1,116 research outputs found

    Internal Kinematics of Distant Field Galaxies: I. Emission Line Widths for a Complete Sample of Faint Blue Galaxies at <z>=0.25

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    We present measurements of the OII(3727) emission line width for a complete sample of 24 blue field galaxies (21.25=0.25, obtained with the AUTOFIB fibre spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Most emission lines are spectrally resolved, yet all have dispersions sigma<100km/s. Five of the 24 sample members have OII doublet line flux ratios which imply gas densities in excess of 100 cm^-3. The line emission in these galaxies may be dominated by an active nucleus and the galaxies have been eliminated from the subsequent analysis. The remaining 19 linewidths are too large by a factor of two (7sigma significance) to be attributed to turbulent motions within an individual star forming region, and therefore most likely reflect the orbital motion of ionized gas in the galaxy. We use Fabry--Perot observations of nearby galaxies to construct simulated datasets that mimic our observational setup at z=0.25; these allow us to compute the expected distribution of (observable) linewidths sigma_v for a galaxy of a given ``true'' (optical) rotation speed v_c. These simulations include the effects of random viewing angles, clumpy line emission, finite fibre aperture, and internal dust extinction on the emission line profile. We assume a linewidth--luminosity--colour relation: ln[ v_c(M_B,B-R) ] = ln[v_c(-19,1)] - eta*(M_B+10) + zeta*[(B-R)-1] and determine the range of parameters consistent with our data. We find a mean rotation speed of v_c(-19,1)=66+-8km/s (68% confidence limits) for the distant galaxies with M_B=-19 and B-R=1, with a magnitude dependence for v_c of eta=0.07+-0.08, and a colour dependence of zeta =0.28+-0.25. Through comparison with several local samples we show that this value of v_c(-19,1) is significantly lower than the optical rotation speed of present-day galaxies with the same absolute magnitudeComment: TeX Text and Tables, no Figures. Compressed and uuencoded PS file of the complete paper (43 pages including 9 figures) available at http://zwicky.as.arizona.edu/~rix/; submitted to MNRA

    Self-consistent triaxial de Zeeuw-Carollo Models

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    We use the usual method of Schwarzschild to construct self-consistent solutions for the triaxial de Zeeuw & Carollo (1996) models with central density cusps. ZC96 models are triaxial generalisations of spherical γ\gamma-models of Dehnen whose densities vary as r−γr^{-\gamma} near the center and r−4r^{-4} at large radii and hence, possess a central density core for γ=0\gamma=0 and cusps for γ>0\gamma > 0. We consider four triaxial models from ZC96, two prolate triaxials: (p,q)=(0.65,0.60)(p, q) = (0.65, 0.60) with γ=1.0\gamma = 1.0 and 1.5, and two oblate triaxials: (p,q)=(0.95,0.60)(p, q) = (0.95, 0.60) with γ=1.0\gamma = 1.0 and 1.5. We compute 4500 orbits in each model for time periods of 105TD10^{5} T_{D}. We find that a large fraction of the orbits in each model are stochastic by means of their nonzero Liapunov exponents. The stochastic orbits in each model can sustain regular shapes for ∼103TD\sim 10^{3} T_{D} or longer, which suggests that they diffuse slowly through their allowed phase-space. Except for the oblate triaxial models with γ=1.0\gamma =1.0, our attempts to construct self-consistent solutions employing only the regular orbits fail for the remaining three models. However, the self-consistent solutions are found to exist for all models when the stochastic and regular orbits are treated in the same way because the mixing-time, ∼104TD\sim10^{4} T_{D}, is shorter than the integration time, 105TD10^{5} T_{D}. Moreover, the ``fully-mixed'' solutions can also be constructed for all models when the stochastic orbits are fully mixed at 15 lowest energy shells. Thus, we conclude that the self-consistent solutions exist for our selected prolate and oblate triaxial models with γ=1.0\gamma = 1.0 and 1.5.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 Figures, 2 Tables. Accepted for Publication in A&


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: Medicines in the market need their security and their effectiveness monitored to ensure patient safety, which is called Clinical TestingStage IV. Cytotoxic medicines especially those for cervical cancer chemotherapy, particularly need to be monitored. These medicines include twocombinations: Bleomycin-vincristine-mitomycin-cisplatin (BOM-cisplatin) and bleomycin-vincristine-mitomycin-carboplatin (BOM-carboplatin).Both these combinations are commonly used for cervical cancer treatments in Sanglah General Hospital. Up till now, there has not been adequatedata to differentiate between the two combinations. Therefore, we conducted the research to explore the relative effectiveness and toxicity ofboth combinations. The assessment of both combinations can be seen using parameter squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and tumor-mass. Toxicityassessment of the chemotherapy can be seen by judging functions of the liver (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT], serum glutamicpyruvic transaminase [SGPT]), kidneys (blood urea nitrogen [BUN], creatinine), and blood (leukocytes, hemoglobin) of patients.Methods: The observational research with the cross-sectional method in Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics in Sanglah General Hospital DenpasarBali. Research on both combinations was carried out between 2013 and 2015. The samples were obtained before the 1 chemotherapy and after the3rdst chemotherapy, by using consecutive sampling method. Prodia Clinical Laboratory carried out examinations on levels of SCC, while tumor-mass andthe other parameters were carried out by Clinical Pathology Laboratory Sanglah General Hospital. Data were analyzed with the paired t-test with 95%confidence interval, using SPSS 17.0 for Windows.Results: Samples used in this research was 12 patients who got combination BOM-cisplatin and 9 patients who got combination BOM-carboplatin.In the group of BOM-cisplatin, there is no difference of content of leukocytes, hemoglobin, creatinine, BUN, SGOT, SGPT, and SCC before the1st chemotherapy and after the 3rd chemotherapy (*p&gt;0.05). However, there are different levels of tumor mass before the 1 chemotherapy and afterthe 3 chemotherapy (*p&lt;0.05). In the group of BOM-carboplatin, there are no differences in the levels of Creatinine, BUN, SGPT, SGOT, tumor mass,and SCC (*p&gt;0.05). However, there are different levels of leukocytes and hemoglobin (*p&lt;0.05).rdConclusion: The use of combination BOM-cisplatin can be said to be effective by the change of patients' tumor-mass after undergoing chemotherapy.The combination BOM-carboplatin is not effective because there were no changes in patients' tumor-mass and patients' levels of antigen SCC, and hastoxic effects on patients' blood after undergoing chemotherapy.Keywords: Effectiveness, Toxicity, Bleomycin-vincristine-mitomycin-cisplatin, Bleomycin-vincristine-mitomycin-carboplatin, Cervical cancer.s

    Pengaruh Pengunaan Katalis Terhadap Laju Dan Efisiensi Pembentukan Hidrogen

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    Hydrogen was produced by steam reforming of kapok seed oil. CuZn as catalyst helps accelerate separation and increase production of hydrogen gas. This catalyst is viable and has high stability. Hydrogen gas was produced through 3 steps of catalyzing by mixed kapok seed oil and water with ratio of 1:1, 1:3 and 3:1. Heating temperature of catalyst at 250 C was selected. The rate and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas were evaluated. From present investigation show that the more steps of catalyzing resulted in higher products, production rate, and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas. Using 3 steps of catalyzing has promoted higher products, production rate, and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas compared to 1 step and 2 step of catalyzing

    Regional Integration of Equity Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Equity markets in developing and emerging economies have grown in number and importance as a result of financial market globalisation. However, their role in economic growth and development is enhanced if nascent markets are integrated with well-established ones. Market integration, measured by the transmission of returns volatility, is identified across a sample of SSA countries, using a unique dataset. Evidence for potential integration between financial markets in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is found. Spillovers are found across markets, some unidirectional and others bi-directional. However, continued illiquidity and incomplete institutions indicate that an integrated financial community remains premature, and considerable regulatory reform and harmonisation will be necessary for this to succeed

    Costs of air pollutants from shipping: a meta-regression analysis

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    This study estimated the external cost of air pollution from shipping by means of a meta-regression analysis, which has not been made before. Three pollutants, which were included in most of the primary studies, were considered: nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxides (SO2) and particulate matters with a diameter of max 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5). All primary studies included damages of health and a majority added impacts on agriculture and estimated the cost of air pollutants by transferring cost estimates from studies on costs of air emissions from transports in Europe. Different regression models and estimators were used and robust results were found of statistically significant emission elasticities of below one, i.e. total external costs increase by less than 1% when emissions increase by 1%. There was a small variation between the pollutants, with the highest elasticity for PM2.5 and lowest for NOx. Calculations of the marginal external cost of the pollutants showed the same pattern, with this cost being approximately six times higher for PM2.5 than for the other pollutants. Common to all pollutants was that the marginal external cost decreases when emission increases. Another robust result was a significant increase in the cost of studies published in journals compared with other publication outlets. These findings point out some caution when transferring constant external unit cost of air pollutant from shipping, which is much applied in the literature, and the cost functions estimated in this study could thus provide a complementary transfer mechanism
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