6 research outputs found

    Relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional

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    Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarRelatório final de Estágio submetido como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar.No seguimento do plano de ação traçado ao longo da unidade curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, foi proposta a realização do presente relatório de estágio, o qual concretiza uma análise reflexiva do percurso de formação profissional da estagiária que, por sua vez, foi desenvolvido em contexto de creche e de educação pré-escolar, no Infantário Monfortinhos de Real e no Jardim de Infância Aurélia de Sousa, respetivamente. A experiência em contexto educativo, complementada pelas aulas teórico-práticas lecionadas no âmbito da referida UC, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais intrínsecas à prática docente, como é exemplo a articulação teoria-prática; saber pensar e agir nos contextos educativos; construção de uma prática reflexiva sobre, na e para a ação; co-construir saberes profissionais junto da comunidade educativa; problematizar as exigências da prática profissional, promovendo a adequabilidade das planificações (adaptado de Ribeiro & Araújo, 2012, p.1). Ao longo de toda a prática pedagógica supervisionada, a estagiária teve em consideração a metodologia investigação-ação enquanto “processo em que os participantes analisam as suas próprias práticas educativas de uma forma sistemática e aprofundada” (Coutinho et al., 2009, p.360). Assim, a referida metodologia foi desenvolvida através do envolvimento da estagiária nas diversas etapas do processo educativo (Ministério da Educação, 1997), revelando-se facilitadora da análise reflexiva da sua prática pedagógica.Following the action plan drawn along the course (UC) Supervised Pedagogic Practice, it was proposed to write out this professional qualification report, which performs a reflective analysis of the course of training experienced by the student, which was developed in the contexts of day care and pre-school education, in Monfortinhos Real nursery and in Aurélia de Sousa kindergarten, respectively. The experience lived in an educational context, complemented by the practical classes taught under that UC, contributed to the development of professional skills intrinsic to teaching practice, as exemplified by the articulation between theory and practice, how to think and act in educational contexts; building a reflective practice on, in and for the action, co-build professional knowledge within the educational community; discuss the requirements of professional practice, promoting the suitability of daily plans (adapted from Ribeiro & Araújo, 2012, p.1). Throughout the supervised teaching practice, the student took into account the methodology of action research as "a process in which participants examine their own educational practice in a systematic and thorough manner" (Coutinho et al., 2009, p.360). Thus, this methodology has been developed through the involvement of the student in the different stages of the educational process (Ministry of Education, 1997), favoring the reflective analysis of her practice

    Urban area extent extraction in spaceborne HR and VHR data using multi-resolution features

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    Detection of urban area extents by means of remotely sensed data is a difficult task, especially because of the multiple, diverse definitions of what an ―urban area‖ is. The models of urban areas listed in technical literature are based on the combination of spectral information with spatial patterns, possibly at different spatial resolutions. Starting from the same data set, ―urban area‖ extraction may thus lead to multiple outputs. If this is done in a well-structured framework, however, this may be considered as an advantage rather than an issue. This paper proposes a novel framework for urban area extent extraction from multispectral Earth Observation (EO) data. The key is to compute and combine spectral and multi-scale spatial features. By selecting the most adequate features, and combining them with proper logical rules, the approach allows matching multiple urban area models. Experimental results for different locations in Brazil and Kenya using High-Resolution (HR) data prove the usefulness and flexibility of the framework. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A landscape archaeology application of 'big heritage data': Detecting traces of Roman centuriations in large-scale, old aerial photos

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    Centuriation was a regular method for land parcel definition used by the ancient Romans, whose vestiges are still visible today in some places. Detecting such vestiges is relevant to landscape archaeology studies. In this paper we propose a new method for extensive automated inspection of heritage aerial photos in order to detect clues of centuriation