544 research outputs found

    Pressure-sensitive bonded junction transducers

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    Miniature transducers involve the use of appropriate commercial epoxy resins. Design protects the sensitive semiconductor surface from ambients and excludes an air space in the device capsule

    Pressure sensitive transducers Patent

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    Miniature electromechanical junction transducer operating on piezojunction effect and utilizing epoxy for stress coupling componen

    A miniature electromechanical tunnel diode transducer

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    Miniature electromechanical tunnel diode transduce

    Voices of Villa Hermosa: impact of collective demobilizations and reinsertions of former paramilitary members on the inhabitants of the Comuna 8 of MedellĂ­n

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the impact that the reinsertion into society of former Colombian paramilitary members has had on the normative plurality existing in one urban settlement of Medellín known as “Comuna 8”. This study refers to paramilitarism as contra insurgent organizations associated with organized crime, and by demobilization it refers to the process by which members of Illegal Armed Organized Groups disarmed and reintegrated to civil life. The aspects explored are the social context of the Comuna 8, the Desarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion process (DDR), and finally the changes that this reinsertion process had on some forms of expression in the comuna. The study uses Documentary Analysis using primary and secondary data, focusing on testimonies from members of the community, governmental and nongovernmental research reports, municipal legislation, and governmental statistics. This research shows how the inhabitants of the Comuna 8 further expressed their unconformities after demobilization, and analyses why different channels of expression were opened

    Contracted chattel : indentured and apprenticed labor in Cape Town, c.1808-1840

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    This thesis examines indentured and apprenticed labor in Cape Town between the years 1808 and 1840. Through analysis of primary material such as the South African Commercial Advertiser, the Colonist, and the Mediator, as well as contemporary travel accounts, contracts of indenture and apprenticeship, and an examination of the records of the Cape Town Magistrates, this study explores the attitudes and perceptions towards indentured and apprenticed labor by both employers and indentured and apprenticed servants.This study hopes to add to the existing literature pertaining to nineteenth-century Cape Colony labor. This thesis commences with an examination of the different indenture and apprenticeship systems which existed in Cape Town between the years 1808 and 1840. It explores the issue of how employers and the government sought to maintain a constant supply of labor in the city as the prominence of urban slavery declined. It also discusses the important issue of how employers defined the terms apprentice and indenture. Chapter two explores the topic of child apprenticeship in Cape Town between the years 1812 to 1840, and illustrates that the notion of child apprenticeship was understood in different ways between employers and parents of apprenticed children. Chapter three investigates the stereotypes Cape Town's English speaking employers held towards the city's indentured and apprenticed laborers. The final chapter explores the question of status and incorporation into Cape Town society for the city's indentured and apprenticed laborers, and demonstrates that laborers did not enjoy equal status to the city's slaves

    Breast cancer or metastasis? An unusual case of metastatic malignant pleural mesothelioma to the breast

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    Background: Metastases to the breast from extramammary malignancies are very rare, and ruling out the diagnosis of primary breast tumor is important in order to decide on clinical management and predict prognosis. Case presentation: Clinical examination revealed in a 49-year-old hairdresser a 3-cm hard lump adherent to the underlying layers in the right breast. Trucut biopsy was performed. Histology showed a solid proliferation of medium-sized neoplastic polygonal cells. Immunohistochemical analysis showed tumor cells diffusely positive for cytokeratin 8/18 and calretinin and focally positive for cytokeratin 5/6 and Wilms’ tumor 1, e-cadherin, and human bone marrow endothelial-1. Estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors were negative. The final diagnosis was metastatic epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma. Conclusions: Immunohistochemistry is an important tool for a conclusive diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Owing to the degree of histological and immunohistochemical overlap, a high level of clinical suspicion is essential in order to avoid unnecessary mutilating surgery

    Changes in the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen and sulphur assimilation during leaf and berry development of Vitis vinifera

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    The changes in the activities of 0-acetylserine sulphydrylase, ATP sulphurylase, glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and nitrate reductase in extracts from leaves and berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot were studied at weekly intervals prior to anthesis up to grape harvest. Total nitrogen, amino nitrogen and protein contents were also determined.The total nitrogen content decreased from the beginning of the determinations either in leaves or in berries. Protein and amino nitrogen increments in berries matched their decreases in leaves.Nitrate reductase activity was not detectable either in leaves or berries. On the contrary, all the other examined enzymes showed at least three maxima of activity: one at anthesis and the others between the beginning of berry development and grape harvest.The ATP sulphurylase, 0-acetylserine sulphydrylase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities of berries were always higher than those observed in leaves, whereas glutamine synthetase activitywas similar in the two organs.Our results indicate that sulphur and nitrogen assimilation occur either in leavesor berries of grapevine.Changements des activités enzymatiques de l'assimilation de l'azote et du soufre pendant le développement de la feuille et du grain de Vitis viniferaSur des extraits de feuilles et de grains de raisins de Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot, prélevés chaque semaine dans la période entre la floraison et la vendange, les changements des activités enzymatiques de 1'0-acétylsérine sulfhydrilase, ATP sulfurylase, glutamate déshydrogénase, glutamine synthétase et de la nitrate réductase ont été étudiés.La teneur en azote total diminuait dans les feuilles aussi bien que dans les grains. L'accroissement des protéines et de l'amino-azote dans les grains était lié à leur décroissement dans les feuilles. L'activité enzymatique de la nitrate réductase n'a été retrouvée ni dans les grains ni dans les feuilles; toutes les autres activités enzymatiques analysées présentaient au moins trois pointes d'activités: la première à la floraison, les autres dans la période comprise entre le début du développement du grain et la vendange.Les activités de l'ATP sulfurylase, 0-acétylsérine sulfhydrilase et de la glutamate déshydrogénase étaient plus élevées dans les grains que dans les feuilles, tandis que l'activité de la glutamine synthétase était pareille dans les deux organes.Ces résultas indiquent que l'assimilation du soufre et de l'azote se fait dans les feuilles aussi bien que dans les grains de la vigne


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