250 research outputs found

    Analytical Method of Active Ingredient in Glue-Line-Treated Plywood

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    A rather efficient method for quantitative analysis of the active ingredient in a glue-line-treated plywood was found by using formic acid and toluene in combination as the extraction solvents. A recovery rate of more than 95% was achieved

    Finite element analysis of magnetic circuits composed of axisymmetric and rectangular regions

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    A new approximate method is developed for calculating three-dimensional magnetic fields in magnetic circuits composed of connected axisymmetric and rectangular regions. Using this new method, fairly accurate solutions can be obtained when the leakage flux from the magnetic circuit is small. In this paper, the new method is explained and then the usefulness of the technique is clarified by comparing calculated and measured flux densities.</p

    The combination therapy with alfacalcidol and risedronate improves the mechanical property in lumbar spine by affecting the material properties in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We conducted the present study to investigate the therapeutic effects of a combination treatment of alfacalcidol (ALF) and risedronate (RIS) on the bone mechanical properties of bone and calcium (Ca) metabolism using an ovariectomized (OVX) rat model of osteoporosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Female Wistar rats were OVX- or sham-operated at 40 weeks of age. Twelve weeks post-surgery, rats were randomized into seven groups: 1) sham + vehicle, 2) OVX + vehicle, 3) OVX + ALF 0.025 μg/kg/day, 4) OVX + ALF 0.05 μg, 5) OVX + RIS 0.3 mg, 6) OVX + RIS 3.0 mg, 7) OVX + ALF 0.025 μg + RIS 0.3 mg. Each drug was administered orally five times a week for 12 weeks. After treatment, we evaluated the mechanical properties of the lumbar vertebra and femoral midshaft. In the lumbar vertebra, structural and material analyses were performed using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and microbeam X-ray diffraction (micro-XRD), respectively. Biochemical markers in serum and urine were also determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>(1) With respect to improvement in the mechanical strength of the lumbar spine and the femoral midshaft, the combination treatment of ALF and RIS at their sub-therapeutic doses was more effective than each administered as a monotherapy; (2) In the suppression of bone resorption and the amelioration of microstructural parameters, the effects of ALF and RIS were considered to be independent and additive; (3) The improvement of material properties, such as microstructural parameters and the biological apatite (Bap) c-axis orientation, contributed to the reinforcement of spinal strength; and (4) The combination treatment of ALF and RIS normalized urinary Ca excretion, suggesting that this treatment ameliorated the changes in Ca metabolism.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate that the combination treatment of ALF and RIS at their sub-therapeutic doses can improve the mechanical properties of the spine as well as the femur and ameliorate changes in Ca metabolism in an animal model of osteoporosis, suggesting that the combination treatment of ALF and RIS has a therapeutic advantage over each monotherapy for the treatment of osteoporosis.</p

    Brain Abscess as a Rare Complication of Primary Extranodal Nasal-type Natural Killer/T-cell Lymphoma

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    We present the case of a 58-year-old Japanese woman with a natural killer T (NK/T)-cell lymphoma complicated by brain abscess. NK/T-cell lymphomas represent a rare type of lymphoma derived from either activated NK cells or, rarely, cytotoxic T cells. They are aggressive Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated lymphomas that involve mainly the nasal cavity. Brain abscess associated with primary extranodal nasal-type NK/T-cell lymphoma is extremely uncommon: to our knowledge, this is the first reported case of this lymphoma with brain abscess as the initial clinical manifestation. Endoscopic surgery was performed for definitive diagnosis under intraoperative navigation system. Chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy was performed and was effective: 72 months later the tumor has not recurred. Recommendations of endoscopic management for diagnosis and treatment of this rare neoplasm are discussed

    The Effects of Inbreeding on Embryonic Development in Japanese Quail

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    近交の結果が日本ウズラの胚発剤に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために,きょうだい交配によって近交3世代に達した日本ウズラを用いて孵卵後33・48時間の中胚葉体節数並びに孵卵後4日から16日までの胚重量について,ランダム交配群との対比において検討を加えた. 得られた結果は以下の通りである. 1)孵卵後33時間の胚の平均中胚葉体節数はきょうだい交配群において8.7±3.22,ランダム交配群において9.8±2.48であり,この差は統計的に有意であった(P<0.001). また,孵卵後48時間の胚の平均中胚葉体節数はきょうだい交配群において22.4±2.20,ランダム交配群において23.0±2.17であり,両群間の差は有意でなかった. 2)孵卵後33時間の胚の中胚葉体節数の頻度分布について検討した結果,きょうだい交配群の胚はランダム交配群の胚に比べて体節数の少ない方へ分布が広がり,分布の型において-0.46と有意な負の歪度がみとめられた(P<0.05). 3)孵卵後33時間の胚の中胚葉体節数の変異について検討した結果,きょうだい交配群における家系内のバラツキがランダム交配群に比較して大きいことが認められた. 4)孵卵後4日から16日までの胚の生重量・乾燥重量について,きょうだい交配群はランダム交配群に比べいずれの日令においても胚重量が劣っていることが明らかにされた. 5)胚の日令に対する増体量の回帰係数と胚重量の回帰式から,きょうだい交配群とランダム交配群との間の成長型について比較検討した結果,成長型では両群間に差は認められなかった

    Continuous Operation of Micro Plasma Thruster “Microwave Engine”

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    A low-power, microwave-discharge type electrostatic thruster named “microwave engine” has been developed for applications to 50 kg-class satellites at Advanced Technology Institute Ltd. (ATI) in Hokkaido, Japan. A prototype of the engine was manufactured, and its performance and random vibration tests have been reported in previous papers. An endurance test followed, and showed no failure in the engine after 400 hours of operation