2,022 research outputs found

    The Effect of Communicative Language Teaching on Students' Speaking Skill

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    The aims of this research were to find out whether there are good response and improvement of students' speaking skill between before and after being taught through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The samples of this research were the VIII A and VIII B class of the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 21 Tangerang in academic year 2015/2016. The researcher used non-equivalent control group design. The instrument was oral test. The result of the research showed that there was improvement of the students' speaking skill in actively communicative by using CLT. The result of t-test showed that t was bigger than ttable. The result of tcount was 4.2105 and ttable was 2.0021. It means that the researcher's hypothesis (H1), there is significant difference of post-test scores between experiment class and control class is accepted. The average score of pre-test in experiment class is 67.33 while the average score of pre-test in control class is 66.50. The average of the post-test score in experiment class was 83.00 while the average of the post-test score in control class was 75.00. It showed that CLT can improve the students' speaking skill

    Pengawasan Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi Informatika dan Pengolahan Data Elektronik terhadap Warung Internet di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Supervision of Internet cafes were conducted by the Department of Transportation, Communication and Information Pekanbaru is a reference of Regional Regulation Pekanbaru No. 7 of 2000, on license business premises and supervision of internet cafes which regulate Internet cafes that violates the kententuan formulated by the government by the Department of Transportation Communication and Information Pekanbaru. But the fact of internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru are still many who violate the provisions that have been set because there are many internet cafes that use barriers are high, yet block sites pornography, and gambling, and many were found internet cafes which does not have a business license. Study of the phenomenon, the problem in this research is how the supervision of internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru and the factors that influence the supervision of internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru. This study refers to the theoretical concept Sukanto, where effective monitoring contains elements for standard or measure, an assessment of the work or conduct assessments and corrective action against the irregularities that occurred. This research is a descriptive study, in which the author presents and describes how surveillance of internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru, especially in Sub Tampan. And to know the factors that affect the supervision of the internet cafes. The technique of collecting data is to interview and that menjdi key informant is a team supervision, cafe owners and community leaders. Results of the study found that pngawasan shop intenet in Pekanbaru especially in District Charming in the state is not good because there are still many warumg internet which has a barrier that is not in accordance with, and still finding internet cafes are not blocked situ-site pornography and gambling, and there are still many internet cafes that do not have a place of business license. The factors that affect the supervision of internet cafes in the city of Pekanbaru, especially in Sub Tampan are factors of human resources is still low level of education officer oversight and insufficient number of officers monitoring the field whose job is to monitor and record violations internet cafes, actor funds which is still a lack of cost to socialize. Keywords: Monitoring, standards, assessmen

    The role of Lambda in the cosmological lens equation

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    The cosmological constant Lambda affects cosmological gravitational lensing. Effects due to Lambda can be studied in the framework of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. Two novel contributions, which can not be accounted for by a proper use of angular diameter distances, are derived. First, a term 2m b Lambda/3 has to be added to the bending angle, where "m" is the lens mass and "b" the impact parameter. Second, Lambda brings about a difference in the redshifts of multiple images. Both effects are quite small for real astrophysical systems (contribution to the bending < 0.1 microarcsec and difference in redshift < 10^{-7}).Comment: 4 pages. (Univ. Zuerich); v2: presentation improved, discussion extended, references to papers posted after the v1-version added. In press on Phys. Rev. Let

    Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Pemula Pada Pemilihan Presiden Di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2014

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    The presidential election is one from of political participation as the embodiment of the people's sovereignty, because at the time of the election that the people are the most important decisive for the political process in the regional by voting directly, in the selection process are voters also affect participation in determining the process presidential election. The problems of this research how do the starter voters political participation at presidential election in district saber bengklis year 2014 and what are the factors enabling and constraining political participation of voters in the presidential election in the district saber bengkalis district in 2014. This study aims to determine the from political participation of voters and determine the factors enabling and constraining political participation of voter in the presidential election in district saber Bengkalis 2014. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to the type of data used primary data and secondary data obtained from the data source document and research informants. The data collection isi done by field studies such as observastion, interviews, documentation and literature and then analyzed in a descriptive way to provide an overview of the research results. The results of this study indicate that the from of participation voters in the district saber has been running well visible from its enthusiastic voters in the from of participation voting (voting), because voters in this own awareness and curiosty year to participate in determining its leader, but activities such as campaigns and join political parties still less because several factors such as the bustly of everyday life, feelings of inadequacy, and the prohibition of the family

    Kekalahan Calon Independen dalam Pemilhan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Karimun Tahun 2015

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    Participation of Independent candidates in general election of regional head based on many disappointments felt both from among themselves and society at large who feel harmed by the mechanism of election conducted by political parties. Karimun district is one of district that follow general election of regional head simultaneously on December 9th, 2015 present the candidates who used individual and independent path. In general election of regional head result of karimun district, the independent candidats suffered defeat, but there is interesting thing to be examined, difference of vote acquisition that earned by independent candidates is different with support terms that submitted by independent candidates. The aim of this research was to determined the difference because between vote acqusition that earn by independent candidates and support terms that submitted by independent candidates.This research using quantitative research aproach with kind of descriptive research. Data collection techniques used are documentation, and interview. Data analysis used limited to data peocessing techniques or facts gained by developing relevant categories with the aim of research and interpretations that are guided by appropriate theoryThe result of this research show the difference of vote acquisition and support terms caused by the existence of legal support terms caused by the existence of legal suppor uncertainty, support in the form of ID Cards only as a condition only so than can maniputate. This is avidenced by the fact that there are still people who withdraw their support by filling out the revocation form that provided by the KPU when recapitulation support

    Strategi Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra) dalam Meningkatkan Perolehan Suara pada Pemilu Legislatif Tahun 2014 di Kota Pekanbaru

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    In the 2014 legislative elections last year, an increase in the acquisition of a very significant noise experienced by Indonesia Movement Party in Pekanbaru., As seen in the comparison of votes Great Indonesia Movement Party in 2009 which won 2.22% of the vote, whereas in 2014 Indonesia Movement Party gained 9.49% increase in noise is.Political facts above, the key problem that arises in this study is what the Great Indonesia Movement Party strategy to improve the sound in the legislative elections in 2014 in the city of Pekanbaru. This study used a qualitative approach that is intended to collect the data as much as possible and the facts are then taken to a conclusion.Great Indonesia Movement Party strategy to increase the number of votes in the legislative elections of the most dominant Pekanbaru is through recruiting qualified candidates, engage with the community, doing useful activities such as gymnastics, mutual cooperation, pemasagan banners and billboards and deliver material quality. And do not forget to also sell the name Prabowo As chairman of the General and the President of the Republic of Indonesia candidates.Keywords: Strategy, Political Party, Gerindr

    Detection of large scale intrinsic ellipticity-density correlation from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and implications for weak lensing surveys

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    The power spectrum of weak lensing shear caused by large-scale structure is an emerging tool for precision cosmology, in particular for measuring the effects of dark energy on the growth of structure at low redshift. One potential source of systematic error is intrinsic alignments of ellipticities of neighbouring galaxies (II correlation) that could mimic the correlations due to lensing. A related possibility pointed out by Hirata and Seljak (2004) is correlation between the intrinsic ellipticities of galaxies and the density field responsible for gravitational lensing shear (GI correlation). We present constraints on both the II and GI correlations using 265 908 spectroscopic galaxies from the SDSS, and using galaxies as tracers of the mass in the case of the GI analysis. The availability of redshifts in the SDSS allows us to select galaxies at small radial separations, which both reduces noise in the intrinsic alignment measurement and suppresses galaxy- galaxy lensing (which otherwise swamps the GI correlation). While we find no detection of the II correlation, our results are nonetheless statistically consistent with recent detections found using the SuperCOSMOS survey. In contrast, we have a clear detection of GI correlation in galaxies brighter than L* that persists to the largest scales probed (60 Mpc/h) and with a sign predicted by theoretical models. This correlation could cause the existing lensing surveys at z~1 to underestimate the linear amplitude of fluctuations by as much as 20% depending on the source sample used, while for surveys at z~0.5 the underestimation may reach 30%. (Abridged.)Comment: 16 pages, matches version published in MNRAS (only minor changes in presentation from original version