397 research outputs found

    Parental Monitoring and Youth's Binge Behaviors: The Role of Sensation Seeking and Life Satisfaction

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    Framed within an ecological perspective of the onset of adolescent problem behaviors, the current study explored the joint role of parent-adolescents’ relationships and youth's individual factors in binge eating and drinking. Firstly, in line with pieces of research highlighting the beneficial impact of effective parenting on youth development, the present paper sought to enhance the knowledge about the positive influence of parental monitoring on youth's binge drinking and eating. Moreover, since literature evidenced that the explanatory mechanisms of the association between parental monitoring and binge behaviors are not fully explored, the study focused on the potential intervening role of sensation seeking and life satisfaction as mediators. The study design was cross-sectional and self-report questionnaires were administered among a population of 944 high school students (M = 16.35, SD = 1.31) living in Palermo (Italy). Path analysis showed that parental monitoring was directly and negatively related to both binge eating and binge drinking. Moreover, sensation seeking negatively mediated the relationships between parental monitoring and both binge behaviors, whereas life satisfaction only mediated between parental monitoring and binge eating. The current study provided data useful to understand the complex interrelations between intrapersonal (life satisfaction and personality trait, i.e. sensation seeking) and contextual factors (parent–child relationships) that may discourage or cause eating and alcohol use disorders among youth. Finally, implications for parents and practitioners working with youngsters were discussed

    Evaluation of Cable Harness Post-Installation Testing

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    The Cable Harness Post-Installation Testing Report was written in response to an action issued by the Ares Project Control Board (PCB). The action for the Ares I Avionics & Software Chief Engineer and the Avionics Integration and Vehicle Systems Test Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Manager in the Vehicle Integration Office was to develop a set of guidelines for electrical cable harnesses. Research showed that post-installation tests have been done since the Apollo era. For Ares I-X, the requirement for post-installation testing was removed to make it consistent with the avionics processes used on the Atlas V expendable launch vehicle. Further research for the report involved surveying government and private sector launch vehicle developers, military and commercial aircraft, spacecraft developers, and harness vendors. Responses indicated crewed launch vehicles and military aircraft perform post-installation tests. Key findings in the report were as follows: Test requirements identify damage, human-rated vehicles should be tested despite the identification of statistically few failures, data does not support the claim that post-installation testing damages the harness insulation system, and proper planning can reduce overhead associated with testing. The primary recommendation of the report is for the Ares projects to retain the practice of post-fabrication and post-installation cable harness testing

    Investigation of single particle devolatilization in fluidized bed reactors by X-ray imaging techniques

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    A non-intrusive X-ray imaging technique has been used to investigate the behaviour of solid feedstock particles in a lab-scale fluidized bed reactor operated at temperatures up to 650 °C. Beech wood and polypropylene particles of different sizes have been chosen to represent the main constituents of typical thermochemical processes feedstock. The experiments were conducted under either oxidizing or inert conditions. The presence of oxygen showed a strong effect on the overall devolatilization time, which was found to be in the range of 30-112 seconds and 40-174 seconds for beech wood and polypropylene, respectively. Surprisingly, the oxidizing nature of the fluidizing medium appears to have no influence on the volatiles release within the bed in form of the so-called endogenous bubbles. These volatiles bubbles are responsible for a lift force acting on the feedstock particle itself, which ultimately encourages the segregation towards the bed surface. A one-dimensional physical model has been developed to predict particle axial location over time, taking into account both dynamic and thermal conversion behaviour of a single feedstock particle. A revised version of the model has been proposed due to new knowledge of endogenous bubbles size provided by a novel X-ray imaging approach. Results showed very accurate predictions of the 1D model for biomass particles, which segregate towards the bed surface according to the multiple bubble segregation pattern. However, the model fails in describing plastics behaviour, possibly due to different mechanisms of reactions. The observations reported in this work show the importance of investigation at single particle level and may serve to promote new methods to gain a better understanding of plastics thermal decomposition in fluidized beds, whose mechanism is still uncertain

    Axial segregation behaviour of a reacting biomass particle in fluidized bed reactors: experimental results and model validation

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    Axial segregation behaviour of a single biomass particle in a lab-scale bubbling fluidized bed has been investigated from both experimental and modelling perspectives. Experiments were conducted using beech wood particles of different sizes, ranging from 8 to 12 mm under either oxidizing or inert conditions. The fluidized bed reactor was operated at temperatures and fluidization velocity ratios, U/Umf, in the range of 500–650 °C and 1–2, respectively. A one-dimensional model has been developed to predict the axial location of the particle over time, taking into account both dynamic and thermal conversion mechanisms. X-ray imaging techniques allowed to identify endogenous bubbles released during devolatilization and carry out direct measurements of their size. This information was used to propose an expression for the lift force acting on the fuel particle. The model showed very accurate predictions and the segregation behaviour of the fuel particle appeared to be independent of the nature of the fluidizing medium

    Social Anxiety and Bullying Victimization in Children and Early Adolescents: The Role of Developmental Period and Immigrant Status

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    Research reveals that social anxiety may be predictive of bullying victimization, but it is not clear whether this relation stands for different groups of youth. The present study examines this association by employing a longitudinal design over 1 year and including the moderating role of developmental period (childhood vs. early adolescence) and students’ immigrant status (native vs. non-native). T1 sample included 506 children (46.44% girls, mean age M = 8.55 years, SD = 0.55) and 310 early adolescents (50% girls, mean age = 12.54 years, SD = 0.59) recruited in schools in Northern Italy. Due to missing cases and drop-outs from T1 to T2, the final sample comprised 443 and 203 students from primary and middle school, respectively. Social anxiety and peer victimization were assessed through self-reported questionnaires. Results indicated that victimization at T2 was predicted by a 3-way interaction between T1 social anxiety, immigrant status, and developmental period. In particular, socially anxious early adolescents with an immigrant background were the most victimized. The results are discussed in terms of group dynamics and intergroup processes. The findings highlight the importance of personal variables in the cumulation of risks: social anxiety is more predictive of bullying victimization for immigrant early adolescents than for children or native early adolescents

    A Naturally Heteroplasmic Clam Provides Clues about the Effects of Genetic Bottleneck on Paternal mtDNA

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is present in multiple copies within an organism. Since these copies are not identical, a single individual carries a heterogeneous population of mtDNAs, a condition known as heteroplasmy. Several factors play a role in the dynamics of the within-organism mtDNA population: among them, genetic bottlenecks, selection, and strictly maternal inheritance are known to shape the levels of heteroplasmy across mtDNAs. In Metazoa, the only evolutionarily stable exception to the strictly maternal inheritance of mitochondria is the doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), reported in 100+ bivalve species. In DUI species, there are two highly divergent mtDNA lineages, one inherited through oocyte mitochondria (F-type) and the other through sperm mitochondria (M-type). Having both parents contributing to the mtDNA pool of the progeny makes DUI a unique system to study the dynamics of mtDNA populations. Since, in bivalves, the spermatozoon has few mitochondria (4-5), M-type mtDNA faces a tight bottleneck during embryo segregation, one of the narrowest mitochondrial bottlenecks investigated so far. Here, we analyzed the F- and M-type mtDNA variability within individuals of the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum and investigated for the first time the effects of such a narrow bottleneck affecting mtDNA populations. As a potential consequence of this narrow bottleneck, the M-type mtDNA shows a large variability in different tissues, a condition so pronounced that it leads to genotypes from different tissues of the same individual not to cluster together. We believe that such results may help understanding the effect of low population size on mtDNA bottleneck

    Immunolocalization of Vasa, PIWI, and TDRKH proteins in male germ cells during spermatogenesis of the teleost fish Poecilia reticulata

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    Vasa, PIWI and TDRKH are conserved components of germ granules that in metazoans are involved in germline specification and differentiation, as documented by mutational experiments in some model animals. So far, investigations on PIWI during spermatogenesis of fish has been limited to a few species, and no information is available for TDRKH, another protein involved in the piRNA pathway. In this study, the immunolocalization of these three germline determinants was analyzed in male gonads of the teleost fish Poecilia reticulata to document their localization pattern in the different stages of germ cell differentiation. To analyze their distribution pattern during the different stages of spermatogenesis we performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) assays using primary polyclonal antibodies after testing their specificity with Western Blot. Moreover, sections of testis stained with haematoxylin and eosin clarified the structural organization of P. reticulata testis, while the use of the confocal microscope and the nuclear staining clarified the different stages of germ cell differentiation during spermatogenesis. The results showed that Vasa, PIWI and TDRKH were specifically immunolocalized in the germ cells of P. reticulata, with no specific signal detected in Sertoli cells and in other somatic cells of the gonad. These markers were detected in all stages of differentiation from early spermatogonia to advanced spermatids. Vasa staining was the strongest in spermatogonia, and then decreases throughout differentiation. Instead, both PIWI and TDRKH staining increases during differentiation, and their distribution pattern, similar to what observed in the mouse, suggests their concerted participation in the piRNA pathway also in this fish

    Maternal Parenting Stress and Preschoolers’ Social-Emotional Competence and Behavioural Difficulties: A Variable- and Person-Centred Approach

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    Background: The present study examined the relations between maternal parenting stress and preschoolers’ psychosocial adjustment, using both a variable-centred and a person-centred approach. Methods: The study had three main purposes: (a) evaluating the associations of maternal parenting stress with children’s social-emotional competence and behavioural difficulties, as perceived by their mothers; (b) inquiring the existence of different children’s clusters based on their level of social-emotional competence and behavioural difficulties; (c) exploring differences in maternal parenting stress linked to cluster membership. Participants were 91 Italian mothers, aged from 22 to 47 years old (M = 35.14, SD = 5.80), having a preschool child from 3 to 6 years old (M = 4.6, SD = 0.80). Results: Overall, results showed that maternal parenting stress was negatively associated with children’s social-emotional competence, and positively associated with their behavioural difficulties. A cluster analysis allowed identifying four children’s profiles characterized by different levels of social-emotional competence and behavioural difficulties: Maladjusted, Troubled, Adjusted and Controversial. Conclusions: Results also evidenced differences among clusters in maternal parenting stress. Ultimately, this study suggests that interventions may consider reducing maternal parenting stress to promote children’s psychosocial adjustment

    Relaxed selection on male mitochondrial genes in DUI bivalves eases the need for mitonuclear coevolution

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    Mitonuclear coevolution is an important prerequisite for efficient energy production in eukaryotes. However, many bivalve taxa experience doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI) and have sex-specific mitochondrial (mt) genomes, providing a challenge for mitonuclear coevolution. We examined possible mechanisms to reconcile mitonuclear coevolution with DUI. No nuclear-encoded, sex-specific OXPHOS paralogs were found in the DUI clam Ruditapes philippinarum, refuting OXPHOS paralogy as a solution in this species. It is also unlikely that mt changes causing disruption of nuclear interactions are strongly selected against because sex-specific mt-residues or those under positive selection in M mt genes were not depleted for contacting nuclear-encoded residues. However, M genomes showed consistently higher dN/dS ratios compared to putatively ancestral F genomes in all mt OXPHOS genes and across all DUI species. Further analyses indicated that this was consistently due to relaxed, not positive selection on M vs. F mt OXPHOS genes. Similarly, selection was relaxed on the F genome of DUI species compared to species with strict maternal inheritance. Coupled with recent physiological and molecular evolution studies, we suggest that relaxed selection on M mt function limits the need to maintain mitonuclear interactions in M genomes compared to F genomes. We discuss our findings with regard to OXPHOS function and the origin of DUI
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