3,264 research outputs found


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    Over the past decade, the repressive legal and regulatory environment in transition economies has received considerable attention in the literature. In Russia, this framework has resulted in an environment in which rules and regulations govern almost all aspects of economic activity. The elaborate system of regulations with which firms must comply, in combination with a lack of accountability for regulatory enforcers, has created a corrupt cadre of government officials who frequently engage in rent-seeking behavior while monitoring and enforcing firm compliance. The objective of this paper is to investigate the manner in which corruption affects micro and small enterprises in Russia. Empirical evidence suggests that micro and small enterprises vary substantially in reporting how problematic corruption is for their enterprise. A theoretical model explores why extortion from regulators may occur in a non-uniform manner across firms. The theoretical model postulates that government regulators customize the nature of their rent-seeking activities towards, similar to a price-discriminating monopolist facing hidden information. The model shows that production technologies, input choices, and other firm characteristics such as location play a role in determining the bribe price that a regulator will charge a firm, as well as the number of times he will return to collect it. Supportive evidence comes from survey data collected on Russian microenterprises. The model described above is tested using econometrics, and numerical simulations.Political Economy,

    The alternate GNB3 splice variant, Gβ3s, exhibits an altered signalling response to EGF stimulation, which leads to enhanced cell migration

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    It has recently been reported that the duplication of the GNB3 gene has been shown to be directly linked to an obesity phenotype, both in humans and also in a humanised mouse model. Moreover, the common human GNB3 c.825C>T polymorphism (rs5443) causes this ubiquitously expressed gene to be aberrantly spliced approximately 50% of the time leading to the production of both a normal Gβ3 protein and a truncated, possibly less stable subunit, known as Gβ3s. The presence of the GNB3 825T allele has previously been shown to be associated with predisposition to hypertension, obesity, various cancers, Alzheimers, age related cognitive function, erectile dysfunction as well as a marker for pharmacogenetic drug action. Great controversy, however, currently exists as to whether these phenotypes associated with the 825T allele are a) mainly due to the presence of the smaller, possibly more active, Gβ3s subunit or b) merely down to the haploinsufficiency of the normal GNB3 transcript, due to its frequent aberrant splicing. In order to try and address these two conflicting hypothesis, we report on the identification and characterisation of signalling alterations unique to the presence of Gβ3s protein subunit. Moreover we also show the physiological consequences associated with altered signalling, directly induced by the Gβ3s subunit. For this, we used both an EBV transformed lymphoblast cell line homozygote for GNB3 825T/825T (TT) and a stable Gβ3s expressing recombinant COS-7 clone. In both of these cell lines that express the Gβ3s subunit, we found enhanced cytosolic calcium influx upon stimulation with EGF, TGFα and VEGF ligands, as compared to “normal” GNB3 controls with the 825C/825C (CC) genotype. This aberrant calcium influx also led to an increase in ERK, but not AKT1, phosphorylation. Despite the lack of AKT1 activation, we paradoxically observed a significant increase in phosphorylation of its downstream substrates, namely mTOR and p70S6k (KS6B2). Moreover we observed a decrease in phospho FoxO3a only in Gβ3s expressing cells, but not in the “normal” GNB3 (CC) control cell line. The presence of the Gβ3s subunit also appeared to alter the distinct localisation patterns of both Foxo3a and AKT1, while also increasing the colocalisation of mTOR and p70S6K. Subsequent growth factor stimulation studies revealed that EGF treatment, of Gβ3s expressing cells, appeared to cause a significant decrease in cAMP levels, which, in turn resulted in both enhanced caveolin-1a phosphorylation, and an increase in actin stress fibre formation. The identification of these distinct Gβ3s specific signalling alterations were indicative of a more aggressive migratory phenotype. This led us to further investigate and confirm that the presence of the Gβ3s subunit also appears to cause significantly enhanced migration and robust scratch wound healing kinetics, as compared to cells harbouring only the normal copy of the gene. These data therefore present convincing evidence that the Gβ3s subunit is stable, functional and its presence can significantly alter signalling pathways, in different cell types

    The mitochondrial protease HtrA2 restricts the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes.

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    Activation of the inflammasome pathway is crucial for effective intracellular host defense. The mitochondrial network plays an important role in inflammasome regulation but the mechanisms linking mitochondrial homeostasis to attenuation of inflammasome activation are not fully understood. Here, we report that the Parkinson\u27s disease-associated mitochondrial serine protease HtrA2 restricts the activation of ASC-dependent NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes, in a protease activity-dependent manner. Consistently, disruption of the protease activity of HtrA2 results in exacerbated NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasome responses in macrophages ex vivo and systemically in vivo. Mechanistically, we show that the HtrA2 protease activity regulates autophagy and controls the magnitude and duration of inflammasome signaling by preventing prolonged accumulation of the inflammasome adaptor ASC. Our findings identify HtrA2 as a non-redundant mitochondrial quality control effector that keeps NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasomes in check

    Friedel Oscillations and Charge Density Waves in Chains and Ladders

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    The density matrix renormalization group method for ladders works much more efficiently with open boundary conditions. One consequence of these boundary conditions is groundstate charge density oscillations that often appear to be nearly constant in magnitude or to decay only slightly away from the boundaries. We analyse these using bosonization techniques, relating their detailed form to the correlation exponent and distinguishing boundary induced generalized Friedel oscillations from true charge density waves. We also discuss a different approach to extracting the correlation exponent from the finite size spectrum which uses exclusively open boundary conditions and can therefore take advantage of data for much larger system sizes. A general discussion of the Friedel oscillation wave-vectors is given, and a convenient Fourier transform technique is used to determine it. DMRG results are analysed on Hubbard and t-J chains and 2 leg t-J ladders. We present evidence for the existence of a long-ranged charge density wave state in the t-J ladder at a filling of n=0.75 and near J/t \approx 0.25.Comment: Revtex, 15 pages, 15 postscript figure

    A new era of wide-field submillimetre imaging: on-sky performance of SCUBA-2

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    SCUBA-2 is the largest submillimetre wide-field bolometric camera ever built. This 43 square arc-minute field-of-view instrument operates at two wavelengths (850 and 450 microns) and has been installed on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. SCUBA-2 has been successfully commissioned and operational for general science since October 2011. This paper presents an overview of the on-sky performance of the instrument during and since commissioning in mid-2011. The on-sky noise characteristics and NEPs of the 450 and 850 micron arrays, with average yields of approximately 3400 bolometers at each wavelength, will be shown. The observing modes of the instrument and the on-sky calibration techniques are described. The culmination of these efforts has resulted in a scientifically powerful mapping camera with sensitivities that allow a square degree of sky to be mapped to 10 mJy/beam rms at 850 micron in 2 hours and 60 mJy/beam rms at 450 micron in 5 hours in the best weather.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures.SPIE Conference series 8452, Millimetre, Submillimetre and Far-infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI 201

    Evaluation of the risk of cardiovascular events with clarithromycin using both propensity score and self-controlled study designs

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    Aim: Some previous studies suggest a long term association between clarithromycin use and cardiovascular events. This study investigates this association for clarithromycin given as part of Helicobacter pylori treatment (HPT). Methods: Our source population was the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), a UK primary care database. We conducted a self-controlled case series (SCCS), a case–time–control study (CTC) and a propensity score adjusted cohort study comparing the rate of cardiovascular events in the 3 years after exposure to HPT containing clarithromycin with exposure to clarithromycin free HPT. Outcomes were first incident diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI), arrhythmia and stroke. For the cohort analysis we included secondary outcomes all cause and cardiovascular mortality. Results: Twenty-eight thousand five hundred and fifty-two patients were included in the cohort. The incidence rate ratio of first MI within 1 year of exposure to HPT containing clarithromycin was 1.07 (95% CI 0.85, 1.34, P = 0.58) and within 90 days was 1.43 (95% CI 0.99, 2.09 P = 0.057) in the SCCS analysis. CTC and cohort results were consistent with these findings. Conclusions There was some evidence for a short term association for first MI but none for a long term association for any outcome
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