11,969 research outputs found

    Why there is no spin-orbit inversion in heavy-light mesons?

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    We show that the absence of spin-orbit inversions in heavy-light mesons can be explained by the chiral radiative corrections in potential model. A new potential model estimate is given of the masses for P-wave bottom mesons.Comment: 10 pages, published in PR

    Diffusion-controlled and replacement microtextures in alkali feldspars from two pegmatites: Perth, Ontario and Keystone, South Dakota

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    Macro- and micro-perthitic microclines from pegmatites from Perth, Ontario (Wards catalogue 46 E 0510) and Keystone, South Dakota (Wards 46 E 5125) have been studied using light and electron microscopy. A sample of the type perthite from Perth, Ontario (Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, M2361) was compared using light microscopy. It differs in bulk composition and microtexture from the Wards sample. The Perth sample from Wards is a mesoperthite, with sub-periodic ~mm-thick albite veins near (100), with irregular surfaces. The microcline has regular tartan twins and formed from orthoclase by a continuous process. The Keystone sample is a microperthite, with non-periodic albite veins mainly in {110}. Irregular tartan twins, volumes of irregular microcline and subgrains suggest that the microcline formed by dissolution–reprecipitation. Microcline in both samples contains semicoherent cryptoperthitic albite films that formed after the development of tartan twins. The bulk compositions of these intergrowths imply exsolution below ~400°C. Diffusion parameters imply sustained heating for between 0.11 My at 400°C, 1.5 GPa and 8.4 My at 300°C, 1 GPa. Unrealistic times are required at 200°C. Subsequently, the crystals reacted with a fluid leading to replacive growth of the vein perthites. Unusually, Albite twin composition planes in replacive subgrains have sub-periodic dislocations, formed by coalescence of advancing growth twins. Processes that might lead to periodic, replacive intergrowths are discussed. The Perth and Keystone feldspars have been used for experimental work on dissolution during weathering and on anomalous thermoluminescence fading. Their microtextures make them unsuitable for obtaining properties that can be extrapolated to feldspars in general

    Life in the sun and the deep-freeze

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    The future effects of climate change will potentially have massive impacts upon society, infrastructure, energy and food supplies. Considerable research is focused upon the development of sophisticated predictive climate models that forecast the implications and effects of climate change over the next few millennia. However, two obvious questions arise. Firstly, how can we test whether these models work? Secondly, are we being short-sighted and not looking far enough into the future? Both of these questions can be examined by looking at analogues from the geological record

    One-step Estimation of Networked Population Size: Respondent-Driven Capture-Recapture with Anonymity

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    Population size estimates for hidden and hard-to-reach populations are particularly important when members are known to suffer from disproportion health issues or to pose health risks to the larger ambient population in which they are embedded. Efforts to derive size estimates are often frustrated by a range of factors that preclude conventional survey strategies, including social stigma associated with group membership or members' involvement in illegal activities. This paper extends prior research on the problem of network population size estimation, building on established survey/sampling methodologies commonly used with hard-to-reach groups. Three novel one-step, network-based population size estimators are presented, to be used in the context of uniform random sampling, respondent-driven sampling, and when networks exhibit significant clustering effects. Provably sufficient conditions for the consistency of these estimators (in large configuration networks) are given. Simulation experiments across a wide range of synthetic network topologies validate the performance of the estimators, which are seen to perform well on a real-world location-based social networking data set with significant clustering. Finally, the proposed schemes are extended to allow them to be used in settings where participant anonymity is required. Systematic experiments show favorable tradeoffs between anonymity guarantees and estimator performance. Taken together, we demonstrate that reasonable population estimates can be derived from anonymous respondent driven samples of 250-750 individuals, within ambient populations of 5,000-40,000. The method thus represents a novel and cost-effective means for health planners and those agencies concerned with health and disease surveillance to estimate the size of hidden populations. Limitations and future work are discussed in the concluding section

    Radio-Optical Galaxy Shape and Shear Correlations in the COSMOS Field using 3 GHz VLA Observations

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of the 3 GHz VLA radio survey of the COSMOS field, which we correlate with overlapping HST-ACS optical observations using both intrinsic galaxy shape and cosmic shear correlation statistics. After cross-matching sources between the two catalogues, we measure the correlations of galaxy position angles and find a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.14±0.030.14 \pm 0.03. This is a marked improvement from previous studies which found very weak, or non-existent correlations, and gives insight into the emission processes of radio and optical galaxies. We also extract power spectra of averaged galaxy ellipticities (the primary observable for cosmic shear) from the two catalogues, and produce optical-optical, radio-optical and radio-radio spectra. The optical-optical auto-power spectrum was measured to a detection significance of 9.80σ\sigma and is consistent with previous observations of the same field. For radio spectra (which we do not calibrate, given the unknown nature of their systematics), although we do not detect significant radio-optical (1.50σ\sigma) or radio-radio (1.45σ\sigma) EE-mode power spectra, we do find the EE-mode spectra to be more consistent with the shear signal expected from previous studies than with a null signal, and vice versa for BB-mode and EBEB cross-correlation spectra. Our results give promise that future radio weak lensing surveys with larger source number densities over larger areas will have the capability to measure significant weak lensing signals.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Finite Temperature Time-Dependent Effective Theory For The Goldstone Field In A BCS-Type Superfluid

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    We extend to finite temperature the time-dependent effective theory for the Goldstone field (the phase of the pair field) θ \theta which is appropriate for a superfluid containing one species of fermions with s-wave interactions, described by the BCS Lagrangian. We show that, when Landau damping is neglected, the effective theory can be written as a local time-dependent non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger Lagrangian (TDNLSL) which preserves the Galilean invariance of the zero temperature effective theory and is identified with the superfluid component. We then calculate the relevant Landau terms which are non-local and which destroy the Galilean invariance. We show that the retarded θ\theta-propagator (in momentum space) can be well represented by two poles in the lower-half frequency plane, describing damping with a predicted temperature, frequency and momentum dependence. It is argued that the real parts of the Landau terms can be approximately interpreted as contributing to the normal fluid component.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, references added, Introduction rewritte