13,912 research outputs found

    Do MDGs Matter? India's Development Trajectory in the 21st Century

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    Current discourse on post?2015 development goals needs to be situated in the context of the influence of MDGs in shaping national policies and programmes. In this article, India's development trajectory and its impacts are critically analysed to demonstrate the near absence of influence of MDGs discourse on Indian development planning or outcomes. The analysis also focuses on the political economy of India's development trajectory and identifies absence of governance reforms as the key deficit in meaningful impacts on the lives of people in India. In sharp contrast to the High Level Panel's recommendations on post?2015, the author proposes an alternative set of goals focusing on reforming governance in India

    The New Mafia: Vladimir Putin's Inner Circle and Russian Organized Crime

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    The purpose of this project was to show the relationship between organized crime and members of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and the impact of the crossover of organized crime tactics and behavior to officials of the Russian government. To show this, this thesis looks at the ways in which four specific members of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, Igor Sechin, Sergei Glazyev, Viktor Zolotov, and Nikolai Patrushev, are involved in illegal activity that resembles the kind of actions that are perpetrated by organized crime groups and how their behavior is similar to that of the leaders of these groups. This thesis aims to reveal the extent of the “mafia state” and show the depth of corruption

    Proceedings of the workshop on women and international migration-opportunities and challenges (13 December 2012, organised by India Centre for Migration (ICM))

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    CARIM-India: Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU migrationInternational migration of women was identified as an issue of significance for both India and EU in the light of feminisation of labour markets and migration streams. The present workshop is a part of the activity of training sessions under the project on “Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU Migration”, co-funded by the EU with the objective of securing concrete and direct interaction between Indian and European Union stakeholders on migration and mobility. ICM has organised this workshop to disseminate and circulate information on an issue of importance in contemporary time to all the relevant stakeholders.CARIM-India is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Unio

    PKP’s properties in small towns in Lodzkie Voivodeship

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    PKP S.A. manages over 100 thousand properties. As a result of socio-economic changes, technological advances etc., many of these properties have become useless from the viewpoint of the activity carried out by the PKP. Apart from using PKP’s properties for the organization of rail transport, some of them can be used for housing purposes or for commercial and investment purposes. The aim of this article are to identify PKP’s possessions in small towns in Lodzkie Voivodeship and to evaluate their investment attractiveness (for activities not related to railway transport).PKP S.A. posiada w zarządzaniu ponad 100 tys. nieruchomości. W wyniku zmian społeczno-gospodarczych, postępu technologicznego, wiele z tych nieruchomości stało się zbędnych z punktu widzenia działalności prowadzonej przez PKP. Poza użytkowaniem nieruchomości PKP na potrzeby organizacji transportu kolejowego, część z nich może być wykorzystana na cele mieszkaniowe lub komercyjne i inwestycyjne. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja gruntów należących do PKP S.A. w małych miastach województwa łódzkiego oraz ocena ich atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej dla potrzeb działalności niezwiązanej z transportem kolejowym

    Electoral goals and center-state transfers : a theoretical model and empirical evidence from India

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    We construct a model of redistributive politics where the central government is opportunistic and uses its discretion to make transfers to state governments on the basis of political considerations. These considerations are the alignment between the incumbent parties at the central and state levels and whether a state is a swing state or not. A testable prediction from the model is that a state that is both swing and aligned with the central government is especially likely to receive higher transfers. We test this prediction using Indian data for 14 states from 1974–75 to 1996–97. We find that a state which is both aligned and swing in the last state election is estimated to receive 16% higher transfers than a state which is unaligned and non-swing

    Teachers Attitudes Toward Co-teaching in Elementary Reading Classrooms

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    Co-teaching occurs when a special and general education teacher instructs a classroom of students with and without disabilities through modifications to the core curriculum. The author wrote this paper to evaluate teacher attitudes toward co-teaching in elementary reading classrooms. During co-teaching, educators face several disadvantages such as lack of professional development, absence of co-planning, disagreements among modifications within the curriculum, and confusion with co-teaching approaches. The research within this paper describes the attitudes, issues, and strategies that educators experience through inclusive, co-taught elementary classrooms within the reading curriculum

    Undoing Institutional Racism: Anti-Racism Training Handbook

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    Research has shown that African American children and their families experience racial discrimination and bias in the child welfare system. Therefore, this project proposal aims to address racial discrimination and bias in the child welfare system by defining racism, analyzing color blind policy approaches and how it affects practice when working with families of color. Undoing Institutional Racism is a facilitated intergroup dialogue that challenges the caseworkers, supervisors, and area administrators within Children’s Administration to “analyze the structures of power and privilege that hinder racial equity and prepares them to be effective organizers for social justice,” (The People’s Institute, 2008). The mission of Undoing Institutional Racism is to bring social workers together in anti-racist movement within the child welfare system (The People’s Institute, 2008). Undoing Institutional Racism intergroup dialogue aims to address racial bias in child welfare decision making and racial disproportionality

    Radical Feminist Harms on Sex Workers

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    Sex work has long been a site for contesting womanhood, sexuality, race, and patriarchy. Its very existence forces us to examine how we think about two very dirty subjects—money and sex. The radical feminist literature highlights the problems with sex work and often describes it as a form of “human trafficking” and violence against women. This influential philosophy underlies much of the work in human trafficking courts, was evident in a letter signed by several Hollywood starlets in opposition to Amnesty International’s support for decriminalization, and is the premise of several movies and documentaries about “sex slavery.” Radical feminists aim to abolish sex work but argue that only sex work purchasers should be criminalized for engaging in it. They are concerned with the structural harms of sex work and have formed alliances with groups that oppose sex work due to moralistic reasons. Like radical feminism, this Article considers the structural harms of sex work in assessing whether it should be criminalized. However, this Article arrives at a very different conclusion and challenges the radical feminist approach to sex work, arguing that the harms of any form of criminalization, particularly to individuals with intersectional identities, are overlooked in much of the radical feminist literature on sex work. This Article incorporates empirical research from nearly two years of ethnographic fieldwork in Johannesburg, South Africa, to illustrate the ways that criminalizing any aspect of the sex work transaction, including the demand-side, is problematic. By recognizing that some sex workers face the effects of multiple systems of oppression and that the criminal justice system has often been a source of oppression for these individuals, this Article argues that decriminalization should be the favored approach for those interested in improving the lives of sex workers. Moreover, the essentialist framing of the harms of sex work in the radical feminist literature is itself a reproduction of patriarchy and white supremacy, silencing the voices and experiences of sex workers themselves