15,562 research outputs found


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    Development of computational fluid dynamics at NASA Ames Research Center

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    Ames Research Center has the lead role among NASA centers to conduct research in computational fluid dynamics. The past, the present, and the future prospects in this field are reviewed. Past accomplishments include pioneering computer simulations of fluid dynamics problems that have made computers valuable in complementing wind tunnels for aerodynamic research. The present facilities include the most powerful computers built in the United States. Three examples of viscous flow simulations are presented: an afterbody with an exhaust plume, a blunt fin mounted on a flat plate, and the Space Shuttle. The future prospects include implementation of the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Processing System that will provide the capability for solving the viscous flow field around an aircraft in a matter of minutes

    Simulation Applications at NASA Ames Research Center

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    Aeronautical applications of simulation technology at Ames Research Center are described. The largest wind tunnel in the world is used to determine the flow field and aerodynamic characteristics of various aircraft, helicopter, and missile configurations. Large computers are used to obtain similar results through numerical solutions of the governing equations. Capabilities are illustrated by computer simulations of turbulence, aileron buzz, and an exhaust jet. Flight simulators are used to assess the handling qualities of advanced aircraft, particularly during takeoff and landing

    Numerical solutions for blunt axisymmetric bodies in a supersonic spherical source flow

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    Numerical solutions for blunt axisymmetric bodies in supersonic spherical source flo

    Quantum effects in the collective light scattering by coherent atomic recoil in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We extend the semiclassical model of the collective atomic recoil laser (CARL) to include the quantum mechanical description of the center-of-mass motion of the atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). We show that when the average atomic momentum is less than the recoil momentum q\hbar\vec q, the CARL equations reduce to the Maxwell-Bloch equations for two momentum levels. In the conservative regime (no radiation losses), the quantum model depends on a single collective parameter, ρ\rho, that can be interpreted as the average number of photons scattered per atom in the classical limit. When ρ1\rho\gg 1, the semiclassical CARL regime is recovered, with many momentum levels populated at saturation. On the contrary, when ρ1\rho\le 1, the average momentum oscillates between zero and q\hbar\vec q, and a periodic train of 2π2\pi hyperbolic secant pulses is emitted. In the dissipative regime (large radiation losses) and in a suitable quantum limit, a sequential superfluorescence scattering occurs, in which after each process atoms emit a π\pi hyperbolic secant pulse and populate a lower momentum state. These results describe the regular arrangement of the momentum pattern observed in recent experiments of superradiant Rayleigh scattering from a BEC.Comment: submitted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Characteristics of EMI generated by negative metal-positive dielectric voltage stresses due to spacecraft charging

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    Charging of spacecraft surfaces by the environmental plasma can result in differential potentials between metallic structure and adjacent dielectric surfaces in which the relative polarity of the voltage stress is either negative dielectric/positive metal or negative metal/positive dielectric. Negative metal/positive dielectric is a stress condition that may arise if relatively large areas of spacecraft surface metals are shadowed from solar UV and/or if the UV intensity is reduced as in the situation in which the spacecraft is entering into or leaving eclipse. The results of experimental studies of negative metal/positive dielectric systems are given. Information is given on: enhanced electron emission I-V curves; e(3) corona noise vs e(3) steady-state current; the localized nature of e(3) and negative metal arc discharge currents; negative metal arc discharges at stress thresholds below 1 kilovolt; negative metal arc discharge characteristics; dependence of blowoff arc discharge current on spacecraft capacitance to space (linear dimension); and damage to second surface mirrors due to negative metal arcs

    Dimensional instability of aluminum alloys for extreme low temperature cycling applications /GGV material instability problem/

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    Dimensional instability of aluminum alloys during cryogenic thermal cyclin

    Shock shapes and pressure distributions for large angle pointed cones in helium at Mach numbers of 8 and 20

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    Shock shape and surface pressure measurements on hypersonic pointed cones in heliu