18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kelembapan, Suhu Udara dan Curah Hujan terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Gambut di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi

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    Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Jambi has a serious problem with peatlands fires. The effects of humidity, air temperature and rainfall are often associated with climatic influences that provide ideal conditions for fire to occur. The results of the study clearly showed that air humidity, air temperature, and rainfall contributed to the number of hotspot. Humidity was the variable with highest correlation of -0,569. The decrease of humidity that followed by a decrease in rainfall and an increase in air temperature from June to September 2019 led to the highest hotspot in September 2019, which resulted to an increase of forest fire occurrences in Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi. Keywords: fire, peatlands, temperature, rainfall, humidit

    Curah Hujan, Anomali Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dan Kebakaran Hutan Sabana di Waingapu

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    Waingapu is one of the areas in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province which often suffered from savanna fires. Savanna fires prevention can be done by utilizing hotspot data for analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS). The climate is one of factors influence the occurrence of savanna fires in Waingapu. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between precipitation, SST anomalies, and the occurrences of savanna fires in Waingapu. This research was conducted on February April 2021 at the Forest and Land Fires Laboratory, Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University. The data used are MODIS and VIIRS hotspot data, daily precipitation data and SST 3.4 anomaly data. The results showed that precipitation was inversely related to hotspots with a negative correlation value. SST anomaly is inversely related to precipitation a negative correlation value. While the SST anomaly with hotspots is directly proportional with a positive correlation value. Keywords: climate, hotspot, Geographic Information System (GIS), WaingapuWaingapu merupakan salah satu daerah di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang sering dilanda kebakaran hutan sabana. Pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan dapat memanfaatkan data titik panas untuk dianalisis dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Iklim merupakan salah satu faktor alam yang memengaruhi terjadinya kebakaran hutan sabana di Waingapu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara curah hujan, anomali SST, dan kejadian kebakaran hutan sabana di Waingapu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari April 2021 di Laboratorium Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan, Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Data yang digunakan adalah data titik panas MODIS dan VIIRS, data curah hujan harian dan data anomali SST 3.4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa curah hujan berhubungan terbalik dengan titik panas dengan nilai korelasi negatif. Anomali SST berhubungan terbalik dengan curah hujan dengan nilai korelasi negatif. Sedangkan anomali SST dengan titik panas berbanding lurus dengan nilai korelasi positif. Kata Kunci: hotspot, iklim, Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), Waingap

    Anomali Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Effect and Rain Fall on Forest and Land Fire in Province Riau

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    Land and forest fire  that  happening in Riau often occur during the dry season. The climate is one of the natural factors that can affect the occurrence of forest and land fire. In addition to climate conditions, sea surface temperature can also influence the occurrence of fires. Sea surface warming in the Pacific Ocean will cause extreme weather changes in Indonesia that can trigger a great fire due to precipitation changes that occur. To find out the genesis of the fire, it can be seen from the number of Hotspots that are captured by the MODIS satellite. The objective of this research is to know the relationship between warming sea water, rainfall and the incidence of fires in Riau using MODIS hotspot data, SST anomalies and precipitation. This research shows that correlation level between rainfall and hotspot include low level (R2 =10,89%), however, result of statistic analysis (P = 0,00) show that rainfall affect on fire  ccurrence. Hotspot  increase in February-March and July-August on dry season in Riau. Low correlation and Pvalue = 0,302  show that Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly do not affect forest and land fire in Riau


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    Dayak Ngaju community used to manage the peat-land for agricultural purposes by the Handel system. The Handel System is a group farming activity in a spesific area along one small river. Land preparation is one of the important step in this system, and Dayak Ngaju community used to do it by fire. Land preparation by burning activity has been done since the very first generation of Dayak Ngaju. There are two important things in land preparation of Dayak Ngaju in Mantangai Village Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, e.g 1) Rules and ritual tradition for land preparation, and 2) the techniques of land-preparation with burning activity. Burning activity should be well-supervised, and there will be a fine (jipen) given if the fire spread uncontrolable and burn the others land. The techniques for land preparation are still in traditional approach, from selected thinning, clearing, and burning activity. Recently there is no appropriate land preparation technology introduced yet, thus make Dayak Ngaju community still highly depend on using fire for their land preparation activity.Key words: handel, land preparatio

    Soil Responses on Peatland Fire: Case Studies in Jambi and Central Kalimantan

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    Jambi and Central Kalimantan Provinces are among fire-prone provinces that experience fire annually. The provinces have large peatland areas, which are susceptible to fire.  The peatland fire cause impacts on peat soil characteristics, including peat physical and chemical properties. The study was conducted in Sinar Wajo Village, Jambi and Kalampangan and Tumbang Nusa villages, Central Kalimantan Provinces. Land clearing activities for agriculture farming mostly caused forest and land fire in both locations. This study compares physical and chemical soil characteristics on burned and unburned peatland areas in Jambi and Central Kalimantan.  Samples of peat soil were taken from 0-20 cm depth.  Peat soil chemical and physical properties obtained from laboratory analyses were statistically analyzed to compare the properties in burned and unburned areas using JASP.  The study resulted in significant differences for Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium, which indicate higher content in the burned plots than the unburned plots. Key words: Chemical soil properties, land clearing, peatland, physical soil propertiesProvinsi Jambi dan Kalimantan Tengah merupakan daerah rawan kebakaran, yang selalu mengalami kebakaran setiap tahun.  Kedua provinsi memiliki lahan gambut yang luas yang rentan terhadap kebakaran.  Kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut memberikan dampak pada sifat tanah gambut, termasuk sifat fisika dan sifat kimia.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sinar Wajo, Jambi, Desa Kalampangan dan Tumbang Nusa, Kalimantan Tengah. Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di lokasi penelitian pada umumnya disebabkan oleh kegiatan penyaiapan lahan untuk pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan sifat fisika tanah dan sifat kimia tanah pada lahan gambut terbakar dan tidak terbakar di Jambi dan Kalimantan Tengah. Sampel tanah gambut diambil pada kedalam 0-20 cm.  Hasil analisis laboratorium sampel tanah diolah secara statistik dengan menggunakan JASP untuk membandingkan sifata tanah terbakar dan tidak terbakar.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan untuk Kalium, Natrium, dan Kalsium.  Kata kunci: Lahan gambut, penyiapan lahan, sifat fisika tanah, sifat kimia tanah

    Analysis on Crown Health Assessment of Fabaceae in Bogor Botanical Garden

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    Bogor Botanical Garden (KRB) is an ex-situ plant conservation area with many plant types that dominated by tree. One of the family of trees collected in KRB is the Fabaceae family. This research aims to estimate the level of crown health condition in Fabaceae family in KRB using forest health monitoring (FHM) method. A total of 44 trees were observed using crown condition parameters to gain the visual crown rating (VCR), crown size index (CSI), and crown damaged index (CDI). This research showed that Fabaceae family in KRB reveal the VCR score of 6, indicated the medium health crown condition of tree. Thus, this research shows that most of the Fabaceae family’s tree at KRB are categorized in medium crown damaged rate. Keywords: Crown damaged index, crown health condition, crown size index, forest health monitoring, visual crown ratingKebun Raya Bogor (KRB) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi tumbuhan secara ex-situ dengan berbagai jenis koleksi tumbuhan yang didominasi oleh tumbuhan berhabitus pohon. Salah satu koleksi tumbuhan berhabitus pohon di KRB termasuk ke dalam famili Fabaceae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kondisi kesehatan tajuk pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB menggunakan metode Forest Health Monitoring (FHM). Sebanyak 44 pohon diamati menggunakan parameter kondisi tajuk untuk mendapatkan nilai peringkat visual tajuk (VCR), indeks ukuran tajuk (CSI), dan indeks kerusakan tajuk (CDI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB memperoleh skor VCR 6 untuk kondisi tajuknya yang dikategorikan kedalam kondisi kesehatan tajuk sedang. Dengan demikian penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar individu pohon pada famili Fabaceae di KRB termasuk kedalam kategori tingkat kerusakan tajuk sedang. Kata kunci: Forest health monitoring, indeks kerusakan tajuk, indeks ukuran tajuk, kondisi kesehatan tajuk, peringkat visual taju

    Laboratory Experiments on Heat Propagation of Peat Samples from Frequently Burnt Areas in Jambi

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    Kebakaran gambut relatif sulit dipadamkan karena karakter kebakaran gambut yang membara di bawah permukaan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perambatan api yang membara pada gambut yang sering terbakar dengan berbagai kadar air. Variabel yang diukur adalah perubahan suhu terhadap waktu, laju propagasi, dan laju kehilangan massa. Kadar air dari daerah yang sering terbakar yang dikeringkan selama 16 dan 24 jam adalah 272,00% dan 494,00%. Kadar air pada penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan terhadap sampel gambut yang dikeringkan selama 16 dan 14 jam adalah 577,52% dan 713,24%. Analisis pada kedua sampel menunjukkan bahwa sampel gambut yang dibakar pada tahun 1997/1998 memiliki suhu yang lebih tinggi daripada sampel gambut yang sering dibakar. Perambatan panas pada sampel gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 berlangsung lebih lama (9-10 jam) dibandingkan dengan gambut yang sering terbakar (6-7 jam). Laju perambatan vertikal pada gambut yang sering terbakar lebih lambat (6-30 cm/jam) dibandingkan dengan sampel gambut yang terbakar tahun 1997/1998 (9-41 cm/jam), tetapi laju perambatan horizontal pada gambut yang sering terbakar terjadi lebih cepat (5-35 cm /jam) dibandingkan gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 (11-21 cm/jam). Laju kehilangan massa pada gambut yang sering terbakar adalah lebih rendah (9-22 gram/jam) dibandingkan dengan contoh gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 (25-32 gram/jam). Kata kunci: gambut, kadar air, pembakaranPeat fires are relatively difficult to extinguish due to the character of peat fires that smolders below soil surface. This research aims to analyze propagation of smoldering fires on frequent burnt peat with various moisture content. (dry base). Variables measured are changing of temperature to time, propagation rate, and mass loss rate. The result obtained from this research is further compared to previous research done on peat samples burnt only once on 1997/1998. Moisture contents from frequently burnt area that are dried 16 and 24 hours are 272.00% and 494.00%. Moisture contents in previous research on peat samples that are dried for 16 and 14 hours are 577.52% and 713.24%. Analysis on both sample shows that peat samples burnt in 1997/1998 holds higher temperature than frequently burnt peat samples. Propagation on peat samples burnt in 1997/1998 lasts longer (9-10 hours) than propagation on frequent burnt peat (6-7 hours). Vertical propagation rate on frequent burnt peat are slower (6-30 cm/hour) than on peat samples burnt in 1997/1998 (9-41 cm/jam) but, horizontal propagation rate on frequently burnt peat are faster (5-35 cm/hour) than peat burnt in 1997/1998 (11-21 cm/hour). Mass loss rate on frequent burnt peat are lower (9-22 gram/hour) than on peat samples burnt in 1997/1998 (25-32 gram/hour). Keywords: peat, moisture content, combustio