, especially in situations with limited access to laboratory services or specialist care
