5,262 research outputs found

    Further detections of OH masers in carbon stars with silicate features

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    A sample of J-type carbon stars was searched for OH maser emission. The new detection of three OH lines towards two silicate carbon stars is reported. In V778 Cyg, previously known as the main-lines (1665 and 1667 MHz) maser source, the satellite 1612 MHz emission was discovered while in NSV 2814 the main OH lines were detected. The presence of OH maser lines confirms the former suggestion that oxygen-rich material is located in the vicinity (\approx 10151610^{15-16} cm) of silicate carbon stars.Comment: LaTeX2e, 4 pages with 2 figure

    Cellular kinetics of perivascular MSC precursors

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    Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) and MSC-like multipotent stem/progenitor cells have been widely investigated for regenerative medicine and deemed promising in clinical applications. In order to further improve MSC-based stem cell therapeutics, it is important to understand the cellular kinetics and functional roles of MSCs in the dynamic regenerative processes. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of typical MSC cultures, their native identity and anatomical localization in the body have remained unclear, making it difficult to decipher the existence of distinct cell subsets within the MSC entity. Recent studies have shown that several blood-vessel-derived precursor cell populations, purified by flow cytometry from multiple human organs, give rise to bona fide MSCs, suggesting that the vasculature serves as a systemic reservoir of MSC-like stem/progenitor cells. Using individually purified MSC-like precursor cell subsets, we and other researchers have been able to investigate the differential phenotypes and regenerative capacities of these contributing cellular constituents in the MSC pool. In this review, we will discuss the identification and characterization of perivascular MSC precursors, including pericytes and adventitial cells, and focus on their cellular kinetics: cell adhesion, migration, engraftment, homing, and intercellular cross-talk during tissue repair and regeneration. © 2013 William C. W. Chen et al

    Cellular kinetics of perivascular MSC precursors

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    Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) and MSC-like multipotent stem/progenitor cells have been widely investigated for regenerative medicine and deemed promising in clinical applications. In order to further improve MSC-based stem cell therapeutics, it is important to understand the cellular kinetics and functional roles of MSCs in the dynamic regenerative processes. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of typical MSC cultures, their native identity and anatomical localization in the body have remained unclear, making it difficult to decipher the existence of distinct cell subsets within the MSC entity. Recent studies have shown that several blood-vessel-derived precursor cell populations, purified by flow cytometry from multiple human organs, give rise to bona fide MSCs, suggesting that the vasculature serves as a systemic reservoir of MSC-like stem/progenitor cells. Using individually purified MSC-like precursor cell subsets, we and other researchers have been able to investigate the differential phenotypes and regenerative capacities of these contributing cellular constituents in the MSC pool. In this review, we will discuss the identification and characterization of perivascular MSC precursors, including pericytes and adventitial cells, and focus on their cellular kinetics: cell adhesion, migration, engraftment, homing, and intercellular cross-talk during tissue repair and regeneration. © 2013 William C. W. Chen et al

    New Insights into Properties of Large-N Holographic Thermal QCD at Finite Gauge Coupling at (the Non-Conformal/Next-to) Leading Order in N

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    In the context of [1]'s string theoretic dual of large-N thermal QCD-like theories at finite gauge/string coupling (as part of the `MQGP' limit of [2]), we discuss the following. First, up to LO in N, using the results of [3], we show that the local T^3 of [2] is the T^2-invariant sLag of [3] in a resolved conifold. This, together with the results of [4], shows that for a (predominantly resolved or deformed) resolved warped deformed conifold, the local T^3 of [2] in the MQGP limit, is the T^2-invariant sLag of [3] justifying the construction of the delocalized SYZ type IIA mirror of the type IIB background of [1]. Then, using the prescription of [5], we obtain the temperature dependence of the thermal (and electrical) conductivity working up to leading order in N (the number of D3-branes), and upon comparison with [6] show that the results mimic a 1+1-dimensional Luttinger liquid with impurities. Further, including sub-leading non-conformal terms in the metric determined by M (the number of fractional D-branes = the number of colors = 3 in the IR after the end of a Seiberg duality cascade), by looking at respectively the scalar, vector and tensor modes of metric perturbations and using [7]'s prescription of constructing appropriate gauge-invariant perturbations, we obtain respectively the speed of sound, the diffusion constant and the shear viscosity \eta (and \eta/s) including the non-conformal O((g_s M^2) (g_s N_f)/N<<1)-corrections, N_f being the number of flavor D7-branes.Comment: 1+75 pages, LaTeX; Some corrections in Tc-related calculations, results unchange

    Flavor brane on the baryonic branch of moduli space

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    We study an extra flavor in the cascading SU((k+1)M)xSU(k M) gauge theory by adding probe D7-brane to the geometry. By finding a solution to the kappa-symmetry equation we establish that the D7-brane is mutually supersymmetric with the background everywhere on the baryonic branch of moduli space. We also discuss possible applications of this result.Comment: 15 pages; v2 typo corrected, references adde

    Hidden conformal symmetry of extreme and non-extreme Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion black holes

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    The hidden conformal symmetry of extreme and non-extreme Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion (EMDA) black holes is addressed in this paper. For the non-extreme one, employing the wave equation of massless scalars, the conformal symmetry with left temperature TL=M2πaT_{L}=\frac{M}{2\pi a} and right temperature TR=M2a22πaT_{R}=\frac{\sqrt{M^{2}-a^{2}}}{2\pi a} in the near region is found. The conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken due to the periodicity of the azimuthal angle. The microscopic entropy is derived by the Cardy formula and is fully in consistence with the Bekenstein-Hawking area-entropy law. The absorption cross section in the near region is calculated and exactly equals that in a 2D CFT. For the extreme case, by redefining the conformal coordinates, the duality between the solution space and CFT is studied. The microscopic entropy is found to exactly agree with the area-entropy law.Comment: V3, typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Online algorithms for covering and packing problems with convex objectives

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    We present online algorithms for covering and packing problems with (non-linear) convex objectives. The convex covering problem is defined as ...postprin

    Momentum Dependence of the Nematic Order Parameter in Iron-Based Superconductors.

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    The momentum dependence of the nematic order parameter is an important ingredient in the microscopic description of iron-based high-temperature superconductors. While recent reports on FeSe indicate that the nematic order parameter changes sign between electron and hole bands, detailed knowledge is still missing for other compounds. Combining angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with uniaxial strain tuning, we measure the nematic band splitting in both FeSe and BaFe_{2}As_{2} without interference from either twinning or magnetic order. We find that the nematic order parameter exhibits the same momentum dependence in both compounds with a sign change between the Brillouin center and the corner. This suggests that the same microscopic mechanism drives the nematic order in spite of the very different phase diagrams

    Entanglement Entropy of 3-d Conformal Gauge Theories with Many Flavors

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    Three-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) of deconfined gauge fields coupled to gapless flavors of fermionic and bosonic matter describe quantum critical points of condensed matter systems in two spatial dimensions. An important characteristic of these CFTs is the finite part of the entanglement entropy across a circle. The negative of this quantity is equal to the finite part of the free energy of the Euclidean CFT on the three-sphere, and it has been proposed to satisfy the so called F-theorem, which states that it decreases under RG flow and is stationary at RG fixed points. We calculate the three-sphere free energy of non-supersymmetric gauge theory with a large number N_F of bosonic and/or fermionic flavors to the first subleading order in 1/N_F. We also calculate the exact free energies of the analogous chiral and non-chiral {\cal N} = 2 supersymmetric theories using localization, and find agreement with the 1/N_F expansion. We analyze some RG flows of supersymmetric theories, providing further evidence for the F-theorem.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures; v2 refs added, minor change

    D-brane potentials in the warped resolved conifold and natural inflation

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    In this paper we obtain a model of Natural Inflation from string theory with a Planckian decay constant. We investigate D-brane dynamics in the background of the warped resolved conifold (WRC) throat approximation of Type IIB string compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds. When we glue the throat to a compact bulk Calabi-Yau, we generate a D-brane potential which is a solution to the Laplace equation on the resolved conifold. We can exactly solve this equation, including dependence on the angular coordinates. The solutions are valid down to the tip of the resolved conifold, which is not the case for the more commonly used deformed conifold. This allows us to exploit the effect of the warping, which is strongest at the tip. We inflate near the tip using an angular coordinate of a D5-brane in the WRC which has a discrete shift symmetry, and feels a cosine potential, giving us a model of Natural Inflation, from which it is possible to get a Planckian decay constant whilst maintaining control over the backreaction. This is because the decay constant for a wrapped brane contains powers of the warp factor, and so can be made large, while the wrapping parameter can be kept small enough so that backreaction is under control.Comment: 41 pages, 3 appendices, 1 figure, PDFLaTex; various clarifications added along with a new appendix on b-axions and wrapped D5 branes;version matches the one published in JHE