581 research outputs found

    A Zebra in the Infield

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    “A Zebra in the Infield” is a dark comedy about a young African American man named Rotavious from the inner-city. Rotavious is a recent college graduate and he is venturing into the suburbs to purchase a car. After catching a bus to the predominantly Caucasian side of town, he is profiled and harassed by police officer Colescott. Officer Colescott searches Rotavious and finds the money that Rotavious has allocated for his new car, he seizes it as drug money. During a struggle for the money Officer Colescott is shot and Rotavious flees in fear. In his haste to flee he forces, Hannah, a middle aged Caucasian women and her dog to hide him. With the help of America, Hannah’s dog, Rotavious is able to convince Hannah to harbor him. Together they hey devise a plan for his escape. The story is a satire of the current race relations and police brutality plaguing America. Racism has been an underlining issue in America since it’s conception. After the recent barrage of African American male deaths by police across the nation, it is apparent that the mistreatment of African American citizens is rampant in our country. The mistreatment of African American males in this country is nothing new. What is new is the technology available to catch the atrocities happening in real time. Normally able to deny and cover up these allegations, cell phone camera technology displays the harassment and supposed accidental deaths of African Americans. Even with this evidence there are those who still find fault with victims, as if death is a fair penalty for petty crimes and darken hued skin. As a nation, overall, America’s treatment of minorities is deplorable. The lack of understanding and inclusion of the African American community by the nation in 2016 has created a divide within America. In this paper you will find information about the conception of a film that attempts to explore the effects of discrimination and hatred with laughter and humor. You may ask why humor? I believe by using humor and laughter we can create an environment for open conversation and exploration of cultures unknown to us. Laughter is universal and knows no color lines

    Native and Radiation-Induced Defects in III-V Solar Cells and Photodiodes

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    Photodiodes made of III-V materials are ubiquitous with applications for telecommunications, photonics, consumer electronics, and spectroscopy. The III-V solar cell, specifically, is a large-area photodiode that is used by the satellite industry for power conversion due to its unrivaled efficiency and wide range of available materials. As a device driven by its minority carrier diffusion length (MCDL), the performance of a photodiode is sensitive to crystallographic defects that create states in the forbidden energy gap. Defects commonly arise during growth of the crystal and during device fabrication, and they accumulate slowly over time when deployed into the damaging environment of space. Defect-assisted carrier recombination leads to lower MCDL, higher dark current, reduced sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio, and, in the case of solar cells, reduced power conversion efficiency. Consequently, the development of photodiode technology requires techniques for detection, characterization, and mitigation of defects and the inter-bandgap states they create. In this work, III-V material defects are addressed across a variety of materials and devices. The first half of the work makes use of deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) to deduce the energy level, cross-section, and density of traps the InAlAs, InAlAsSb, and InGaAs lattice-matched to InP. An in situ DLTS system that can monitor defects immediately after irradiation was developed and applied to InGaAs photodiodes irradiated by protons. Evidence of trap annealing was found to occur as low as 150 K. The second half begins with development of GaSb solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrate intended for use in lower-cost monolithic multi-junction cells. Defect analysis by microscopy, dark lock-in thermography, and dark current measurement, among others, was performed. The best GaSb-on-GaAs cell achieved state-of-the-art 4.5% efficiency under concentrated solar spectrum. Finally, light management in III-V photodiodes was explored as a possible route for defect mitigation. Textures, diffraction gratings, metallic mirrors, and Bragg reflectors were simulated by finite difference time domain for single- and multi-junction GaAs-based cells with the aim of reducing the amount of absorber material required and to simultaneously reduce MCDL requirements by generating carriers closer to the junction. The results were inputted into a device simulator to predict efficiency. A backside reflective pyramidal-textured grating was simulated to allow a GaAs cell to be thinned by a factor of \u3e30 compared to a conventional cell

    The Effect of Diversity Initiatives by Brands on Consumer Perceptions

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    Over the course of the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of brands that are using their platforms to raise awareness for and support social justice causes/initiatives, such as gender equality in sports, Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo. Cause-related marketing (CRM), the broader terminology under which this practice falls under, has been the primary subject of prior research projects. Westberg (2004) suggests that consumers respond more favorably to CRM initiatives compared to sponsorship and sales promotion, and that there is some support that CRM initiatives help in increasing consumer attitudes of a brand. Other prior research suggests that organizations in the sports environment would benefit greatly in both consumer perception and purchase intention from CRM (Roy et al. 2003) and that there are differences in responses to CRM initiatives among different demographic segments (i.e. males and females; Nelson et al. 2017). Furthermore, other research suggests that a consumer’s identification with a CRM campaign can increase purchase intention related to a brand and that a brand’s fit with a specific cause has a significant relationship with purchase intention (e Silva et al. 2019). The prior literature presents the theme that consumer perceptions and purchase intention following a CRM campaign have a positive correlation, and that consumers will respond more favorably to those brand initiatives that they personally support. The current research shows that CRM initiatives by popular brands can lead to increases in purchase intention, loyalty, and awareness for that particular brand, which can have the positive outcome of increased sales for the organization. Therefore, this lends to the notion, under the concept of corporate social responsibility, that brands should seek to increase initiatives of this kind not only for the benefit of society and customers, but also for the benefit of the brand as a whole. We conducted a study to test the effect of potential initiatives related to diversity issues on consumer attitudes, opinions, and potential behaviors related to a brand. We conducted our study in order to understand potential differences between consumer purchase intent, attitudes, and opinions based both on one’s gender (male vs. female) and how that brand is viewed by the repondants (feminine vs. masculine). For the purpose of this study, we hypothesize that there will be a statistically significant difference (p \u3c 0.05) between males and females based on the relationship between condition (brand presented) and consumer behaviors, attitudes, or opinions. We also hypothesize that there will be a statistically significant relationship between respondents’ views of a brand and attitudes, opinions, and behaviors related to that brand following a gender equality sports initiative by the brand. The initial study was conducted using the online survey platform Qualtrics with MTurk participants. For the purpose of this study, the brand presented is referred to as the condition. Following this opening question, participants were presented with a fictitious article detailing a gender equality in sports initiative related to the brand they were presented with (in this case, Axe Deodorant or Secret Deodorant). Upon review of this article, participants indicated their likelihood of visiting a store to purchase their assigned brand with three seven-point items (Unlikely - Likely, Definitely would not - Definitely would, Improbable - Probable; α = .99). Participants were presented with a question related to their view of the brand on a seven-point scale (1 = very masculine, 7 = very feminine). Respondents were also presented with an attention check asking for a specific answer (click five) so as to remove those who may be blindly answering questions, and were also asked to provide demographic information at the end of the study, as the hypothesis is based upon the predicted differences between males and females. In total, 98 responses were received in order to be analyzed. Analysis was performed using advanced statistical software (SAS) to determine if there were any statistically significant relationships between the condition presented and dependent variables among males and females. To begin, we analyzed our manipulation check of perceived brand gender. Participants assigned to the Secret Deodorant condition perceived the brand to be significantly more feminine (M = 5.94) than participants in the Axe Deodorant condition (M = 2.33; t(96) = -14.15; p \u3c .0001). Upon review of the statistical relationships between the condition and the dependent variable, the difference between the probability of visiting a store to purchase either Axe Deodorant or Secret Deodorant following a gender equality sports initiative by the brand appears to be statistically significant. Within this relationship, it appears that respondents are more likely to visit a store to purchase Secret Deodorant upon reading this initiative compared to Axe Deodorant, with a mean score on a seven-point scale of 4.35, while the mean score for Axe Deodorant was 3.53. The p-value for this relationship is 0.0467, appearing to show a statistically significant difference between the intent related to the two brands. While this is still an early study, it is important to account for possible factors that could influence or change this result. For example, while these results may hold true for a certain segment of the population, other segments may provide different results. Along with this, a larger sample size may provide even more insight into these relationships, leading to an even greater representation of the population while strengthening or deteriorating the strength of the difference. As we continue forward and seek to strengthen the validity of our study through more testing and analysis, these are just some of the factors that we should be exploring. Throughout our initial study, we were able to gain evidence supporting our hypothesis that there will be a statistically significant relationship between respondents’ views of a brand and attitudes, opinions, and behaviors related to that brand following a gender equality sports initiative by the brand. Consumers seem to view products differently based on the way they are marketed to the public, even if these products are in the same category or are nearly identical. This research contributes to the study of CRM, and provides implications for organizations looking to engage in CRM campaigns and to further their business success. As we move forward with more studies of this kind, we hope to continue to provide further evidence supporting the findings of this initial study, and hope to incentivize organizations in the future to engage in CRM initiatives related to social justice and equality

    Experimental Study: Underwater Propagation of Super-Gaussian and Multi-Gaussian Schell-model Partially Coherent Beams with Varying Degrees of Spatial Coherence

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    We report on experiments where super-Gaussian and flat-top, multi-Gaussian Schell-model spatially partially coherent beams, with varying degrees of spatial coherence, were propagated underwater. Two scenarios were explored—calm and mechanically agitated water. The main objective of our study was the experimental comparison of the scintillation statistics. For a similar degree of coherence widths, the results show a potentially improved performance of scintillation index for the multi-Gaussian Schell-model beams as compared to the super-Gaussian beams. It should be noted that the presented results pertain only to the given experimental scenarios and further investigation is necessary to determine the scope of the findings

    Wireless Sensor Network Radio Power Management and Simulation Models

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) create a new frontier in collecting and processing data from remote locations. The IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area network-low rate (WPAN-LR) WSNs rely on hardware simplicity to make sensor field deployments both affordable and long-lasting without maintenance support. WSN designers strive to extend network lifetimes while meeting application-specific throughput and latency requirements. Effective power management places sensor nodes (or motes) into one of the available energy-saving modes based upon the sleep period duration and the current state of the radio. The newest generation of WPAN-LR-based sensor platform radios operates at a 250 kbps data rate and does not provide adequate time to completely power off the radio between the 128-byte constrained IEEE 802.15.4 transmissions. A new radio power management (RPM) algorithm presented in this paper exploits additional energy-saving opportunities introduced with the new generation of faster platform transceivers. The RPM algorithm optimizes radio sleep capabilities by transitioning nodes to intermediate power level states. Additionally, this experimental mote research also provides characterizations for the radio power levels, the mote platform state transition times, and the state transition energy costs of an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant sensor platform for improved accuracy in simulating WSN energy consumption

    Caracterizaci?n y evaluaci?n del potencial biol?gico del veneno de Centruroides edwardsii

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    65 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl veneno de escorpi?n ha despertado la curiosidad del mundo cient?fico principalmente sobre los g?neros Centruroides, Isometrus, Ananteris y Tityus de la familia Buthidae, los cuales albergan algunas especies consideradas como un factor de riesgo para la salud humana en pa?ses tropicales (escorpionismo). En Colombia uno de los causantes de este tipo de accidentes por su picadura es Centruroides edwardsii, un escorpi?n disperso a lo largo del valle del rio magdalena, y de cuyo veneno se ha reportado actividad sobre el sistema nervioso y circulatorio, adem?s de ser reportado como el responsable del 24 % de estos accidentes, solo en los departamentos de Antioquia y Tolima; igualmente se debe resaltar la falta de informaci?n sobre la composici?n y los mecanismos de acci?n de las toxinas que contiene su ponzo?a, limitando asi la comprensi?n de su bioactividad en la busqueda de compuestos bioactivos de importancia farmac?utica. En esta investigaci?n se evalu? el potencial biol?gico del veneno de 35 escorpiones identificados como Centruroides edwardsii, los cuales fueron capturados en la vereda rinc?n de chipalo del municipio de Alvarado y mantenidos en cautiverio, al tiempo que se les llevo a cabo la extracci?n de su veneno por estimulaci?n el?ctrica. Se realiz? la caracterizaci?n pept?dica del veneno a trav?s de R-HPLC y PAGE-SDS, encontrando en su mayor?a p?ptidos de bajo peso molecular (+/- 10 kDa); Se evalu? el efecto antibacteriano, proteol?tico, y fosfol?tico del veneno crudo, de los cuales no se hallaron resultados estad?sticamente significativos, a excepci?n de la prueba de hemolisis indirecta, la cual posiblemente se dio por la acci?n de fosfolipasas A2 dependientes de Ca+. El resultado global indica que son las fosfolipasas A2 uno de los componentes encargados de actividad biol?gica en el veneno, posiblemente relacionadas con el da?o neurot?xico tanto en la caza de su alimento, como el accidente escorpi?nico.ABSTRACT. The scorpion venom has aroused the curiosity of the scientific world mainly on gender Centruroides, Isometrus, and Tityus Ananteris the Buthidae family, which house some species considered as a risk factor for human health in tropical countries (scorpionism). In Colombia one of the causes of such accidents by their sting is Centruroides edwardsii, a scattered along the valley of the Magdalena River scorpion, whose venom and has been reported on the nervous and circulatory system, as well as being reported as responsible for 24% of these accidents, only in the departments of Antioquia and Tolima; also highlighted a lack of information on the composition and the mechanisms of action of toxins contained their venom, thus limiting the understanding of their bioactivity in the search for bioactive compounds of pharmaceutical importance. in this research the biological potential of venom 35 scorpions identified as Centruroides edwardsii, which were captured in the corner sidewalk Chipalo the municipality of Alvarado and kept in captivity, was assessed while I were conducted extracting venom by electrical stimulation. venom peptide characterization was performed using R-HPLC and SDS-PAGE, the peptides found in most low molecular weight (10 kDa +/-); Antibacterial, proteolytic, and crude venom fosfol?tico effect, which was evaluated no statistically significant results were found, except for the indirect hemolysis, which may be given by the action of phospholipase A2 dependent Ca +. The overall result indicates that phospholipase A2 is one of the components responsible for biological activity in the venom, possibly related to nerve damage in both hunting their food, as the scorpion accident.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 15 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 17 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1. OBJETIVOS GENERALES 18 3.2. OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. METODOLOG?A 19 4.1. ?REA DE TRABAJO 19 4.2. COLECTA 19 4.3. DETERMINACION TAXON?MICA 20 4.4. EXTRACCI?N DE VENENO 21 4.5. CARACTERIZACI?N DEL VENENO 21 4.5.1. Cromatograf?a l?quida de alta eficacia (HPLC) 21 4.5.2. Electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida 22 4.6. EVALUACION DEL POTENCIAL BIOL?GICO 23 4.6.1. Actividad fosfolipasa 23 4.6.2. Actividad proteol?tica 23 4.6.3. Actividad hemol?tica directa e indirecta 23 4.6.4.Actividad antimicrobiana 23 4.6.5. An?lisis estad?stico 24 5. MARCO TE?RICO 25 5.1. LOS ESCORPIONES (ALACRANES) 25 5.2. VENENO 26 5.3. CARACTERIZACI?N PROTEICA 28 5.3.1. Cromatograf?a 28 5.3.2. Electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida 29 5.4. ACTIVIDAD BIOL?GICA 29 5.4.1. Actividad fofolipasa A2 29 5.4.2. Actividad proteasa 30 5.4.3. Actividad antibacteriana 31 5.4.4. P?ptidos antibasterianos 32 5.5. P?PTIDOS NEUROT?XICOS 33 5.6. ANTECEDENTES 34 6. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSI?N 37 6.1. COLECTA Y DETERMINACI?N TAXON?MICA 37 6.2. CARACTERIZACI?N DEL VENENO 41 6.3. ACTIVIDAD DEL POTENCIAL BIOL?GICO 42 7. CONCLUSIONES 51 RECOMENDACIONES 52 REFERENCIAS 5

    On the Two q-Analogue Logarithmic Functions

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    There is a simple, multi-sheet Riemann surface associated with e_q(z)'s inverse function ln_q(w) for 0< q < 1. A principal sheet for ln_q(w) can be defined. However, the topology of the Riemann surface for ln_q(w) changes each time "q" increases above the collision point of a pair of the turning points of e_q(x). There is also a power series representation for ln_q(1+w). An infinite-product representation for e_q(z) is used to obtain the ordinary natural logarithm ln{e_q(z)} and the values of sum rules for the zeros "z_i" of e_q(z). For |z|<|z_1|, e_q(z)=exp{b(z)} where b(z) is a simple, explicit power series in terms of values of these sum rules. The values of the sum rules for the q-trigonometric functions, sin_q(z) and cos_q(z), are q-deformations of the usual Bernoulli numbers.Comment: This is the final version to appear in J.Phys.A: Math. & General. Some explict formulas added, and to update the reference

    Prospectus, December 5, 1979

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    MAC EXCITES CU; Canteen tries deli; Disposable lighters are like dynamite; Bad weather procedures; MTD raises prices; Across the globe; In the nation; Around the state; Letters to the editor: Response to Scott, Article clarified, Iran: no blackmail; Campus Question: Will MTD increase affect you; Ski Club celebrates; Promotion committee hopes to rejuvenate downtown Urbana; Tooth Buzz; \u27A Christmas Carol\u27 off key; Reviews: \u27Mac\u27 outclassed itself; Classifieds; Faculty Focus: Sex at high noon; Comebacks become cardiac Cobras trademark; Orange Fever catching CU; Women hit highs and lowshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1979/1001/thumbnail.jp
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