7 research outputs found


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    The article under consideration is devoted to studying the effectiveness of intercultural communication of Ukrainian students at higher educational establishments. The question of using social and pedagogical, methodological and linguistic means in the process of intercultural communication is observed through studying a foreign language. The author stresses that the content of intercultural communication is based on raising students’ positive attitude to the country whose linguistic culture is studied, a high level of studying informative process value, providing conditions for authentic communication at the intercultural level, assessing and analyzing events which give an opportunity for a future specialist to be integrated in the open intercultural space. The aim of the article is to analyze theoretical and methodological preconditions of using creative technologies while studying English in the process of intercultural communication in a specific way. The author also focuses on defining and describing the main constituent parts of the strategies how to implement intercultural communication through studying languages. Taking the results of the done theoretical analysis into account, the author recommends the set of special linguistic exercises, designed according to the main creative approaches to studying a foreign language in the process of intercultural communication


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    The article is devoted to the actual issue – the implementation of mobile learning tools in the process of forming English language competence of future teachers and the creation of mobile learning content according to its main principles. The author analyzes modern views on mobile learning as a specific type of e-learning having its own advantages and disadvantages, studies the research works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists S. Semerikov, K. Buhaichuk, M. Kyslova, A. Stryuk, M. Stryuk, M. Bransford, J. Douglas, J. Traxler and others. The author has provided the own concept of mobile learning and formulated basic principles of creating mobile learning content as the article’s goal. More than that, the author has determined the place of mobile learning in the system of future teachers training and outlined the perspectives of further use of mobile learning content in the form of mobile sites, blogs, applications and platforms to build the English language competence of future teachers during classroom and extra-curriculum activities. Leading research methods used: theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis and synthesis, generalization and deduction), methods of empirical level (observations and descriptions).The basic principles of creating mobile learning content for the formation of future teachers language competence are described. The necessity of chunking the course material as the most effective way of mobile learning and memorizing techniques are pointed out. The set of basic rules to organize the mobile course content with the focus on micro learning, ultimate flexibility, learner-centered approach, facilitating the interest in the subject, organizing simple visuals are presented. More principles under the article’s author attention are mobile mentoring and micro assessments which can provide more real-time, context-aware training opportunities for the formation of future teachers competence in English language. It is noted that the research is practical since it gives a detailed description of the basic principles of creating mobile learning content and its implementation in the process of future teachers training. It is important that the forms, methods and basic principles of mobile learning join Ukrainian students to the global process of education informatization and demonstrate further perspectives in the formation of their English language competence


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    The article reveals the problems of teaching tools and resources used in the process of teaching foreign languages in primary school. The author gives the definition of the meanings “teaching resources”, “additional materials for teaching foreign languages», and their classification. The author pays attention to the fact that in the academic and upbringing process primary school teachers use different teaching resources in addition to the text-books as the basic means of teaching. That is why there is an evident reason for deep study of these kind materials, their classification. According to the way of presenting, teaching flash-cards and hand-outs as additional materials are pointed out. That is why the necessity of optimal and effective choice of these means of teaching depends on professional preparation of a teacher and teaching tools implementing in the academic process alongside with the text-books as the basic means of teaching foreign languages. The author notes that all these learning tools are not universal. They cannot completely replace a teacher or other learning tools. The author supports the idea of the need for optimum, deeply conscious and scientific approach to using additional educational resources in academic and upbringing process along with the textbook as the primary means of learning


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    The author of the article depicts the questions of using e-content as the means of forming methodology competence of primary school teachers of English and underlines that Information-communication technologies have become an integral part of modern society life in the XXI century. It is also pointed out the main reasons of using ICT technologies at the lessons of English at primary school. Pupils grow up along with the development of modern information technologies which become a natural and constituent part of their life, for them using Internet-resources is the way to combine real-life situations with learning activity. Internet-lessons give new opportunities for using authentic learning materials, allow to connect geographically distant groups and involve them into the mutual activity, and provide new ways for conversational practice and assessing results, gives students practical experience in all four kinds of language activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The author offers a couple of options for creating online materials which cover a wide variety of formats and storage options and give primary school teachers an idea of the kinds of things that can be produced with very little technical knowledge. Ones of the most popular are the Discovery School Puzzlemaker (http: // puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/) and Smile (http:// smile.clear.msu.edu) which are ideal tools for reviewing vocabulary, expanding lists of synonyms and antonyms, activating paraphrasing skills and using word definitions. The most famous authoring tools of developing e-content are Hot Potatoes and Kahoot.com. These are small Windows or Mac programmes that create web-based exercises of the following types: multiple choice, short answer, jumbled sentence, crossword, matching/ordering, gap-filling. According to the author’s experience, implementing electronic materials into the structure of the English lesson in primary school considerably increases young learners’ motivation and makes them deeply involved into the process of language studying, helps to imitate real-life, authentic situations during the lesson, provides with interesting and engaging lesson-material and, as a result, activates and enhances the level of knowledge, skills and language competences of primary school pupils


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    The article reveals the questions of using the emotional intelligence strategies as the ways to improve English speakers’ performance. The author of the article pays attention to the phenomenon of emotional intelligence in the context of intercultural communication as one of the most important factors influencing the constructive cooperation in the professional English speaking surrounding. The author also points out that the development of students’ linguistic skills is based on their positive, emotionally valuable attitude to the peculiarities of different structures, the ability to interact in international surrounding, the skills to overcome the emotional state of discomfort. The aspects mentioned in the article could be regarded as the main ones to bring up the citizen of the world ready for effective intercultural communication thanks to the implementation of the set of special training exercises developed and implemented by the article author. These exercises include the development of basic competencies such as emotional self- awareness, accurate self-assessment and self-confidence, motivation and social skills and accompanied with some tips and recommendations to be taken into account. Students are advised to keep a record of their behaviour when face stressful situation, to make a list of their language strength, to adjust their behavioural patterns, to examine on a regular base how students’ speech affects others, to do self-evaluation, to practise giving feedback to everybody's speech, to observe how they react to other people performance. Basing on the research results the following conclusions can be formulated. The phenomenon of emotional intelligence is regarded as the precondition of constructive interaction in the professional surrounding. The development of linguistic skills is based on students’ positive acceptance of different cultures, their ability to differentiate social behaviour from their personal one, not to rush to judgement before knowing all the facts


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    Involvement of future specialists into advanced studying of English as the main language of international communication is a relevant problem of modern higher education in Ukraine. This issue relevance is proved by the country's integration into the European educational environment, changes in strategic directions of higher education development in Ukraine, regulations by Ukrainian Government and the Ministry of Education, in particular, the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On Declaring 2016 the Year of English Language in Ukraine”, “Common European Framework on Language Education”. Essential changes which are now taking place in studying foreign languages, especially English, are also associated with the competency paradigm of education that focuses on achieving certain educational results and orienting scientific research of professional pedagogical education in recent years. An important condition for reformatting process of learning a foreign (English) language is monitoring future specialists’ academic achievements in this field, particularly future teachers’ ones. The concept “pedagogical monitoring” is interpreted as a system of measures for collecting and analyzing data to study and evaluate the quality of professional training and to make decisions on further improvement of the educational process. The purpose of the article is to highlight and analyze the results of monitoring the level of English of State higher educational establishment “Donbas State Pedagogical University” students and reveal the ways of improving future teachers` English communicative competence. The monitoring stages are assessing the starting level of foreign (English) language of students who are not trained in the field of language-related professions using the tests for A2 level standards of Cambridge Educational Syndicate; reformatting the content of learning English at the university: developing and implementing the course “British Exams” into the practice of training students of primary school teacher training faculty, paying the special attention to the development of English productive communicative skills; retesting students after completing the special course. Better results of English language skill development (reading, listening, writing, speaking) were shown by students of experimental group who took “British Exams” course

    Innovative vector of education development in the era of global challenges

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    <p>The monograph defines the methodological, theoretical and practical foundations for the development of education in the modern era of global challenges. Pedagogical theory and practice as a tool for the transition of mankind to digital civilization are anasized. The theoretical basis of training the future teacher to work in a modern school is characterized. The monographic study is intended for scientists, teachers of higher and secondary schools, future teachers, as well as anyone who is interested in the problems of modern education.</p&gt