45 research outputs found

    The magmatic system beneath the Tristan da Cunha Island: Insights from thermobarometry, melting models and geophysics

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    This study provides new insights on the conditions of melt generation and of magma transport and storage beneath Tristan da Cunha Island in the South Atlantic. Situated at the seaward end of the Walvis Ridge-guyot hotspot track, this island is related to the evolving magmatic system of the Tristan plume. Much is known about the geochemical and isotopic composition of the alkaline lavas on Tristan, but the pressure-temperature conditions of the hotspot magmas are under-explored. This contribution reports new data from a suite of 10 samples collected during a geologic-geophysical expedition in 2012. The focus of this study is on the least-evolved, phenocryst-rich basanite lavas but we also included a sample of trachyandesite lava erupted in 1961. Mineral-melt equilibrium thermobarometry uses the composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts. In addition to bulk-rock data we also analysed olivine-hosted melt inclusions for the P-T calculations. The results for olivine-melt and clinopyroxene-melt calculations suggest crystallization conditions of around 1200-1250. °C and 0.8-1.3. GPa for the least-evolved magmas (ankaramitic basanites). Combined with seismological evidence for a Moho depth of about 19. km, these results imply magma storage and partial crystallization of Tristan magmas in the uppermost mantle and at Moho level. The trachyandesite yielded values of about 1000. °C and 0.2-0.3. GPa (6 to 10. km depth), indicating further crystallization within the crust.Constraints on the depth and degree of melting at the source of Tristan basanites were derived from REE inverse modelling using our new trace element data. The model predicts 5% melt generation from a melting column with its base at 80-100. km and a top at 60. km, which is consistent with the lithospheric thickness resulting from cooling models and seismological observations. The thermobarometry and melting models combined suggest a mantle potential temperature of about 1360. °C for the Tristan hotspot

    Extreme enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides in the Skaergaard Intrusion, east Greenland

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    The Platinova Reef, in the Skaergaard Intrusion, east Greenland, is an example of a magmatic Cu–PGE–Au sulfide deposit formed in the latter stages of magmatic differentiation. As is characteristic with such deposits, it contains a low volume of sulfide, displays peak metal offsets and is Cu rich but Ni poor. However, even for such deposits, the Platinova Reef contains extremely low volumes of sulfide and the highest Pd and Au tenor sulfides of any magmatic ore deposit. Here, we present the first LA-ICP-MS analyses of sulfide microdroplets from the Platinova Reef, which show that they have the highest Se concentrations (up to 1200 ppm) and lowest S/Se ratios (190–700) of any known magmatic sulfide deposit and have significant Te enrichment. In addition, where sulfide volume increases, there is a change from high Pd-tenor microdroplets trapped in situ to larger, low tenor sulfides. The transition between these two sulfide regimes is marked by sharp peaks in Au, and then Te concentration, followed by a wider peak in Se, which gradually decreases with height. Mineralogical evidence implies that there is no significant post-magmatic hydrothermal S loss and that the metal profiles are essentially a function of magmatic processes. We propose that to generate these extreme precious and semimetal contents, the sulfides must have formed from an anomalously metal-rich package of magma, possibly formed via the dissolution of a previously PGE-enriched sulfide. Other processes such as kinetic diffusion may have also occurred alongside this to produce the ultra-high tenors. The characteristic metal offset pattern observed is largely controlled by partitioning effects, producing offset peaks in the order Pt+Pd>Au>Te>Se>Cu that are entirely consistent with published D values. This study confirms that extreme enrichment in sulfide droplets can occur in closed-system layered intrusions in situ, but this will characteristically form ore deposits that are so low in sulfide that they do not conform to conventional deposit models for Cu–Ni–PGE sulfides which require very high R factors, and settling of sulfide liquids