289 research outputs found

    Sexual function after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: What do we know?

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    Quality of life in general and sexual functioning in particular have become very important in cancer patients. Due to modern surgical techniques, improved quality of drugs for chemotherapy and very modern radiation techniques, more patients can be successfully treated without largely compromising sexual functioning. One can assume that because of the life-threatening nature of cancer, sexual activity is not important to patients and their partners, but this is not true. Prostate cancer has become the most common non-skin malignant neoplasm in older men in Western countries. In this paper, we discuss the various methods used to evaluate erectile and sexual dysfunction and the definition of potency. Data on the etiology of erectile dysfunction after external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer is reviewed, and the literature is been summarized. Patients should be offered sexual counseling and informed about the availability of effective treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as sildenafil, intracavernosal injection, and vacuum devices. Cancer affects quality of life and sexual function. The challenge for oncologists is to address this with compassion

    Learning from Data to Optimize Control in Precision Farming

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    Precision farming is one way of many to meet a 70 percent increase in global demand for agricultural products on current agricultural land by 2050 at reduced need of fertilizers and efficient use of water resources. The catalyst for the emergence of precision farming has been satellite positioning and navigation followed by Internet-of-Things, generating vast information that can be used to optimize farming processes in real-time. Statistical tools from data mining, predictive modeling, and machine learning analyze pattern in historical data, to make predictions about future events as well as intelligent actions. This special issue presents the latest development in statistical inference, machine learning and optimum control for precision farming.Comment: Editorial of "Statistical Tools in Precision Farming", MDPI/Stat

    Sexual functioning of male patients in radiotherapy and urology

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    In the differential diagnosis of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) it is important to know whether or not the male patient is potentially sexually potent, i.e. whether or not a (semi) rigid erection, presumably sufficient for intercourse, can occur. Preferably such information is gathered by a thorough history taking, and, if necessary, followed by non-invasive investigations. Penile erection is the result of a neurovascular response to a complex set of visual, tactile and psychogenic stimuli. It is thought to result from increased arterial flow through the cavernous vessels "With subsequent sinusoidal engorgement and decreased venous return. Anatomic innervation is derived from both sympathetic and parasympathetic chains at the posterolateral surface of the prostate

    Beter met minder

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    Ik hoop u duidelijk gemaakt te hebben dat er al veel bekend is over radiotherapie voor urogenitale tumoren, maar dat er ook nog veel te onderzoeken valt. Het is onze taak als radiotherapeut-oncologen om technieken en bestralingschema’s te ontwikkelen die de bijwerkingen van de behandeling doen verminderen. Het is noodzakelijk dat we het mechanisme van stralingsschade beter gaan begrijpen en dat we combinatiebehandelingen toepassen die betere resultaten leveren met minder bijwerkingen. De patiënt en zijn familie moeten centraal staan bij de beslissing welke behandeling voor hem of haar het meest geschikt is. We kunnen samen zeker beter met minder doen

    Modelling plant yield and quality response of fresh-market spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) to mineral nitrogen availability in the root zone

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    Spinach is one of the most important green-leafy vegetables, consumed worldwide, and its intake is beneficial for human beings. In this crop, produce yield and quality are closely related to plant nitrogen (N) nutrition. A precise supply of N is also essential for high environmental and economic sustainability. Main aims of the work were: i) to establish relationships between produce yield or quality and mineral N availability in the root zone; and ii) to define an optimal mineral N level to be maintained in the root zone for spinach. Eight experiments were carried out during a four-year-long period under typical Mediterranean climate conditions. Different amounts of N fertilisers were supplied leading to twenty different levels of mineral N in the root zone. Experimental measurements included climate parameters, plant growth, tissue and soil analyses, produce yield and quality indicators. A segmented linear model significantly represented the relationship between crop yield (1.7 to 21.7 t ha–1) and soil mineral N concentration (7.6 to 41.0 mg kg–1). Basing on this model, an optimal mineral N threshold was fixed at 23.4 mg kg–1. Above this threshold, crop yield did not show any significant variations as well as tissue characteristics and produce quality. Plants grown under suboptimal N levels showed reduction in growth, tissue mineral (nutrients) content, and SPAD index. The proposed models could be implemented in fertilisation protocols for the optimization of N supply and the estimation of spinach growth and yield

    Wild edible plant species grown hydroponically with crop drainage water in a Mediterranean climate: Crop yield, leaf quality, and use of water and nutrients

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    There is an increasing interest in the cultivation of wild edible plants (WEP) in consideration of their quality attributes and salt tolerance, which makes these species good candidates for cascade cropping systems (CCS). In these systems, saline effluents from a salt-sensitive donor crop are used to irrigate a receiving crop with greater salt tolerance. The objective of this study was to evaluate two WEP species, Picris hieracioides (PH) and Plantago coronopus (PC) as candidate crops for CCS. Both species were grown hydroponically with saline effluent from a semi-closed substrate culture of tomato (the donor crop). Both PH and PC were grown in floating system for 36 days during spring using one of the following nutrient solutions: i) standard nutrient solution (CNS, control); ii) NaCl-enriched (50 mmol L-1) standard nutrient solution (SNS); iii) effluent from tomato substrate culture (TE); iv) artificial effluent (ATE), i.e. a nutrient with ion concentrations and salinity level (approximately 50 mmol L-1 NaCl) very close to those of TE. Compared with CNS, leaf production was significantly reduced in both TE (-33.6%) and ATE (-33.6%) plants of PH, and only in TE (-23.3%) plants of PC. In both species, leaf Na content increased in SNS (+858.1% in PH; +279.4% in PC), TE (+704.7% in PH; +226.3 in PC) and ATE (+697.7% in PH; +229.4% in PC) plants compared with the controls. Leaf antioxidant capacity was positively correlated with total phenol content and, in PC, increased in SNS (+74.3%), TE (+53.9%) and ATE plants (+37.7%) compared with the controls. In conclusion, both PH and PC could be grown in CCS with saline greenhouse hydroponic effluents since the moderate reduction of leaf production could be partially compensated by reduced production costs because of zero costs for fertilisers. The growth inhibition observed in both WEPs species cultivated with the hydroponic effluent was primarily due to its high salinity with minor or no effects due to the suboptimal nutrient levels and/or the presence of phytotoxic root exudates or microbial metabolites

    Advances in irrigation management in greenhouse cultivation

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    The advantages of greenhouse include the ability to secure better conditions than outdoor environment for crop growth and development, increased off-season production and autonomy from external weather conditions. This chapter provides an up-to-date critical overview of scientific advances in irrigation management for greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals. The chapter presents a technical design of a typical greenhouse irrigation system, before covering water balance and crop evapotranspiration techniques as well as the use of high-tech moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling. In the context of enhancing the water use efficiency of greenhouse crops, the chapter also discusses innovative management practices such as biostimulants and grafting. Finally, the chapter concludes by looking ahead to future prospects and research breakthroughs

    Innovative Controlled-Release Polyurethane-Coated Urea Could Reduce N Leaching in Tomato Crop in Comparison to Conventional and Stabilized Fertilizers

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    Large amounts of fertilizers are being used in agriculture to sustain growing demands for food, especially in vegetable production systems. Soluble fertilizers can generally ensure high crop yields, but excessive leaching of nutrients, mainly as nitrate, can be a major cause of water pollution. Controlled-release fertilizers improve the nutrient use efficiency and lower the environmental hazard, usually without affecting the production. In this study, an innovative controlled-release coated urea fertilizer was compared to conventional nitrogen (N) fertilizers and a soluble ammonium-based fertilizer containing a nitrification inhibitor, in a round table tomato cultivation. Both the water and N balance were evaluated for each treatment, along with the yield and quality of the production. The experiment was repeated in three different seasons (spring, autumn and summer-autumn) in a glasshouse to prevent the effect of uncontrolled rainfall. The results indicated that N leaching decreased by increasing the percentage of coated urea. The application of at least 50% total N as coated urea strongly reduced N leaching and improved N agronomic efficiency in comparison with traditional fertilizers, ensuring at the same time a similar fruit production. Due to reduced leaching, the total N amount commonly applied by growers could be lowered by 25% without detrimental effects on commercial production

    Growth and Mineral Relations of Beta vulgaris var. cicla and Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima Cultivated Hydroponically with Diluted Seawater and Low Nitrogen Level in the Nutrient Solution

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    There is an increasing interest in the use of seawater in horticulture. The objective of this study was to evaluate Beta vulgaris var. cicla (Swiss chard) and its wild ancestor B. vulgaris spp. maritima (sea beet) as potential crop species for seawater hydroponics or aquaponics. Both species were grown in a floating system for leaf production with recurrent harvests. The nutrient solutions contained different concentrations of nitrate (1 and 10 mM) and a synthetic sea salt (0 and 10 g L−1), in a factorial design, where the saline solution with a low nitrate level intended to mimic the typical nutritional conditions of saltwater aquaponics. In both species, increasing the salinity or reducing the N level in the nutrient solution reduced the crop yield and total dry biomass. In both Swiss chard and sea beet, the use of saline water resulted in a lower leaf concentration of K, Ca, Cu, and Mn, and a greater content of Na and Cl. In Swiss chard, an increase in Na and Cl and a decrease in K leaf content were found in successive harvests. On average, sea beet showed a higher leaf production and accumulation of nitrate than Swiss chard

    Recommended patient information sheet on the impact of haematopoietic cell transplantation on sexual functioning and sexuality

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    Sexual concerns are common after haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Exposure to total body irradiation (TBI), alkylating agent and graft versus host disease (GvHD) can all affect sexual function, leading to problems in sexual desire, arousal and the orgasm phase of the sexual response cycle. In high-risk haematological malignancies, such as acute leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndromes, HCT often offers the highest chance for long-term survival. In addition, these haematological diseases and HCT can have an impact on body image, self-esteem, (sexual) relationship and psychosocial factors, all of which are able to affect sexuality and sexual function. Five years post HCT, 80% of the female survivors and 46% of the male survivors report sexual dysfunction. It has been shown that these patients cope better after having discussed sexual health. While healthcare providers (HCPs) have the resp
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