243 research outputs found

    Utility of Positive Suction Drain Tip Culture in Early Detection of Infection After Total Knee Replacement

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    Introduction: To compare the frequency of wound infection in positive and negative drain tip culture in patients after primary total knee replacement. Methods: In this descriptive study patients undergoing primary total knee replacement for osteoarthritis were included. Early postoperative wound infection was defined as patient developing redness, pain, heat or swelling at surgical site; or drainage of pus within 7 postoperative days. Positive culture was considered as bacterial growth within 48 hours after suction drain tip was cultured on media. Negative culture was defined as no bacterial growth in 48 hours after placing the suction drain tip on culture media. Closed suction drain tips were sent for culture and sensitivity on 3rd postoperative day. Patients were followed for 7 days for any signs of infection. Effect modification was catered to by stratification for malnutrition defined as serum albumin less than 3.5g/dl; and obesity that was considered when BMI was equal to or more than 30kg/m2. Results: The mean age of patients was 57.28±7.37 years. Positive suction drain was found in 9.17% , while 6.67% had infection among all cases. Among 8 cases with infection there were 6(75%) who were positive on suction drain tip and among 112 non-infected cases there were 5(4.5%) who had positive suction drain tip. There was significant association between infection and suction drain tip positivity, p-value being < 0.001. Conclusion: Suction drain tip culture analysis can predict infection after primary total knee replacement

    Comparison between endoscopic and microscopic approaches for surgery of pituitary tumours

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    Surgical techniques for resection of pituitary tumours have come a long way since it was first introduced in late 18th century. Nowadays, most pituitary surgeries are performed through trans-nasal trans-sphenoidal approach either using a microscope, or an endoscope. Herein the authors review the literature and compare these two instruments with regards to their outcomes when used for resection of pituitary tumours.

    Role of 5-ALA in improving extent of tumour resection in patients with glioblastoma multiforme

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    Goal of surgery for patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is gross total resection with no new neurological deficits. Surgical resection is often restricted due the difficulty in differentiating the tumour from surrounding normal brain using either naked eye, or standard intra-operative white light microscopy. GBM uptakes orally administered 5-ALA becomes fluorescent when viewed by a special light, and this property has been used to improve intra-operative tumour identification. This technique should therefore allow better extent of tumour resection. The hypothesis has been tested through several studies and even though most studies are of low quality, they strongly favour the use of 5- ALA in improving the extent of resection when compared to white light microscopy. A systematic review on the topic had a similar conclusion. Few studies have also hinted on a high false negative rate with the use of this technique

    Diffuse low-grade glioma - Changing concepts in diagnosis and management: A review

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    Though diffuse low-grade gliomas (dLGGs) represent only 15% of gliomas, they have been receiving increasing attention in the past decade. Significant advances in knowledge of the natural history and clinical diversity have been documented, and an improved pathological classification of gliomas that integrates histological features with molecular markers has been issued by the WHO. Advances in the radiological assessment of dLGG, particularly new magnetic resonance imaging scanning sequences, allow improved diagnostic and prognostic information. The management paradigms are evolving from wait and watch of the past to more active interventional therapy to obviate the risk of malignant transformation. New surgical technologies allow more aggressive surgical resections with a reduction of morbidity. Many reports suggest the association of gross total resection with longer overall survival and progression-free survival in addition to better seizure control. The literature also shows the use of chemotherapeutics and radiation therapy as important adjuncts to surgery. The goals of management have has been increasing survival with increasing stress on quality of life. Our review highlights the recent advances in the molecular diagnosis and management of dLGG with trends toward multidisciplinary and multimodality management of dLGG with an aim to surgically resect the primary disease, followed by chemoradiation in cases of progressive or recurrent diseas

    Comparison Of Dynamic Hip Screw (Dhs) And Proximal Femoral Nail (Pfn) Fixation For Unstable Intertrochanteric Femoral Fractures On Basis Of Collapse

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    Introduction:Proximal femoral nail (PFN) is an intramedullary device for fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fracture and has shown promise in unstable intertrochanteric fractures, which have been treated with dynamic hip screw (DHS) till recently.Introduction:Proximal femoral nail (PFN) is an intramedullary device for fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fracture and has shown promise in unstable intertrochanteric fractures, which have been treated with dynamic hip screw (DHS) till recently.Objectives: To compare the frequency of collapse in the early postoperative period between fixation with DHS versus PFN in unstable intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Patients and methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at CMH Rawalpindi in 2017. A total of 310 male and female adult patients between 18 to 75 years in age, with unstable intertrochanteric fractures were included. Patients having pathological fractures, renal disease and open fracture were excluded. The patients were assigned randomly to one of the two groups. Group A was treated with DHS and Group B was treated with PFN. The collapse was measured initially on standard x-rays taken on the zero postoperative day. Patients were allowed to bear partial weight at 4 weeks and second measurement for collapse was done after 6 weeks postoperatively.Results: The mean age of patients in group A was 51.27 ± 11.54 years and in group B was 53.75 ± 12.28 years. Collapse was seen in 26 (16.77%) patients in group A (DHS) and 07 (4.52%) patients in group B (PFN) with p-value of 0.0001. Age has a bearing on the rate of collapse while BMI does not. Conclusion: The frequency of collapse in early postoperative period is less after treatment with proximal femoral nail as compared to dynamic hip screw in unstable intertrochanteric fractures.Keywords: Intertrochanteric femoral fractures; Unstable intertrochanteric fracture; proximal femoral nail; dynamic hip screw; sliding hip screw; collapse

    Prognostic significance of IDH 1 mutation in patients with glioblastoma multiforme

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    Focus of brain tumour research is shifting towards tumour genesis and genetics, and possible development of individualized treatment plans. Genetic analysis shows recurrent mutation in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1) gene in most Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. In this review we evaluated the prognostic significance of IDH 1 mutation on the basis of published evidence. Multiple retrospective clinical analyses correlate the presence of IDH1 mutation in GBM with good prognostic outcomes compared to wild-type IDH1. A systematic review reported similar results. Based on the review of current literature IDH1 mutation is an independent factor for longer overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) in GBM patients when compared to wild-type IDH1. The prognostic significance opens up new avenues for treatment

    Mapping of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA primer (RAPD) on chromosome 2A of common wheat

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    Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA primers (RAPDs) were mapped on chromosomes 2A of wheat genotypes using “Chinese Spring” nullisomic-tetrasomic lines. One particular pair of chromosome was absent and another homologous pair was present in the extra dose. Genomic DNA was isolated from two genetic stocks viz; NT1D1B and NT2A2B. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were conducted using RAPD primers GLC-07 and GLB-11. PCR amplification using primer GLC-07 produced single band of approximately 1100 bp in both the genetic stocks, indicating that the primer was annealed to a loci other than chromosome 2A. RAPD primer GLB-11 amplified a polymorphic allele of approximately 500 bp which was present in NT1D1B but was absent in NT2A2B, indicating that the locus was present on chromosome 2A of common wheat. Hence, this marker (GLB-11) can reliably be used to keep track of chromosome 2A of wheat.Key words: Wheat, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA primer (RAPD), mapping, chromosomes, homologous, genomes

    Motivation Techniques Used By Heads Of Higher Educational Institutions In Pakistan

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    The study was aimed to investigate the Motivation techniques used by Heads Higher Educational Institutions in Pakistan. The population of this study comprised all the heads of degree colleges of Pakistan. For choosing the sample from this population, random sampling type was used. The sample constituted of 200 heads of degree colleges and colleges and 1000 teachers of degree colleges. A questionnaire was used as research instruments for collection of data. Collected data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in the light of objectives of the study by applying statistical tools of research such as chi-square as a contingency test and percentage were used. Chi-square as contingency test was used to compare the frequencies of principals/teachers. In the light of the conclusions it is recommended that a special training course may be arranged for educational managers, administrators and supervisors for achieving competency in motivation techniques

    The potential of unintended effects in potato glycoalkaloids

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    Unintended changes have long been considered as byproducts associated with genetic improvement of crop plants. The issue has been hotly debated during recent years following the identification of some unwanted characters in genetically engineered crop plants. In this context, the subject of unintended effects of plant transformation on known toxic compounds has been an area of immense interest. Compositional changes in these toxins may have a profound impact on human and animal health. Potato glycoalkaloids are known toxic compounds to humans and animals. These days, food safety evaluation tests of transgenic potato varieties are conducted on routine basis to keep the glycoalkaloid levels below a threshold level. Some transgenic potato varieties have been found with altered glycoalkaloid levels, which have created doubts on the process of transformation and tissue culture conditions. In this review, we summarize recent work on unintended effects in crop plants with special emphasis on compositional changes in potato glycoalkaloids as a result of genetic transformation.Keywords: Unintended effects, transgenic potato, glycoalkaloids, food safety, environmental stressAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(8), pp. 754-76