74 research outputs found

    Adrenal pheochromocytoma incidentally discovered in a patient with parkinsonism

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    To evaluate the diagnostic route of pheochromocytoma (PHEO) in a patient under dopaminergic treatment. A 70-year-old man with Parkinsonism and under treatment with levodopa and carbidopa came to our observation for evaluation of arterial hypertension and right adrenal mass discovered incidentally. To evaluate adrenal hormone levels we performed a dexamethasone suppression test, plasma aldosterone levels and 24-hr urinary metanephrine, which revealed elevated levels of catecholamines metabolities. 123-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine SPECT scintiscan revealed raised activity within the right adrenal gland concordant with the mass. The diagnosis of PHEO was posed and an elective laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed; histopathological examination confirmed the PHEO diagnosis. Recently the coexistence of PHEO and Parkinsonism is a very rare association of diseases, with only 3 cases reported in literature. In this article, another case is reported and diagnostic procedures are discusse

    A fuzzy data meta training system for ranking hub container terminals

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    The potential and critical aspects of any transport service can be highlighted through the estimation of appropriate performance indicators of the examined system. Commonly, container terminal analysis is based first on the evaluation and comparison of quantitative parameters that describe the level of service of the terminal and, on the other side by means of performance indicators related to terminal productivity. In this paper a Fuzzy Inference System for evaluation of a synthetic performance indicator is proposed. This tool could help planners and managers in terminals performances analysis and ranking as well as in assessing the effects of possible intervention on the systems. The proposed approach is suitable in the case of hub container ports. In fact this system is characterised by significant uncertainties and it is not always governed by certain rules, rational behaviour, so that it cannot be easily represented by traditional mathematical techniques and models. In our opinion, could be convenient to define the values of the considered parameters by explicitly define them in an approximate way, that is to say by fuzzy sets

    The prevalence of resistant arterial hypertension and secondary causes in a cohort of hypertensive patients: a single center experience

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    The prevalence of resistant hypertension (RHT) still remains unknown. Aim of the study was to investigate in a large cohort of hypertensive patients the prevalence of RHT, and to identify in these patients the secondary forms of arterial hypertension (SH). We enrolled a series of 3685 consecutive hypertensive patients. All patients underwent complete physical examination, laboratory tests, screening for SH. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed to exclude white-coat hypertension. Further, we investigated for any obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA). Only 232 (5.8%) hypertensive patients fulfilled criteria for RHT. 91 (39%) had a SH; 56 (61%) hypertensive patients had a primary aldosteronism, 22 (24%) had OSA, 7 (7.7%) had a hypercortisolism, and 5 (5.5%) had a renovascular hypertension (RVH). Only one patient had adrenal pheochromocytoma. An accurate definition and investigation into RHT is needed. We recommend ABPM to all patients at diagnosis. Finally, all patients must be screened for SH, such as adrenal hypertension, OSA and RVH, especially those who are apparently resistant to polypharmacological treatment

    Stratigraphic reassessment of Grotta Romanelli sheds light on Middle-Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and human settling in the Mediterranean

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    During the last century, Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy) has been a reference site for the European Late Pleistocene stratigraphy, due to its geomorphological setting and archaeological and palaeontological content. The beginning of the sedimentation inside the cave was attributed to the Last Interglacial (MISs 5e) and the oldest unearthed evidence of human occupation, including remains of hearths, was therefore referred to the Middle Palaeolithic. Recent surveys and excavations produced new U/Th dates, palaeoenvironmental interpretation and a litho-, morpho- and chrono-stratigraphical reassessment, placing the oldest human frequentation of the cave between MIS 9 and MIS 7, therefore embracing Glacial and Interglacial cycles. These new data provide evidence that the sea reached the cave during the Middle Pleistocene and human occupation occurred long before MISs 5e and persisted beyond the Pleistocene- Holocene boundary

    Stratigraphic reassessment of Grotta Romanelli sheds light on Middle-Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and human settling in the Mediterranean

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    During the last century, Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy) has been a reference site for the European Late Pleistocene stratigraphy, due to its geomorphological setting and archaeological and palaeontological content. The beginning of the sedimentation inside the cave was attributed to the Last Interglacial (MISs 5e) and the oldest unearthed evidence of human occupation, including remains of hearths, was therefore referred to the Middle Palaeolithic. Recent surveys and excavations produced new U/Th dates, palaeoenvironmental interpretation and a litho-, morpho- and chronostratigraphical reassessment, placing the oldest human frequentation of the cave between MIS 9 and MIS 7, therefore embracing Glacial and Interglacial cycles. These new data provide evidence that the sea reached the cave during the Middle Pleistocene and human occupation occurred long before MISs 5e and persisted beyond the Pleistocene- Holocene boundary

    Pulmonary embolism post-Covid-19 infection. Physiopathological mechanisms and vascular damage biomarkers

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    Covid-19 infection is characterized by several acute complications, as well long-term sequelae, mostly sustained by endothelial dysfunction; several studies show that complications as pulmonary embolism (PE) are described both in the acute phase and after negativization. Aim of research was to evaluate anthropometric, bio-humoral, instrumental parameters in a group of patients affected by PE after recent Covid-19 infection compared to PE patients without previous Covid-19 infection. We enrolled 72 consecutive patients (35M, 37F) with acute PE, distinguished in relation to previous acute Covid-19 infection: 54 pts without previous acute Covid-19 infection and 18 pts with previous Covid-19 infection within negativity at least 2 months before PE diagnosis; 44 healthy subjects (21M, 23F) were recruited as control group. Patients who had previously developed Covid-19 needed hospitalization in high percentage (84%); this group showed significantly higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus than Covid-19-free PE patients, reduced serum levels of C-reactive protein, sST2 and PESI score. In post-Covid-19 PE group, we observed higher mean IMPROVE risk score, whereas in Covid-19-free group lower P/F ratio, higher radiological severity, and worse PESI score and severity index. Covid-19 infection affects not just the lung parenchyma but also other organs; endothelial damage plays pivotal role in long-term alterations; in high thrombotic risk group (recent hospitalization due to acute Covid-19 infection), we have described thrombotic complications characterized by persistent prothrombotic state after recovery, highlighted by well-known markers as PCR and D-Dimer as well as novel vascular marker (sST2)

    Surgical management of large scalp infantile hemangioma in 30-month-old infant

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    Infantile Hemangiomas (IH) are the most common benign tumor of infancy, occurring in over 10% of newborns. The head and neck is the most frequently affected area (60%), and the scalp is a typical site for such large lesions. Scalp-IHs are usually focal lesions that can be both disfiguring and may lead to complications such as ulceration and bleeding. We describe a case of a 30-months old female who presented a large scalp-IH at birth that rapidly grew in the first year of life. Topical and systemic treatments (with timolol ointment and oral propranolol, respectively) were not effective in reducing dimensions of the hemangioma. After vascular imaging study, the patient underwent surgical resection of the IH and primary closure with excellent cosmetic outcome. When medical therapy is ineffective or cosmetic and functional integrity is threatened, early surgery allows to completely removing large scalp-IHs, with good cosmetic results

    Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation “3.0”: From acute to chronic phase. Position Paper of the ltalian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (GICR-IACPR)

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    Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is the subspecialty of clinical cardiology dedicated to the treatment of cardiac patients, early and in the long term after an acute event. The aim of CR is to improve both quality of life and prognosis through prognostic stratification, clinical stabilization and optimization of therapy (pharmacological and non), management of comorbidities, treatment of disability, as well as through the provision and reinforcement of secondary prevention interventions and maintenaince of adherence to treatment. The mission of CR has changed over time. Once centered on the acute phase, aimed primarily at short-term survival, the healthcare of cardiac patients now increasingly involves the chronic phase where the challenge is to guarantee continuity and quality of care in the medium and long-term. The aim of the present position paper is to provide the state-of-the-art of CR in Italy, discussing its trengths and weaknesses as well as future perspectives