48 research outputs found

    Конструкция устройства для непрерывной обрезки листового материала в поточных линиях

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    У статті розглянуто нову конструкцію пристрою безупинного обрізування аркушевого матеріалу в потокових лініях.A new slider-crank type device for continuous trimming sheet material is introduced. The device consists of transporting system clamping mechanism and knife mechanism. Semi-manufactured product is fixed on the table and transported into the cutting section where it is being fixed by the main press and cut is proceeded. To confirm the effectiveness of the mechanism a preliminary calculation is being made of the required engine power.В статье рассмотрена новая конструкция устройства безвыстойной обрезки листового материала в поточных линиях

    Аналитическое определение траектории резки корешка книжного блока круглыми ножами, которые вращаются

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    У роботі пропонується новий, аналітично певний спосіб і відповідні аналітичні залежності для точного визначення траєкторії різання корінця книжкового блоку роторним пристроєм з круглими ножами, розташованими на кінцях ротора. Книжковий блок при цьому рухається мимо роторного пристрою. Знайдені аналітичні залежності перевірено геометричним моделюванням у системі AutoCAD.A new, analytically definite method and corresponding analytical dependencies for the exact determination of trajectory of cutting a counterfoil of book block by the rotor device with the round knives revolving together with rotor are offered in the paper. The book block thus moves past the rotor device. The found analytical dependencies were tested by geometrical modelling in AutoCAD.В работе предлагается новый, аналитически определенный способ и соответствующие аналитические зависимости для точного определения траектории резания корешка книжного блока роторным устройством с круглыми ножами, расположенными на концах ротора. Книжный блок при этом движется мимо роторного устройства. Найденные аналитические зависимости проверены геометрическим моделированием в системе AutoCAD

    Age estimation of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) based on morphometric traits

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    The use of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is still controversial, especially in managed forests, due to its invasive nature. The black locust has been proven effective in reclamation of degraded lands when native species are not an alternative in the face of the climate change and desertification. Therefore, the importance of black locust in European ecosystems remains a matter of debate. Of course, it is an adventitious species originating from another continent. However, the ecological characteristics of the species in its natural range are very useful for ensuring the restoration of vegetation cover in areas that have experienced significant anthropogenic pressure. This species has a large number of important and useful features that make it an important agent in the forestry system and provide significant environmental and economic benefits. The status of black locust as an invasive species, i.e. one that is capable of uncontrolled spread, remains speculative. Such a conclusion requires various studies, including those identifying exact age of the plants based on morphometric parameters. In our study, we tested the hypothesis that plant height and trunk diameter will allow for an accurate assessment of black locust age. The plants of black locust were measured in the zone of spontaneous self-seeding of plants from a planted 60-years-old forest. The plants dispersed towards a fallow land, formed in the corner of an agricultural field. The spreading began 15 to 20 years ago. The plants are mainly propagated by seedlings. An expert estimated the age of the plants visually. The measured trees were cut to obtain cross sections to account for the number of annual rings. A total of 68 trees were examined for morphometric characters. Black locust communities during self-dispersal are represented by individuals of different ages. The spatial pattern of distribution of individuals of different ages can reveal the spatial and temporal dynamics of the formation of spontaneous populations of black locust. For this purpose, it is critical to accurately identify the age of a large sample. Expert estimation of age is fast and fairly accurate, but it depends greatly on the qualifications of the expert and oftentimes plant ages are underestimated, especially in the early stages of population development. Plant height is also a good predictor of plant age, but the model gives poor predictions for plants older than 10 years. The tree height ranged 2.3 to 16.0 meters. The diameter at breast height (DBH) ranged 1.0 to 17.5 cm. The diameter at the root collar (DRC) ranged 1.6 to 21.7 cm. The age of the studied trees, determined by the number of annual rings per transect, ranged 6 to 17 years. The age of the trees according to the expert estimates was 8.2 ± 4.8 years. The expert estimates of age and the age according to the number of annual rings were statistically significantly different. The expert estimates of tree age were linearly related to tree size, while estimates of the number of annual rings showed a logarithmic relationship with tree height. Expert estimates also showed a closer relationship with tree height, while the relationship of estimates based on the number of annual rings had a slightly lower dependence on the morphometric traits. Regression analysis showed that there is a linear relationship between morphometric traits of the black locust. The coefficient of determination for the dependence of diameter at breast height on tree height was 0.96, and for the dependence of diameter at the base of the trunk on diameter at breast height was 0.97. This indicates a high level of multicollinearity of these morphometric traits when considering them as predictors of plant age. Taking into account the diameter at breast height and the diameter at the level of the root collar significantly improved the predictive ability of the model for identifying the age of the black locust trees

    The dynamics of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring parameters, subclinical damage and endothelial function of vessels in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with S-amlodipine, Nebivolol and Enala

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    Aim of the research was to investigate additional prescription of S-amlodipine or Nebivolol to Enalapril treatment on the 24-h blood pressure monitoring (BPM) parameters, subclinical damage and endothelial function of vessels, and to make of proposing of treatment of the arterial hypertension (AH) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Material and Methods. 95 patients (64 males and 31 females) with AH II stage and COPD III stage in remission were observed. The average age was (54.7 ± 9.5) years. The 24-h BPM by devices “АВРМ-04” (“Meditech”, Hungary) and “EBPM” (“Innomed”, Hungary) was provided to all patients. Stiffness index of aorta (ASI) was evaluated by Yu.M. Sirenko and G.D. Radchenko method (2009). Reactive hyperemia test was performed by D.S. Celermajer, K.E. Sorensen et al. method (1992). Computer spirography was made by “SpiroCom” (HAI-Medica, Ukraine). The serum level of endothelin -1 (ET 1) was detected by ELISA (“Peninsula Laboratories”, USA). Results. It was established, that additional prescription of S-amlodipine or Nebivolol to Enalapril and standard therapy of COPD during 6 month had strong antihypertensive effect, normalized 24-hours blood pressure profile, decreased blood pressure loading and subclinical damage indices, such as: pulse blood pressure, heart rate and ASI. Conclusion. Treatment of patients with AH and COPD should be differentiated. In case of prevalence of the clinical, laboratory and instrumental signs of broncho-obsctructive syndrome, presence of subclinical damages and elastic qualities of vessels and endothelial dysfunction in patients with AH and COPD S-amlodipine should be prescribed additionally to Enalapril and basic therapy of CODP. In case of AH and COPD with hypersympatheticotonia, sings of blood pressure loading, increase of pulse BP and tachycardia beta-blocker Nebivolol should be added to the treatment

    Prognostic role of Sokolow-Lyon criterion in further development of the left ventricular concentric hypertrophy in adolescents with arterial hypertension

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    Objective – to determine the possibility of Sokolow-Lyon criterion for forecast of the concentric Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) development in young hypertensive patients. The investigation has been organized as a prospective support of teenagers aged 16-17 yr within 3 years. Materials and Methods. Methods of the study were multiple office blood pressure measurements, daily blood pressure monitoring with electronic device, ECG and ultrasound. 47 males and females teens with firstly diagnosed primary arterial hypertension not treated before were enrolled. Primary labile hypertension diagnosed in 10 males and 11 females and 18 males and 8 females had stable hypertension. For all patients the electrocardiographic study was performed. The positive Sokolow-Lyon criterion was considered as a sum in height of S1 and R5 or R6 waves in standard chest leads excessed34 mm. Watching teens conducted during 3 years. Results. Sokolow-Lyon criterion >34 mm (3.4 mV) was identified as positive in 8 males with a stable and 6 with a labile hypertension, also it was the same in 6 females, all of them had stable hypertension. Morphological and functional left ventricular parameters in patients were minimal and appeared only as a mild thickening of the myocardial wall of the left ventricle. Only one girl who was positive by Sokolow-Lyon criterion had LVH and was excluded from the study. Repeated clinical and instrumental examination was carried out in 46 persons over 3 years to the age of 21 years. New ultrasound investigation showed the left ventricular hypertrophy development in 18 young men and 5 women with stable hypertension. The odds ratio for the development of concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle during 3 years of the young people with diagnosed in adolescence index Sokolow-Lyon >34 mm was 8.906 with a 95% confidence interval 2.24-35.33 (p < 0.05). The sensitivity of Sokolow-Lyon criterion in predicting of the left ventricular hypertrophy during 3 years was 82.6 %, specificity 65.2 %, accuracy 74.0 %. Conclusions. The revealing of the positive Sokolow-Lyon criterion in adolescents with primary arterial hypertension may precede the development of ultrasound signs of the left ventricular hypertrophy and that should be used as an additional indication of the risk stratification of disease progression during adolescence

    Modeling the spatial variation of urban park ecological properties using remote sensing data

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    Parks perform a wide range of ecosystem services in urban environments. The functional importance of parks depends on the composition and structure of the tree stand and the specific influence on soil and microclimatic conditions. The article reveals the dependence of soil and microclimatic properties on the structure of the crown space of a park stand. Spectral indices were also shown to be applicable for predicting the spatial variability of soil and climatic properties and indicators of crown space. Soil properties (temperature, moisture, and electrical conductivity in the 5–7 cm layer) and microclimatic parameters (light exposure, air temperature, and atmospheric humidity) were measured in the park plantation using a quasi-regular grid. The canopy structure and gap light transmission indices were extracted from the true-colour fisheye photographs. Thirty species of trees and shrubs were detected in the stand and understory. Robinia pseudoacacia L. was found most frequently (24.5% of all tree records). Acer negundo L. and A.&nbsp;platanoides L. were also frequent (12.4% and 15.5%, respectively). The first four principal components, whose eigenvalues exceeded unity, were extracted by the principal components analysis of the variability of ecological properties and vegetation indices. The principal component 1 explained 50.5% of the variation of the traits and positively correlated with the spectral vegetation indices. The principal component 1 reflected the variability of tree cover densities due to the edaphic trophicity. The principal component 2 described 13% of the variation in the feature space. This component correlated positively with the spectral indices. The principal component 2 was interpreted as a trend of vegetation cover variability induced by moisture variation. The principal component 3 described 8.6% of trait variation. It was most strongly correlated with the atmospheric humidity. An increase in atmospheric humidity was associated with an increase in the soil moisture and electrical conductivity and a decrease in the soil and atmospheric temperature. The principal component 4 described 7.5 % of the variation of traits. An increase in the values of principal component 4 was associated with an increase in the soil moisture and electrical conductivity and atmospheric moisture and was associated with a decrease in the soil and atmospheric temperature. The combinations of the trophotope and hygrotope create the optimal conditions for specific tree species, which is a condition for achieving the maximization of ecosystem services. The mineral nutrition conditions of plants and soil moisture exhibit spatial patterns that allow them to be considered in the design and management of park plantations. The ecological indices measured in the field were shown to be predicted using the vegetation indices. Multiple regression models were able to explain 11–61% of indicator variation. The regression relationships between markers of soil and microclimatic conditions and vegetation predictors are important for monitoring the condition of park plantations and evaluating the performance of park plantation management tools

    Urban park layers: Spatial variation in plant community structure

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    Horizontal structure of natural plant communities attracted the attention of researchers for a long time, while the problem of horizontal structure of urban park plantations was not studied sufficiently. Species richness of different tiers of park plantation in the large industrial city of Dnipro (Ukraine) was revealed in this study. Also features of variation in the structure of plant communities at different spatial levels were revealed, the influence of park plantation canopy on the understory and herbaceous layer of the park. There were 30 plant species in the tree layer of the park plantation. The most common species were Robinia pseudoacacia L., Acer platanoides L., A. negundo L., Gleditsia triacanthos L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Populus carolinensis Moench. The variance-to-mean ratio revealed that 13 tree species were randomly distributed throughout the park, and 14 species were aggregated. The number of occurrences of a given tree species per site and variance-to-mean ratio were positively correlated. The numerous tree species showed a tendency of aggregated distribution within the park. Sixteen plant species were found in the understory. Among them, the most abundant species were Acer platanoides L., A. negundo L., A. pseudoplatanus L., Sambucus nigra L., Robinia pseudoacacia L. Eight species were found to be randomly distributed over the park area, and eight species showed an aggregate distribution. The number of species encountered in the understory and variance-to-mean ratio were positively correlated. In the herbaceous stand, 99 plant species were found, of which Chelidonium majus L., Viola odorata L., Impatiens parviflora DC., Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., Geum urbanum L. predominated. The variance-to-mean ratio of all species was significantly less than unity, indicating regular spatial distribution. The values of alpha- and gamma-diversity of the plant community in separate layers are very different. The highest gamma diversity was found for the herbaceous stand, while the diversity of the tree stand and understory was significantly lower. Alpha biodiversity of the tree stand and the understory did not practically differ. Beta diversity values between the layers are very close, and beta diversity is practically equal for tree stand and herbaceous layer. Thus, we can assume that the mechanisms of species turnover for the plant communities of different layers are determined by the common causes. The spatial broad-scale component was able to explain 8.2% of community variation, the medium-scale component was able to explain 4.2% of community variation, and the fine-scale component was able to explain 0.7% of community variation. The understory is the most sensitive to the environmental factors, the herbaceous stand is somewhat less sensitive, and the tree stand is the least sensitive to the environmental factors. The environmental factors in this study are represented by a set of variables. The spatial variation of the stand is predominantly influenced by the factors of trophicity and moisture of the edaphotope. These same factors also act on the herbaceous stand and understory, but along with them are included the environmental variables, which are determined by the architectonics of the crown space and thus the light regime, which is regulated by the tree stand. It is important to note that the variation of the communities of the different layers of the park plantation is subject to spatial patterns. The herbaceous and understory variation is more spatially structured than the tree stand variation. The spatial patterns can arise as a result of the influence of spatially structured environmental factors and as a result of factors of a neutral nature. The latter aspect of variation is best described by the pure spatial component of community variation


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    The aim of the work – to identify disposal ways of medical waste in the field under the current legal framework.In the field, the most urgent, numerically and hazardous waste group, which requires a priority solution, is Group B waste – infected and potentially infected waste that was in contact with the biological environment of the infected material.Conclusion. Based on the provisions, requirements and recommendations of normative legal acts, analysis of scientific literature, we recommend:1. In field conditions, during the conduct of combat operations, only stages of the collection, sorting and marking of medical waste in appropriate capacities and their subsequent evacuation beyond the limits of the operational zone are really possible.2. When collecting, sorting and marking medical waste, the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine from 08.06.2015 № 325 «On Approval of State Sanitary-Anti-Epidemiological Regulations and Norms on the Treatment of Medical Waste» shall be followed.3. The medical waste should be transported to the disposal sites – mobile and hospital hospitals, which must be equipped with mobile or stationary inertia (in their absence, to conclude contracts with institutions having appropriate facilities for the safe disposal of medical waste).These recommendations for the utilization of medical waste in field conditions during combat operations meet the requirements of international, domestic legislation and NATO standards.Мета дослідження – визначити шляхи утилізації медичних відходів у польових умовах у відповідності з діючою нормативно-правовою базою.У польових умовах найбільш актуальною, чисельною і небезпечною групою відходів, яка потребує першочергового вирішення, є відходи групи В – інфіковані та потенційно інфіковані відходи, які мали контакт з біологічними середовищами інфікованого матеріалу. Висновки. Виходячи з положень, вимог і рекомендацій нормативно-правових актів, аналізу наукової літератури, рекомендуємо:1. У польових умовах при веденні бойових дій реально можливі лише етапи збирання, сортування та маркування медичних відходів у відповідні ємності та їх подальша евакуація за межі оперативної зони.2. При збиранні, сортуванні та маркуванні медичних відходів керуватися вимогами наказу МОЗ України від 08.06.2015 № 325 «Про затвердження Державних санітарно-протиепідемічних правил і норм щодо поводження з медичними відходами».3. У подальшому медичні відходи повинні транспортуватися до місць утилізації – мобільні та стаціонарні госпіталі, які мають бути обладнані пересувними або стаціонарними інсинераторами (за їх відсутності – укладати договори з установами, які мають відповідні технічні засоби для безпечного знищення медичних відходів). Зазначені рекомендації щодо утилізації медичних відходів у польових умовах при проведенні бойових дій відповідають вимогам міжнародного, вітчизняного законодавства та стандартам НАТО

    Neural network-based method for visual recognition of driver’s voice commands using attention mechanism

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    Visual speech recognition or automated lip-reading systems actively apply to speech-to-text translation. Video data proves to be useful in multimodal speech recognition systems, particularly when using acoustic data is difficult or not available at all. The main purpose of this study is to improve driver command recognition by analyzing visual information to reduce touch interaction with various vehicle systems (multimedia and navigation systems, phone calls, etc.) while driving. We propose a method of automated lip-reading the driver’s speech while driving based on a deep neural network of 3DResNet18 architecture. Using neural network architecture with bi-directional LSTM model and attention mechanism allows achieving higher recognition accuracy with a slight decrease in performance. Two different variants of neural network architectures for visual speech recognition are proposed and investigated. When using the first neural network architecture, the result of voice recognition of the driver was 77.68 %, which was lower by 5.78 % than when using the second one the accuracy of which was 83.46 %. Performance of the system which is determined by a real-time indicator RTF in the case of the first neural network architecture is equal to 0.076, and the second — RTF is 0.183 which is more than two times higher. The proposed method was tested on the data of multimodal corpus RUSAVIC recorded in the car. Results of the study can be used in systems of audio-visual speech recognition which is recommended in high noise conditions, for example, when driving a vehicle. In addition, the analysis performed allows us to choose the optimal neural network model of visual speech recognition for subsequent incorporation into the assistive system based on a mobile device