15 research outputs found

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    Similarity measures for text have historically been an important tool for solving information retrieval problems. In many interesting settings, however, documents are often closely connected to other documents, as well as other non-textual objects in structure-rich data. In this paper we consider extended similarity metrics for documents and other objects embedded in graphs, facilitated via a lazy graph walk. We provide a detailed instatiation of this framework for email data, where content, social networks and a timeline are integrated in a structural graph. We provide evaluation for two email-related problems: disambiguating names in email documents, and threading. We show that reranking schemes based on the graph-walk similarity measures often outperform baseline methods, and that further improvements can be obtained by use of appropriate learning methods. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous; D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity measures

    Comparative expression analysis of human endogenous retrovirus elements in peripheral blood of children with specific language impairment

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    Specific language impairment (SLI) is a psychiatric condition with a complex etiology and a substantial genetic basis that affects children's verbal communication abilities. In this study, we examined the expression of five different human endogenous retrovirus elements (HERVs) in a cohort of 25 children with SLI and 25 healthy children in the control group. Human endogenous retrovirus elements, a diverse group of repetitive DNA sequences, can potentially cause considerable genetic heterogeneity. They had been integrated in the genome of our ancestors throughout evolution and now consist of about 8.0% of the human genome. Several HERV loci are transcribed in various cell types. Their expression in peripheral blood and in the brain is altered in many neurological and psychiatric diseases. To date, HERV expression profiles have never been studied in patients with SLI. This study aimed to elucidate differentially regulated human endogenous retroelements in peripheral blood of children with SLI, in comparison with healthy controls, through quantitative reverse tran-scription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) methodology. Our results show that two genes: HERV-K (HLM-2) gag and HERV-P env were expressed at lower levels in the blood samples from SLI children in comparison with those in the control group

    Investigation of circulating serum microRNA-328-3p and microRNA-3135a expression as promising novel biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder

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    Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as promising diagnostic biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but their usefulness for detecting ASD remains unclear. Nowadays, development of promising biomarkers for ASD remains a challenge. Recently, dysregulation of the miRNAs expression in postmortem brain tissue, serum and peripheral blood, have been associated with ASD. Circulating miRNAs are known to be secreted by a number of different cells and can interpose delivery of information into receiver cells, thus affecting their functions. Based on this fact, it is supposed that serum miRNAs could be a novel class of biomarkers for prognosis or diagnosis of pathological disorders including ASD. In the current research, we investigated whether the expression patterns of circulating miRNAs showed dysregulation in subjects diagnosed with ASD. Expression levels of serum miR-328-3p and miR-3135a were analyzed by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) method of subjects diagnosed with ASD in comparison with healthy control subjects. Our data showed that miR-328-3p and miR-3135a were substantially down-regulated in ASD patients than in those of healthy control subjects. Moreover, target gene analysis of altered serum miRNAs displayed that these molecules targeted 162 genes denoted as unique validated targets in the miRWalk database, 71 of which appear to participate in biological pathways involved in synaptic pathways and neurodegenerative condition such as Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson diseases. Finally, the results strongly suggested that dys-regulated serum miRNAs might be involved in molecular pathways associated with ASD and miR-328-3p and miR-3135a have the potential to be promising novel biomarkers for ASD