6 research outputs found

    Some Experiences with Implementation of Roundabouts in Croatia / Požega

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    Suvremena sklonost sve većoj primjeni kružnih raskrižja nije zaobišla ni Hrvatsku, odnosno Požegu, ali bilo bi zanimljivo provesti savjesniju analizu njihove prometne i ambijentalno-estetske vrijednosti. Proceduralna je praksa da građevinsko-projektnoj dokumentaciji trebaju prethoditi višedisciplinarna prometna i urbanistička istraživanja, što se za slučajeve izbora kružnih raskrižja vrlo često ne provodi. Na osnovi najnovijih spoznaja u svijetu te nakon provedenih znanstvenih istraživanja na 30 lokaliteta u Zagrebu, moglo bi se procijeniti najbitnija kapacitivna i sigurnosna svojstva kružnih raskrižja u gradu Požegi i šire.The modern tendency to an increasing use of roundabouts is not bypassed nor Croatia nor our Požega, but it would be interesting to spend a conscientious analysis of their traffic and ambient-aesthetic values. Procedural practice that construction-project documentation should be preceded by multidisciplinary transportation and planning researches, as in cases of choice roundabouts are often not enforced. Based on the latest discoveries in the world and the scientific research conducted at 30 sites in Zagreb, one could estimate the most important capacitive and security features of roundabouts in the town of Požega and wider


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    Predočeno je opće stanje prometne infrastrukture i prometa u prostoru Velebitskog podgorja, s osvrtom na vremena nastanka povijesnih cesta, putova i staza. Ukazano je na važnije potencijale sekundarnih prometnica, koje bi trebalo vrjednovati u smislu opće ponude Velebita (turizam, sport, edukacijska komponenta…), ali isto tako u pogledu oživljavanja tradicionalnih vidova stvarnog života "in situ". Na tragu ovakvih postavki moglo bi se provesti modeliranje projekata za slučajeve zapuštenih povijesnih cesta (npr. cesta Jablanac – V. Alan – Štirovača, Majstorska cesta Obrovac – M. Alan – Sv. Rok) te projekata sezonsko-migracijskih staza od primorskih naselja do ljetnih stanova na plodnijim velebitskim lokalitetima (npr. staza Klada – Babrovača – Zavižan, Prizna – Mliništa – Šatorina, Cesarica – Radlovac – Dabrovi i sl.). Uz podsustav sekundarnih prometnica problematizirano je također stanje služnosti i sigurnosti prometa na Jadranskoj magistrali (turističkoj cesti) D-8 kao osnovnoj dužobalnoj poveznici Podgorja. Upozoreno je na loše stanje i potrebu što hitnije modernizacije cijele ceste od Senja do Maslenice, te na izvedbu obilaznice oko Sv. Jurja i Karlobaga. Isto tako je potrebno modernizirati poveznice do manjih naselja na obali (Lukovo, D. Klada, Starigrad itd.).The general condition of the transport infrastructure and traffic in the area of Velebit Podgorje is shown, with a reference to the times of the emergence of the historical roads, routes and paths. It is indicated in the more important potentials of secondary roads, which should be evaluated in the sense of the general offer of Velebit (tourism, sport, educational component...), but also with regard to the revival of traditional aspects of real life "in situ". Following on these kinds of assumptions, the modelling of projects could be carried out for the cases of neglected historical roads (e.g. the road Jablanac – V. Alan – Štirovača, the Majstorska cesta Obrovac – M. Alan – Sveti Rok) and the projects of seasonal-migratory paths from the littoral settlements to the summer dwellings on the more fertile Velebit localities (e.g. the path Klada – Babrovača – Zavižan, Prizna – Mliništa – Šatorina, Cesarica – Radlovac – Dabrovi and alike). Along with the subsystem of secondary roads also problematized is the condition of the access and safety of traffic on the main Adriatic highway – the magistrale – tourist road the D-8 as the basic coastal connection of Podgorje. The bad condition and the need of the very urgent modernisation the whole of the road from Senj to Maslenica is pointed out, as well as the construction of a bypass around Sveti Juraj and Karlobag. The connections to the smaller settlements along the coast (Lukovo, Donja Klada, Starigrad etc.) should also be modernised

    Analysis of capacity of roundabouts in the city of Zagreb according to HCM C–2006 and Ning Wu Methods

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    Za proračun kapaciteta kružnih raskrižja u svijetu postoje razne metode. Pojedine metode su vrlo specifične i primjenjuju se u različitim zemljama za različite vrste kružnih raskrižja. U radu su prikazane dvije suvremene znanstvene metode za proračun kapaciteta kružnih raskrižja - metoda HCM C-2006 i metoda po Ning Wu-u. Uz pomoć metoda se prema stvarnim terenskim mjerenjima odvijanja prometnih tokova i uvjetima vožnje, analizirani su kapacitet raskrižja i pokazatelji efektivnosti (stupanj zasićenja, kontrola kašnjenja i duljina nakupljanja vozila). Analizom je obuhvaćeno 15 kružnih raskrižja koja se nalaze u urbanim i izvanurbanim područjima grada Zagreba. Rezultati bi trebali poslužiti kao osnova za daljnja sustavna istraživanja metodologije proračunavanja kapaciteta kružnih raskrižja na području Republike Hrvatske, ali i za mogući odabir određene inozemne metode uz potrebnu kalibraciju pojedinih koeficijenata određenih prema lokalnim uvjetima odvijanja prometnih tokova.There are various methods in the world for the calculation of the roundabout capacities. Some methods are very specific and implemented in different countries for different types of roundabouts. The paper presents two advanced scientific methods for the calculation of roundabout capacity – method HCM C-2006 and the method according to Ning Wu. Using the methods and according to the actual field measurements of traffic flows and driving conditions, the intersection capacity and the indicators of effectiveness (congestion level, delay control and vehicle queuing length) were analyzed. The analysis included fifteen roundabouts that are located in urban and suburban areas of the City of Zagreb. Results should also serve as basis for further systematic research of methodology for calculating the capacity of roundabouts in Croatia but also for possible selection of specific foreign method with calibration of certain coefficients according to local conditions of traffic flows

    Development of a mobile application for augmented reality in Unity3D development environment

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    U ovom završnom radu obrađeni su glavni koncepti proširene stvarnosti (AR). Na samom početku dan je pregleda razvoja AR tehnologije. Detaljno su opisani primjeri svakodnevnog korištenja proširene stvarnosti, te je dan osvrt na buduće smjernice razvoja. U završnom dijelu rada prikazana je implementacija jednostavne aplikacije proširene stvarnosti s primjenom na procjenu kapaciteta parking prostora.In this bachelor thesis the main concepts of augmented reality (AR) are discussed. At the very beginning, a review of AR technology development is given. Examples of everyday use of augmented reality are described in detail, and a review of future development guidelines is given. The final part of the thesis presents implementation of a simple augmented reality application which aims at parking space capacity assessment

    Development of a mobile application for augmented reality in Unity3D development environment

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    U ovom završnom radu obrađeni su glavni koncepti proširene stvarnosti (AR). Na samom početku dan je pregleda razvoja AR tehnologije. Detaljno su opisani primjeri svakodnevnog korištenja proširene stvarnosti, te je dan osvrt na buduće smjernice razvoja. U završnom dijelu rada prikazana je implementacija jednostavne aplikacije proširene stvarnosti s primjenom na procjenu kapaciteta parking prostora.In this bachelor thesis the main concepts of augmented reality (AR) are discussed. At the very beginning, a review of AR technology development is given. Examples of everyday use of augmented reality are described in detail, and a review of future development guidelines is given. The final part of the thesis presents implementation of a simple augmented reality application which aims at parking space capacity assessment

    Traffic Linking of the Baltic and the Central European Countries with the Adriatic

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    The paper analyses new projects of the European trafficnetwork as well as the extension of conidors defined in 1997 inHelsinki. For connecting of the Baltic and Central Europeancoun/Jies with the Ad1iatic, the projects TEM 1 and 2, ViaBaltica and TINA are of great importance. The programme ofthe TINA project includes road and railway conidors and relieson the 7th Danube conidor. The interrelations between trafficbranches in the EU are presented, with the greatest share ofroad traffic, followed by railway and 1iver traffic. The compOiisonindicates similar relations between single transp01tationbranches in the period from 1979 to 1991 in the Republic ofCroatia