16 research outputs found

    Recomendações para a aplicação de misturas Stone Mastic Asphalt em Portugal

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    As misturas Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) têm adquirido nos últimos anos uma particular aceitação de destaque em Portugal, pelo bom desempenho que apresentam. Contudo, a sua utilização na rede rodoviária nacional nem sempre tem sido acompanhada de um adequado enquadramento regulatório, nomeadamente, no que concerne não só à sua caracterização final, mas também aos materiais utilizados no seu fabrico. Neste estudo apresenta-se uma sumula do âmbito de aplicação das misturas SMA, das propriedades e respetivos limites habitualmente definidos internacionalmente, para os materiais constituintes e respetivas misturas SMA, bem como recomendações relativamente à respetiva escolha para utilização em Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identificação dos cromossomos de Mazama gouazoubira (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) envolvidos em rearranjos induzidos pela doxorrubicina

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    O processo de evolução cariotípica dos cervídeos a partir de um ancestral comum e hipotético, que possuía cariótipo com número diplóide e fundamental igual a 70, foi marcado por complexos rearranjos cromossômicos. Este cariótipo foi retido e pode ser encontrado na espécie Neotropical Mazama gouazoubira, que apresenta variação cromossômica e esta por sua vez, pode ser explicada pela fragilidade cromossômica. Este trabalho teve como finalidade identificar os cromossomos portadores de aberrações cromossômicas induzidas pela doxorrubicina, e localizar as regiões de quebras desses cromossomos. Foram analisados citogeneticamente 6 animais por meio da coloração convencional para a identificação e quantificação de 9 diferentes tipos de aberrações cromossômicas (anel, dicêntrico, gap cromatídico, gap cromossômico, quebra cromatídica, quebra cromossômica, forma trirradial, forma quadrirradial e rearranjo) e pelo bandamento G para a identificação precisa dos cromossomos portadores das aberrações e localização das regiões de quebras desses cromossomos. Os pares cromossômicos 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 e o cromossomo sexual X apresentaram aberrações cromossômicas em todos os animais analisados. Entre os cromossomos que apresentaram aberrações cromossômicas, as regiões em que estas se concentraram com maior frequência foram as regiões mediana e distal em relação ao centrômero. Tais dados sugerem que estas regiões dos cromossomos podem estar mais suscetíveis à fragilidade cromossômica e consequentemente, poderiam estar envolvidas com a diferenciação cariotípica das espéciesThe process of karyotype evolution of deer from a hypothetical common ancestor with diploid and fundamental numbers equal to 70 was characterized by complex chromosomal rearrangements. This ancestral karyotype was retained and it is considered to be standard for the current Neotropical species, Mazama gouazoubira. Several animals of this species, analyzed in different studies, showed karyotype variation that can be explained by chromosomal fragility. This study aimed to identify the chromosomes carrying doxorubicin-induced aberrations and to locate the regions of chromosome breaks (proximal, middle or distal). Six animals were analyzed by conventional staining for the identification and quantification of nine different types of chromosomal aberrations (ring, dicentric, chromatid gap, chromosomal gap, chromatid break, chromosomal break, triradials form, quadriradials form and rearrangements) and by G-banding for the precise identification of the chromosomes that carry aberrations and the regions where the breaks occur. The 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15 and 16 chromosome pairs and the X sex chromosome showed chromosomal aberrations in all analyzed animals. Among all chromosomes that presented chromosomal aberrations, most of them were located in the middle and distal regions. These data suggest that the middle and distal regions of the chromosome may be more susceptible to chromosomal fragility and, consequently, could be involved in the karyotype differentiation of Mazama speciesFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Identifying Mazama gouazoubira (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) chromosomes involved in rearrangements induced by doxorubicin

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    Abstract The process of karyotype evolution in Cervidae from a common ancestor (2n = 70, FN = 70) has been marked by complex chromosomal rearrangements. This ancestral karyotype has been retained by the current species Mazama gouazoubira (Fischer 1814), for which a chromosomal polymorphism (Robertsonian translocations and the presence of B chromosomes) has been described, presumably caused by a chromosome fragility. Thus, this study has identified doxorubicin-induced chromosome aberrations and mapped the regions involved in breaks, which may be related to the chromosome evolution process. G-banding pattern showed that 21 pairs of chromosomes presented chromosomal aberrations, 60% of the total chromosome number of the species M. gouazoubira. Among chromosomes that carry aberrations, the region where they were most frequently concentrated was distal relative to the centromere. These data suggest that certain chromosomal regions may be more susceptible to chromosome fragility and consequently could be involved in karyotype differentiation in species of the family Cervidae

    Designation of a neotype for Mazama americana (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) reveals a cryptic new complex of brocket deer species

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    Mazama americana (red brocket deer) is the genus-type species (first species described for this genus) and the basis for the identity of other Mazama species. Mazama americana is one of the most abundant and widely distributed deer species in the neotropical forest. However, recent studies suggest that this taxon belongs to a species complex. Our goal was to collect an animal at the type locality (topotype) in French Guiana with the aim of characterizing the morphological (biometric, craniometric), cytogenetic (Giemsa, C-banding, G-banding and NOR) and molecular (mitochondrial DNA) features. The comparisons showed that the collected specimen was very similar morphologically to specimens from other South American populations, but it was cytogenetically and molecularly very different from any of the cytotypes already described for this species, corroborating the existence of a complex of cryptic species. The data suggest that the M. americana topotype is a different species from all the cytotypes already described in the literature and which occupy the southern region of the Amazon River. The characterization and designation of the M. americana neotype is the first step toward a taxonomic reorganization of the genus Mazama, with the potential identification of new species