328 research outputs found


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    Diploma III Public Relations Program Faculty of Social Science Political Science Diponegoro University Semarang was inaugurated in 1998. At the age of almost 20 years. Diploma III Public Relation Studies Program that is based on this communication science, need a new information media to provide information to the audience of excess and uniqueness owned compared with its competitors. Therefore, the company profile video is a suitable medium for doing so. In the video production company profile Diploma Program III Public Relations Faculty of the Social Sciences Politics Diponegoro University of Semarang, certainly, can not be separated from the role of cinematographer and editor. Cinematographers are generally responsible for shooting techniques as well as converting scripts into an audiovisual product. While the editor role to process the results of shooting into a story that can be enjoyed by the audience. Video profile Diploma Program III Public Relations Faculty of the Social Sciences Politics Diponegoro University of Semarang has a duration of 7 minutes 44 seconds consisting of 25 scenes that have a different time and story background. In general, the content contained produces a story in which it describes the introduction of this course of study including what is PR? , vision, mission and goals, short history, favorite courses, atmosphere, and campus facilities. Video profile production takes more than 3 months, from May 1, 2017, to August 16, 2017. Video profile Diploma III Public Relations Program Faculty of Social Sciences Politics Diponegoro University of Semarang will be a personal document Diploma Program III Public Relations Faculty of Social Sciences Politics Diponegoro University of Diponegoro and will be aired in the event Orientation of Study and Introduction Campus or Ospek that will become a tool New information that could represent this course of study itself. With so expected deeper understanding about Diploma III, Public Relation Studies Program can cultivate the new spirit of the new student

    The cyclization of a diazoketone with boron trifluoride etherate

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    Normally, a diazoketone reacts with an acid to form a substituted methyl ketone. When a nucleophilic center is present at an α or ÎČ position of R, this reaction may lead to the formation of a cyclic ketone (11). It was the purpose of this research to investigate the cyclization of the aliphatic methoxydiazoketone, 1-diazo-4-methoxy-4-phenyl-2-butanone (I), when treated with BF3 in ether, to give the five-membered ring 5-phenyltetrahydrofuranone-3 (II)

    Joint Time-and Event-Triggered Scheduling in the Linux Kernel

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    There is increasing interest in using Linux in the real-time domain due to the emergence of cloud and edge computing, the need to decrease costs, and the growing number of complex functional and non-functional requirements of real-time applications. Linux presents a valuable opportunity as it has rich hardware support, an open-source development model, a well-established programming environment, and avoids vendor lock-in. Although Linux was initially developed as a general-purpose operating system, some real-time capabilities have been added to the kernel over many years to increase its predictability and reduce its scheduling latency. Unfortunately, Linux currently has no support for time-triggered (TT) scheduling, which is widely used in the safety-critical domain for its determinism, low run-time scheduling latency, and strong isolation properties. We present an enhancement of the Linux scheduler as a new low-overhead TT scheduling class to support offline table-driven scheduling of tasks on multicore Linux nodes. Inspired by the Slot shifting algorithm, we complement the new scheduling class with a low overhead slot shifting manager running on a non-time-triggered core to provide guaranteed execution time to real-time aperiodic tasks by using the slack of the time-triggered tasks and avoiding high-overhead table regeneration for adding new periodic tasks. Furthermore, we evaluate our implementation on server-grade hardware with Intel Xeon Scalable Processor.Comment: to appear in Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications (OSPERT) workshop 2023 co-hosted with 35th Euromicro conference on Real-time system

    Robert R. Palmer (1909-2002)

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    Robert R. Palmer, historien de renommée internationale, spécialiste de l'histoire de l'Europe et ancien président de l'AHA, est mort à l'ùge de quatre-vingt-treize ans le 11 juin 2002. Il faisait indiscutablement autorité dans le domaine de l'histoire de la France et de l'Europe du XVIIIe siÚcle et du début du XIXe siÚcle. L'ensemble de ses recherches constitue une remarquable et durable contribution à la tradition libérale d'aprÚs-guerre qui caractérisa l'historiographie américaine, à laquel..


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    Helper (CD4+) T cells are pivotal to immune protection against a wide range of diseases and pathogens. They bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems, recruiting innate immune cells to sites of infection or disease and providing indispensable help signals to B cells and cytotoxic (CD8+) T cells. In addition to their helper roles, they perform a variety of direct therapeutic functions, secreting immunomodulatory cytokines or even directly mediating lysis of diseased cells. Nevertheless, a current lack of synthetic platforms for harnessing antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses, hinders the widespread adoption of CD4+ T cell-based therapies. This thesis advances new nanotechnologies and methods to harness CD4+ T cells, toward a variety of immunological applications. The first contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate the manufacturing benefits of CD4+ T cells to enhance ex vivo production of CD8+ T cell therapies. While CD4+ T cells were initially believed to detract from production yields, I demonstrated through a series of depletion and addback studies that bystander CD4+ T cells increase the throughput, purity, and yield of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells during nanoparticle-based expansions. The second contribution of this thesis is to engineer a nanoparticle platform for ex vivo CD4+ T cell culture that mimics antigen presenting cells (APC) through display of murine major histocompatibility class II (MHC II) or human leukocyte antigen class II (HLA II) molecules. I demonstrated that MHC II and HLA II artificial APCs (aAPCs) expand cognate murine and human CD4+ T cells, respectively, which uniquely display cytotoxic activity. Moreover, I engineered novel combined MHC I/II aAPCs that simultaneously engage CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, thereby relaying help signals that enhance the function, memory formation, and antitumor activity of CD8+ T cells. These technologies facilitated discovery of important biophysical parameters for CD4+ T cell binding, activation, and enrichment, specific cues that induce cytotoxic CD4+ T cells, and key helper signals provided by CD4+ T cells to CD8+ T cells


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    « Il n’y a pas si dĂ©plorable puissance dans la RĂ©volution qui n’ait trouvĂ© des panĂ©gyristes ; Robespierre, Babeuf, Charette et d’autres ont eu des historiens empressĂ©s de faire leur Ă©loge ; il Ă©tait rĂ©servĂ© au Directoire de faire seul exception. Tous l’ont maudit, personne ne l’a louĂ©. En immolant les patriotes, il se trouvait en prĂ©sence des royalistes, ce qui lui avait fait imaginer son ridicule systĂšme de bascule ; mais en frappant la virilitĂ© de toutes parts, il ne lui restait plus que de..

    Prognostische Bedeutung Device-assoziierter Thromben in der Echokardiographie nach einer ICD- oder Schrittmacherimplantation fĂŒr das Auftreten von unerwĂŒnschten kardiovaskulĂ€ren und thromboembolischen Ereignisse im Nachverfolgungszeitraum

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    Nach der Implantation eines Schrittmacher- oder ICD-Systems können sich an den transvenösen Sonden thrombotische Ablagerungen bilden. Diese treten hĂ€ufig asymptomatisch auf und werden deswegen ĂŒberwiegend als Nebenbefund in einer echokardiographischen Routinediagnostik dargestellt. Allerding konnten in einzelnen FĂ€llen bereits einige schwere Komplikationen mit hohen MortalitĂ€tsraten gezeigt werden. Aufgrund dessen wurde in dieser Studie ein entsprechendes Patientenkollektiv aus 634 Patienten ĂŒber einen Nachverfolgungszeitraum von durchschnittlich 7 Jahren hinsichtlich des Auftretens kardiovaskulĂ€rer und thromboembolischer Ereignisse, sowie der GesamtmortalitĂ€tsrate, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten kein vermehrtes Auftreten unerwĂŒnschter Ereignisse und keine erhöhten MortalitĂ€tsraten. Allerdings traten vermehrt Thrombosen und Embolien bei Patienten mit thrombotischen Auflagerungen an den Sonden im Nachverfolgungszeitraum auf. Beeinflussbare PrĂ€diktoren ließen sich nicht eruieren, jedoch zeigte eine Subgruppenanalyse mit antithrombotischer und antikoagulierender Therapie sowohl das vermehrte Auftreten klinischer Ereignisse wie auch eine erhöhte MortalitĂ€tsrate. Der Nachweis von Thromben an den Sonden stellt demnach keinen Risikofaktor fĂŒr eine schlechte Prognose bei dieser Patientengruppe dar. Allerdings kann, durch die HĂ€ufung von Thrombosen und Embolien, von einer gewissen Hyperkoagulation bei Patienten mit Thromben an den Sonden ausgegangen werden. Diese zeigte jedoch keine eindeutige klinische Relevanz fĂŒr die Patienten. Allerdings sollte der Einsatz von antithrombotischen und antikoagulierenden Medikamenten mit Bedacht gewĂ€hlt werden und keine routinemĂ€ĂŸige Prophylaxe erfolgen, da sich bei diesen Patienten ein insgesamt schlechteres Endergebnis mit einer erhöhten MortalitĂ€tsrate ergab

    Psychometric Properties of the Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale

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    This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Adolescent Sleep Hygiene Scale (ASHS), a self-report measure assessing sleep practices theoretically important for optimal sleep. Data were collected on a community sample of 514 adolescents (16–19; 17.7 ± 0.4 years; 50% female) participating in the late adolescent examination of a longitudinal study on sleep and health. Sleep hygiene and daytime sleepiness were obtained from adolescent reports, behavior from caretaker reports, and sleep-wake estimation on weekdays from wrist actigraphy. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated the empirical and conceptually based factor structure were similar for six of the eight proposed sleep hygiene domains. Internal consistency of the revised scale (ASHSr) was α = 0.84; subscale alphas were: physiological: α = 0.60; behavioural arousal: α = 0.62; cognitive/emotional: α = 0.81; sleep environment: α = 0.61; sleep stability: α = 0.68; daytime sleep: α = 0.78. Sleep hygiene scores were associated positively with sleep duration (r = 0.16) and sleep efficiency (r = 0.12) and negatively with daytime sleepiness (r = −0.26). Results of extreme-groups analyses comparing ASHSr scores in the lowest and highest quintile provided further evidence for concurrent validity. Correlations between sleep hygiene scores and caretaker reports of school competence, internalizing and externalizing behaviours provided support for convergent validity. These findings indicate that the ASHSr has satisfactory psychometric properties for a research instrument and is a useful research tool for assessing sleep hygiene in adolescents

    Does she think she’s supported? Maternal perceptions of their experiences in the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Parents’ involvement in the care of their infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is critically important, leading many NICUs to implement policies and practices of family-centered care (FCC). Analyzing narrative interviews, we examined whether mothers of premature infants who participated in an intervention to help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression felt that their NICU experience reflected four key nursing behaviors previously identified as being necessary to achieving FCC. Fifty-six narratives derived from semi-structured interviews with the mothers were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to examine whether the women experienced emotional support, parent empowerment, welcoming environment, and parent education, as well as whether differences in reported experiences were related to sociodemographic factors or maternal coping styles. Overall, the mothers reported more negative than positive experiences with respect to the four behaviors, and those who had negative interactions with the hospital staff felt a sense of disenfranchisement and failure as mothers. Sociodemographic factors and coping styles were significantly associated with the mothers’ perceptions of their experiences, although these relationships were not consistent. Achieving actual FCC in the NICU may require parent-informed evidence-based changes in NICU personnel training and infrastructure
