9 research outputs found

    Reunión Nacional sobre Proyectos de Plantaciones Forestales

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    179 páginasDurante la reunión se analizó la situación general relativa a los programas de plantaciones forestales en Colombia, se discuten aspectos económicos y ecológicos de las plantaciones forestales y finalmente se revisan y plantean medidas de políticas, legislación y otras conducentes a estimular y promover las plantaciones forestales

    Seminario sobre Comunicación Social para Directivos del "INDERENA" : Material didáctico (Versión preliminar) 2

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    122 páginasEl presente trabajo contiene documentos y conferencias, así como diversas secciones en torno al tema de la comunicación. Incluye temas como planeamiento de la comunicación, elementos de la comunicación, comunicación y desarrollo, entre otros relacionados

    Curso sobre Comunicación Social para Jefes de Proyectos del INDERENA

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    386 páginas.Este documento presenta las conferencias, documentos, el programa y los participantes del Curso sobre Comunicación Social para Jefes de Proyectos del INDERENA, realizado en Bogotá, Colombia, en setiembre 1972

    Seminario - Taller sobre Planificación y Programación Operativa

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    196 páginas.Esta memoria tiene como objetivo registrar el desarrollo y los resultados del seminario- taller. Este se centró en tres áreas, los antecedentes y experiencias sobre planificación y programación, el sistema de programación del INDERMA y trabajo en grupos para analizar dicho sistema y precisar los objetivos de la entidad

    Primer Seminario Sobre Manejo de Proyectos de Desarrollo Rural Regional

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    272 páginas. Series Informe de Conferencias, cursos y Reuniones N.174.El presente documento constituye el resultado del trabajo de los participantes al primer seminario sobre manejo de proyectos de desarrollo rural integral regional, realizado en Noviembre 27 al 10 de Diciembre, 1978, en Colombi

    Coral reefs chronically exposed to river sediment plumes in the southwestern Caribbean: Rosario Islands, Colombia

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    Politicians do not acknowledge the devastating impacts river ne sediments can have on healthy coral reef ecosystems during environmental debates in Caribbean countries. Therefore, regional andlor local decision makers do not implement the necessary measures to reduce fluvial sediment fluxes on coral reefs.The Magdalena River, the main contributor of continental fluxes into the Caribbean Sea, delivers water and sediment fluxes into the Rosario Islands National Park, an important marine protected area in the southwestern Caribbean. Until now, there is no scientific consensus on the presence of sediment fluxes from the Magdalena River in the coral reefs of the Rosario Islands. Our hypothesis is that high sediment and freshwater inputs from the Magdalena have been present at higher acute levels during the last decade than previously thought, and that these runoff pulses are not flashy. We use in-situ calibrated MODIS satellite images to capture the spatiotemporal variability of the distribution of suspended sediment over the coral reefs. Furthermore, geochemical data are analyzed to detect associated sedimentation rates and pollutant dispersion into the coastal zone. Results confirm that turbidity levels have been much higher than previous values presented by national environmental authorities on coral reefs off Colombia over the last decade. During the 2003-2013 -period most of the Total Suspended Sediments (TSS) values witnessed in the sampled regions were above 10 mg/I, a threshold value of turbidity for healthy coral reef waters. TSS concentrations throughout the analyzed time were up to 623 mg,I. Plume pulses were more pronounced during wet seasons of La Nina events in 2002-2003, 2007-2008, and 2009-2010. Reconstructed time series of MODIS TSS indicates that coral reef waters were exposed to river plumes between 19.6 and 47.3% of the entire period of analysis (2000-2013), Further analyses of time series of water discharge and sediment load into the coastal zone during the last two decades show temporal increases in water discharge and sediment load of 2n and 48%, respectively. 21 Pb dating results from two cores indicate sedimentation rates of -0.75 cm/y of continentally exported clastic muddy sediments that are being deposited on the carbonatic shelf. The cores contain sediments with heavy metals and their concentrations are frequently above the ecologically accepted standards. Overall, the last decade has witnessed stronger magnitudes in fluvial fluxes to the coastal region, which probably coincide with associated declines in healthy coral cover and water quality. Our results emphasize the importance of local stressors, such as runoff and dispersion of turbid plumes, as opposed to ocean warming, disease and hurricanes, which have played a larger role on other coral reefs in the Caribbean. Coral reef management across the southwestern Caribbean, a coastal region influenced by continental fluxes of numerous rivers flowing from the Andes, may only be effective when land and marine -based stressors are simultaneously mitigated. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Anti-Drug Policy, Aerial Spraying of Illicit Crops and Their Social, Environmental and Political Impacts in Colombia

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