65 research outputs found
Potentzia-bihurgailu matrizialen diseinu-prozesurako eta hutsegite-tolerantziarako soluzio berriak
290 p.[ES]El convertidor matricial (MC) es un convertidor de potencia que destaca por sus características: realiza una conversión AC/AC directa en ausencia de grandes elementos reactivos, es eficiente, ligero y compacto. Sin embargo, el uso de dicho convertidor no está todavía muy extendido, principalmente por la complejidad de su arquitectura y sus algoritmos de control, y por su baja robustez.
En esta tesis se presentarán, en primer lugar, los conceptos básicos del MC. Posteriormente, se estudiará la modulación y el control de dicho convertidor en profundidad.
Una vez analizado el estado del arte del MC, se propondrán nuevas soluciones que mejoren el proceso de diseño del convertidor. Por una parte, se debe tener en cuenta que es muy complejo simular modelos que contienen MCs, y que el tiempo necesario para realizar dichas simulaciones resulta excesivo. En ese sentido, se propondrá y verificará una nueva técnica de simulación para superar los problemas antes mencionados. Además, se logrará simular un MC en tiempo real gracias a la técnica propuesta. Finalmente, se presentará una plataforma de prototipado rápido de control.
Finalmente, se tendrá en cuenta la baja robustez del MC. En ese sentido, se estudiará el comportamiento de dicho convertidor ante faltas en sus interruptores, se presentará una técnica de detección de interruptores en circuito abierto y se propondrá una nueva estrategia de control tolerante a fallos que permita el funcionamiento continuado del sistema en situaciones de falta.[EU]Gaur egun, potentzia-bihurgailuak hainbat aplikaziotan aurki ditzakegu, hala
nola haize-errotetan, makina industrialetan, ibilgailu elektriko eta hibridoetan,
itsasontzi eta urpekoetan, etab. Potentzia-bihurgailuak energia-bihurketarako
sistemetan erabiltzen dira, eta horien helburua energia elektrikoa era kontrolatuan
bihurtzea da. Potentzia-bihurgailuen topologien artean, bere ezaugarriak
direla medio, bihurgailu matriziala (MC, Matrix Converter) nabarmendu daiteke.
AC/AC bihurketa zuzena egiten du MCak, eta ez du osagai erreaktibo nabarmenik.
Horretaz gain, lau koadranteetan egin dezake lan bihurgailu horrek, eta
distortsio harmoniko baxua duten korronte eta tentsio sinusoidalak lortzen dira
bihurgailuaren sarreran eta irteeran. Gainera, MCaren sarreran potentzia-faktore
unitarioa lor daiteke, bihurgailuari konektatuta dagoen karga edozein dela ere.
Azkenik, oso bihurgailu eraginkorra da. Ezaugarri horiek direla-eta, hainbat aplikaziotan
erabiltzeko aproposa izan daiteke MCa. Hala ere, bihurgailu horren
erabilera ez dago oraindik oso hedatua, batez ere etengailu bidirekzional naturalik
ez dagoelako, MCaren arkitektura eta kontrola konplexuak direlako, eta
bihurgailuak mardultasun baxua duelako.
Tesi honetan, MCaren oinarrizko kontzeptuak aurkeztuko dira, lehenik eta behin.
Ondoren, MCa modulatzeko dagoen aukera zabala izango da kontuan, eta aukera
horien erakusgarri diren hiru modulazio-teknika azalduko dira: Alesina eta
Venturiniren teknika, modulazio-teknika bektoriala (SVM, Space Vector Modulation)
eta modulazio-teknika eskalar orokortua (GSPWM, Generalized Scalar
Pulse Width Modulation).
Bestalde, bihurgailuaren sarreran perturbazioak egon daitezkeela izango da kontuan
ere. Zentzu horretan, perturbazio horien eragin kaltegarriak konpentsatzeko
baliagarriak diren teknika nabarmenenen artearen egoera azalduko da tesian.
Perturbazio horiek konpentsatzen dituzten tekniken sinkronizazio-beharrizanak zeintzuk diren aztertuko da.
MCaren artearen egoera aztertu ondoren, bihurgailu horren diseinu-prozesua hobetzeko
baliagarriak diren soluzio berriak proposatuko dira. Alde batetik, kontuan
izan behar da MCak dituzten modeloak simulatzea konplexua dela, eta simulazioak
egiteko beharrezkoa den denbora gehiegizkoa izaten dela normalean. Horren
ondorioz, diseinu-prozesuan egin daitekeen simulazio-kopurua oso mugatua
dago. Alde horretatik, arazo hori gainditzeko baliagarria den SSMA (Switching
State Matrix Averaging Method) simulazio-teknika berria proposatu eta balioztatuko
da tesian. Horretaz gain, SSMA teknikari esker, denbora errealean simulatuko
da MCa PC-talde batean. Horrela, egoera iragankor oso luzeak simulatu ahal
izango dira arrazoizko denbora-tarte batean. Gainera, MCaren diseinu-prozesua
azkartzeko eta kontrol-algoritmoak arazteko baliagarria den prototipatze azkarreko
kontrolerako plataforma (RCP, Rapid Control Prototyping) aurkeztuko da
Azkenik, MCaren mardultasun baxuaren arazoari aurre egingo zaio. Bihurgailu
horren babeserako erabiltzen diren estrategiak ez dira bihurgailua % 100ean
babesteko gai. Beraz, egoera batzuetan posible da bihurgailuaren osagaietako
batek huts egitea. Hori gertatuz gero, beharrezkoa da estrategia hutsegitetoleratzaileak
erabiltzea, sistemaren funtzionamendu jarraitua bermatu beharra
badago. Horren harian, MCarentzako estrategia hutsegite-toleratzaileen artearen
egoera aurkeztuko da, eta etengailuen zirkuitu irekiko hutsegiteak gertatzen
direnean bihurgailuak duen portaera aztertuko da. Ondoren, hutsegite horiek
identifikatzeko baliagarria den estrategia bat aurkeztuko da, eta zirkuitu irekiko
hutsegite-egoeran MCaren hutsegite-tolerantzia hobetzeko baliagarriak diren
modulazio-algoritmo hutsegite-toleratzaile berriak proposatu eta balioztatuko dira,
bai simulazioaren bidez, eta baita esperimentalki ere
LATEX: euskarazko dokumentu zientifiko-teknikoen ediziorako baliabideak
Nowadays , LATEX, an editor for high typographical quality texts, can be cons idered as a Jingua franca for the scie ntific community. Although LATEX supports a multi - lin g ua l envi ronment, it is s uited to work with English and Eng lish-like lang uages. The process of writing documents in LATEX for languages with structures or numeration rules different from English, as is the case of Basque, is not straightforward.The problems in the use of Basque language in LATEX are analized in this paper, and the resources available for writting documents in Basque are reviewed. General guide lines and suggestions for programming LATEX documents in Basque are also presented.; Gaur egun, komunitate zientifikoaren "lingua francatzat" har daiteke kalitate tipografiko handiko testuen ediziorako den LATEX s istema. Nahiz eta ha in bat hizkuntzatan lan egiteko aukera eman, ingelesarekin eta ingelesaren an tzeko hizkuntzekin lan egiteko dago LATEX prestatuta. Inge lesaren egitura eta nume razioarauak betetzen ez dituzten hi zk un tzetan idaztea (e uskara kasu) ez da prozesu samurra LATEXen.Artikulu honetan, euskarak LATEX munduan duen problematika aztertzen da, eta eragozpenak gaind itzeko dauden bailabideak aztertzen dira. Horrez gain , euskarazko dokumentuak idazteko beharrezkoak diren programaziorako gidalerro eta gomendio orokorrak azaltzen dira
LATEX: euskarazko dokumentu zientifiko-teknikoen ediziorako baliabideak
Nowadays , LATEX, an editor for high typographical quality texts, can be cons idered as a Jingua franca for the scie ntific community. Although LATEX supports a multi - lin g ua l envi ronment, it is s uited to work with English and Eng lish-like lang uages. The process of writing documents in LATEX for languages with structures or numeration rules different from English, as is the case of Basque, is not straightforward.The problems in the use of Basque language in LATEX are analized in this paper, and the resources available for writting documents in Basque are reviewed. General guide lines and suggestions for programming LATEX documents in Basque are also presented.; Gaur egun, komunitate zientifikoaren "lingua francatzat" har daiteke kalitate tipografiko handiko testuen ediziorako den LATEX s istema. Nahiz eta ha in bat hizkuntzatan lan egiteko aukera eman, ingelesarekin eta ingelesaren an tzeko hizkuntzekin lan egiteko dago LATEX prestatuta. Inge lesaren egitura eta nume razioarauak betetzen ez dituzten hi zk un tzetan idaztea (e uskara kasu) ez da prozesu samurra LATEXen.Artikulu honetan, euskarak LATEX munduan duen problematika aztertzen da, eta eragozpenak gaind itzeko dauden bailabideak aztertzen dira. Horrez gain , euskarazko dokumentuak idazteko beharrezkoak diren programaziorako gidalerro eta gomendio orokorrak azaltzen dira
Control óptimo de par para máquinas SynRM aplicadas a vehículo eléctrico
Las máquinas de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes están atrayendo un considerable interés como alternativa a las máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes para su uso en sistemas de propulsión de vehículos eléctricos. El control óptimo de estas máquinas (incluyendo operación en debilitamiento de campo) puede resultar complejo, ya que estas son, por lo general, muy sensibles al fenómeno de la saturación magnética. En este artículo se trata su control, desde los reguladores hasta el precalculo de referencias de corriente óptimas para todo el rango de operación de la máquina. Finalmente, se muestran resultados experimentales obtenidos en una máquina de 51 kW.Postprint (published version
Ibilgailu elektrikoen propultsio-sistemak: motor elektrikoak eta horien kontrola
This article provides a state of the art of the electric machine technology
used in Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle applications. Most common
FOC (Field Oriented Control) and the DTC (Direct Torque Control) strategies
are explained and compared. Position and speed sensorless control strategies
are also detailed: observer-based estimators, suitable for medium/high speed
ranges and magnetic saliency based methods, applicable for low speeds and
standstill operation. Finally, challenges and future trends of this technology
are provided.Postprint (published version
Reducing the cogging torque effects in hybrid stepper machines by means of resonant controllers
Permanent magnet machines are not free from the interaction between magnets and the stator and rotor slots, which causes an undesired disturbing torque. Such cogging or detent torque is especially larger with salient pole machines, as it is the case of the Permanent Magnet Hybrid Stepper Machines (PMHSM). Depending on the application requirements, these torque perturbations can be unacceptable and the application of solutions that minimizes the cogging torque effects are mandatory. This paper originally faces the minimization of the cogging torque using resonant controllers. More specifically, the paper details the analysis and design of a speed-adaptive resonant controller, which not only is directly designed in Z domain but also considers the current (or torque) inner loop delay. Pole-zero placement and the disturbance rejection frequency response have been attained in the design of the speed and position speedadaptive controllers. Experimental results with two off-theshelf PMHSMs demonstrate the superior performance of the proposal in both speed and position closed-loop applications for tracking, as well as in disturbance (load impact) rejection tests and against inertia variations. A comparison with a conventional PI has been carried out from the design stage to experimental results and the improvement of the proposal has been numerically quantified.Postprint (published version
A Novel PMSM Hybrid Sensorless Control Strategy for EV Applications Based on PLL and HFI
In this paper, a novel hybrid sensorless control strategy for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) drives applied to Electric Vehicles (EV) is presented. This sensorless strategy covers the EV full speed range and also has speed reversal capability. It combines a High Frequency Injection (HFI) technique for low and zero speeds, and a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for the medium and high speed regions. A solution to achieve smooth transitions between the PLL and the HFI strategies is also proposed, allowing to correctly detect the rotor position polarity when HFI takes part. Wide speed and torque four-quadrant simulation results are provided, which validate the proposed sensorless strategy for being further implemented in EV.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
IPMSM torque control strategies based on LUTs and VCT feedback for robust control under machine parameter variations
In recent years, Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Machines (IPMSMs) have attracted a considerable
attention in the scientific community and industry for Electric
and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) propulsion systems. Lookup
Table (LUT) based Field Oriented Control (FOC) strategies
are widely used for IPMSM torque control. However, LUTs
strongly depend on machine parameters. Deviations of these
parameters due to machine ageing, temperature or manufacturing
inaccuracies can lead to control instabilities in the field
weakening region. In this paper, two novel hybrid IPMSM
control strategies combining the usage of LUTs and Voltage
Constraint Tracking (VCT) feedbacks are proposed in order to
overcome the aforementioned controllability issues. Simulation
results that demonstrate the validity of the proposed approaches
are presented.Postprint (author's final draft
Normalised flux weakening control technique acting on the actual speed for automotive dual three-phase IPMSMs
Comunicación presentada en 6th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC) Dates: 3/28/2023 - 3/31/2023 Venue: Arsenale di Venezia, Venice, ItalyIn this paper, a flux weakening control strategy based on a vector space decomposition (VSD) model is presented for asymmetrical dual threephase interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs). This strategy incorporates a voltage magnitude feedback loop, which provides robustness by adding a variation to the actual speed when enters in flux weakening mode or deviations occur in the electrical parameters of the machine. Validity of the proposal is demonstrated by simulation results carried out over standardised driving cycles, taking into account parameter mismatches.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the fund for research groups of the Basque University system IT1440-22 and by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 within the project PID2020-115126RB-I00
Digital control of multiphase series capacitor buck converter prototype for the powering of HL-LHC inner triplet magnets
©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A major upgrade will be conducted in the Large Hardon Collider (LHC) at CERN. This high-luminosity (HL) version of the LHC will increase the nominal luminosity by a factor of five. One of the key technologies of the HL-LHC is the new superconducting inner triplet (IT) magnets, responsible of producing high magnetic fields to focus particle beams. To power the IT magnets from the grid, a multistage power supply with an intermediate 24-V battery pack is being considered. In such topology, a low-voltage high-current dc/dc converter operating with a very high step-down ratio is required for the final conversion stage. In this work, an interleaved multiphase series capacitor buck converter is proposed to feed the IT magnets from the battery pack. A novel voltage regulation approach that ensures the current balance between the paralleled series capacitor cells is also proposed, where one cell is responsible for the output voltage regulation, while the remaining cells are current-regulated. A balanced current sharing between the series capacitor cells is achieved, when the current-controlled cells are referenced by the actual current of the first one. The proposal is theoretically analyzed and experimentally validated in a six-cell 1000-A prototype unit.This work was supported in part by the HL-LHC project by the CERN and APERT (UPV/EHU) “Collaboration in the Study of Power Converter
Topologies for Inner Triplet magnets with Energy Recovery in the framework of the High Luminosity upgrade for the LHC at CERN,” in part
by the Government of the Basque Country within the fund for research groups of the Basque University system under Grant IT978-16, in part
by the Government of Spain through the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under Project DPI2017-85404-P, and in part by the Generalitat de
Catalunya under Project 2017 SGR 872.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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