46 research outputs found

    Semi-basic 1-forms and Helmholtz conditions for the inverse problem of the calculus of variations

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    We use Fr\"olicher-Nijenhuis theory to obtain global Helmholtz conditions, expressed in terms of a semi-basic 1-form, that characterize when a semispray is locally Lagrangian. We also discuss the relation between these Helmholtz conditions and their classic formulation written using a multiplier matrix. When the semi-basic 1-form is 1-homogeneous (0-homogeneous) we show that two (one) of the Helmholtz conditions are consequences of the other ones. These two special cases correspond to two inverse problems in the calculus of variation: Finsler metrizability for a spray, and projective metrizability for a spray

    Projective Metrizability and Formal Integrability

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    The projective metrizability problem can be formulated as follows: under what conditions the geodesics of a given spray coincide with the geodesics of some Finsler space, as oriented curves. In Theorem 3.8 we reformulate the projective metrizability problem for a spray in terms of a first-order partial differential operator P1P_1 and a set of algebraic conditions on semi-basic 1-forms. We discuss the formal integrability of P1P_1 using two sufficient conditions provided by Cartan-K\"ahler theorem. We prove in Theorem 4.2 that the symbol of P1P_1 is involutive and hence one of the two conditions is always satisfied. While discussing the second condition, in Theorem 4.3 we prove that there is only one obstruction to the formal integrability of P1P_1, and this obstruction is due to the curvature tensor of the induced nonlinear connection. When the curvature obstruction is satisfied, the projective metrizability problem reduces to the discussion of the algebraic conditions, which as we show are always satisfied in the analytic case. Based on these results, we recover all classes of sprays that are known to be projectively metrizable: flat sprays, isotropic sprays, and arbitrary sprays on 1- and 2-dimensional manifolds. We provide examples of sprays that are projectively metrizable without being Finsler metrizable