497 research outputs found

    Future trends in Animal Breeding due to new genetic tecnologies

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    The Darwin theory of evolution by natural selection is based on three principles: (a) variation; (b) inheritance; and (c) natural selection. Here, I take these principles as an excuse to review some topics related to the future research prospects in Animal Breeding. With respect to the first principle I describe two forms of variation different from mutation that are becoming increasingly important: variation in copy number and microRNAs. With respect to the second principle I comment on the possible relevance of non-mendelian inheritance, the so-called epigenetic effects, of which the genomic imprinting is the best characterized in domestic species. Regarding selection principle I emphasize the importance of selection for social traits and how this could contribute to both productivity and animal welfare. Finally, I analyse the impact of molecular biology in Animal Breeding, the achievements and limitations of quantitative trait locus and classical marker-assisted selection and the future of genomic selectio

    Exactly solvable pairing model for superconductors with a p+ip-wave symmetry

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    We present the exact Bethe ansatz solution for the two-dimensional BCS pairing Hamiltonian with p_x + i p_y symmetry. Using both mean-field theory and the exact solution we obtain the ground-state phase diagram parameterized by the filling fraction and the coupling constant. It consists of three phases denoted weak coupling BCS, weak pairing, and strong pairing. The first two phases are separated by a topologically protected line where the exact ground state is given by the Moore-Read pfaffian state. In the thermodynamic limit the ground-state energy is discontinuous on this line. The other two phases are separated by the critical line, also topologically protected, previously found by Read and Green. We establish a duality relation between the weak and strong pairing phases, whereby ground states of the weak phase are "dressed" versions of the ground states of the strong phase by zero energy (Moore-Read) pairs and characterized by a topological order parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Discussion on winding numbers added. Accepted in Phys Rev

    Detection of growth-related QTLs in turbot (Scophtalmus maximux)

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    Background The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a highly appreciated European aquaculture species. Growth related traits constitute the main goal of the ongoing genetic breeding programs of this species. The recent construction of a consensus linkage map in this species has allowed the selection of a panel of 100 homogeneously distributed markers covering the 26 linkage groups (LG) suitable for QTL search. In this study we addressed the detection of QTL with effect on body weight, length and Fulton's condition factor. Results Eight families from two genetic breeding programs comprising 814 individuals were used to search for growth related QTL using the panel of microsatellites available for QTL screening. Two different approaches, maximum likelihood and regression interval mapping, were used in order to search for QTL. Up to eleven significant QTL were detected with both methods in at least one family: four for weight on LGs 5, 14, 15 and 16; five for length on LGs 5, 6, 12, 14 and 15; and two for Fulton's condition factor on LGs 3 and 16. In these LGs an association analysis was performed to ascertain the microsatellite marker with the highest apparent effect on the trait, in order to test the possibility of using them for marker assisted selection. Conclusions The use of regression interval mapping and maximum likelihood methods for QTL detection provided consistent results in many cases, although the high variation observed for traits mean among families made it difficult to evaluate QTL effects. Finer mapping of detected QTL, looking for tightly linked markers to the causative mutation, and comparative genomics are suggested to deepen in the analysis of QTL in turbot so they can be applied in marker assisted selection programs

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning

    Depuración genética de poblaciones mediante marcadores diagnóstico

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    La pérdida de diversidad genética, que conlleva descensos en eficacia biológica y pérdida de adaptabilidad, suele considerarse un fenómeno a evitar. Sin embargo determinadas poblaciones requieren la preservación del fondo genético diferenciado de otros grupos: han de ser mantenidas en pureza. El motivo puede ser económico: razas que proporcionan productos de interés (como los cerdos ibéricos o bovinos de raza Reggiana; Dalvit et al., 2007) razas, como en perros, que no se cruzan por motivos estéticos (Parker et al., 2004), etc. También en especies o razas salvajes amenazadas por su equivalente doméstico tiene interés el mantenimiento de su base genética diferenciada (Rhymer y Simberloff 1996; Allendorf et al., 2001). Si tenemos una población de interés que se ha cruzado (bien por error o por mala gestión) con otra y queremos recuperar su fondo genético original, tendremos que llevar a cabo un proceso de desintrogresión. Por ejemplo, poblaciones que quieren recuperarse a través de un banco de semen requieren la utilización de hembras de otra población cuyo fondo genético habría de ser eliminado (Hall y Bradley 199

    Energy space entanglement spectrum of pairing models with s -wave and p -wave symmetry

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    We study the entanglement between blocks of energy levels in 1D models for s-wave and p-wave superconductivity. The ground state entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum (ES) of a block of levels around the Fermi point is obtained and related to its physical properties. In the superconducting phase at large coupling, the maximal entropy grows with the number of levels L as 12ln(L). The number of levels presenting maximal entanglement is shown to estimate the number of Cooper pairs involved in pairing correlations. Moreover, the properties of the ES signal the presence of the Read-Green quantum phase transition in the p+ip model, and of the Moore-Read line, which is difficult to characterize. This work establishes a link between physical properties of superconducting phases and quantum entanglement. © 2014 American Physical Society.We thank J. Dukelsky, O. Castro-Alvaredo, and B. Doyon for very useful discussions, and acknowledge financial support from Spanish Government Research Project No. FIS2012-33642 and the Severo Ochoa program. J.R.-L. acknowledges also Research Project No. FIS2009-07277, TOQUATA, and ERC grant QUAGATUA

    Game location influences basketball players performance across playing positions.

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    Home advantage in sport has been the subject of much empirical work, although the 3 causes underlying this effect are still unclear. In team sports such as Basketball, available 4 literature has analyzed home versus away performances at a team level. The present study 5 investigated the presence of home advantage at the level of the individual player’s position. It 6 also attempted to identify a subset of game-related statistics that could discriminate home and 7 away performances according to each player’s position. To achieve these aims, archival data 8 were obtained from 225 games for the 2004-2005 Euroleague. Players were subdivided so 9 that the “point guards” and “offguards” were pooled as guards (n=493), the “small forwards” 10 and “power forwards” were grouped as forwards (n=485) and the centres (n=233). A 2x3 11 (game location: home and away; playing position: guards, forwards and centres) factorial 12 MANOVA followed by a discriminant analysis was performed. For the guards, the 13 discriminant function was significant and the game-related statistics that differentiated most 14 home and away performances were the successful two point field-goals, defensive rebounds, 15 assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The forwards’ home and away performances were 16 discriminated by successful free-throws, assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The 17 function for centres was non significant. Results suggested a differential effect of home 18 advantage in basketball players by role in the team, with guards from home teams playing 19 more assertively, whereas in away teams forwards played more assertively. These results 20 provide initial evidence to support a position specific approach when preparing for home and 21 away games in team sports

    Caos en sistemas hamiltonianos

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    En el presente trabajo estudiaremos numéricamente la dinámica del modelo propuesto por Hénon y Heiles en [14]: un sistema conservativo que puede entenderse como la perturbación de un oscilador armónico bidimensional. Dicha dinámica presenta caos para valores elevados de la energía del sistema, por lo que será imprescindible utilizar un integrador numérico que respete las principales cualidades del espacio fásico para resolver las correspondientes ecuaciones de movimiento. Para ello, en primer lugar introduciremos los conceptos sobre Mecánica y Teoría del caos que necesitaremos para desarrollar nuestro trabajo. Posteriormente, abordaremos la construcción de los integradores numéricos adecuados, así como la elección de indicadores cuantitativos del caos robustos y eficientes. Finalmente, mostraremos y discutiremos los resultados obtenidos tras la simulación por ordenador.In the present work we will study numerically the dynamics of the Hénon-Heiles model, originally introduced in [14]: it is a conservative system which can be understood as a perturbation of a bidimensional harmonic oscillator. The aforementioned dynamics presents chaos when the energy is high enough, so it is completely necessary to use a numerical integrator that respects the main properties of phase space in order to solve the corresponding equations of motion. To do so, firstly we will introduce the fundamental concepts of Mechanics and Chaos Theory we need to develop our research. Secondly, we will tackle the construction of appropriate numerical integrators, as well as the election of robust and efficient chaotic numerical indices. And nally, we will show and discuss the results obtained after computer simulations.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Física y Matemática

    Past, present and future of epigenetics applied to livestock breeding

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    This article reviews the concept of Lamarckian inheritance and the use of the term epigenetics in the field of animal genetics. Epigenetics was first coined by Conrad Hal Waddington (1905–1975), who derived the term from the Aristotelian word epigenesis. There exists some controversy around the word epigenetics and its broad definition. It includes any modification of the expression of genes due to factors other than mutation in the DNA sequence. This involves DNA methylation, post-translational modification of histones, but also linked to regulation of gene expression by non-coding RNAs, genome instabilities or any other force that could modify a phenotype. There is little evidence of the existence of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals, which may commonly be confounded with environmental forces acting simultaneously on an individual, her developing fetus and the germ cell lines of the latter, although it could have an important role in the cellular energetic status of cells. Finally, we review some of the scarce literature on the use of epigenetics in animal breeding programs

    Información molecular vs información genealógica en la gestión de poblaciones

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    Tanto en el campo de la conservación como en el de la mejora genética, se han propuesto diversos métodos para gestionar una población controlando la pérdida de diversidad genética. En poblaciones no subdivididas, el método aceptado es determinar la contribución de cada posible padre (i.e., el número de descendientes que cada individuo deja a la siguiente generación), minimizando el parentesco global de los padres ponderado por estas contribuciones (Meuwissen, 1997; Grundy et al., 1998; Fernández et al., 2003). Los coeficientes de parentesco se obtienen normalmente de la genealogía, y en dicho caso, se optimiza el parentesco global genealógico. Sin embargo, la información genealógica no está siempre disponible, en cuyo caso se pueden usar marcadores moleculares para calcular el parentesco molecular o estimar el parentesco genealógico (Toro et al., 2009). Así, cuando no se dispone de genealogías, se puede minimizar el parentesco molecular global o el parentesco global genealógico estimado con los marcadores. Fernández et al. (2005) estudiaron mediante simulaciones la capacidad de la información molecular de reemplazar a la información genealógica, y concluyeron que el uso exclusivo de información molecular era claramente insuficiente. En dicho estudio, los autores se basaron en un número limitado de marcadores microsatélites, del orden de decenas. En la actualidad, gracias a los métodos de secuenciación de última generación, disponemos de miles de marcadores de tipo SNP, lo que hace necesaria una revisión de aquellas investigaciones que concluían que la utilidad de la información molecular era limitada e inferior a la genealógica. En este estudio, reevaluamos vía simulaciones la capacidad de la información genómica de reemplazar a la información genealógica para mantener diversidad genética en programas de conservación, usando un número de SNPs en línea con los datos actualmente disponible