27 research outputs found

    Spatial information research : an Aarhus in-situ thematic and operational immersion

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    Main objective is get achieve overarching knowledge of the way the JRC SDIU works and to review how MEPA can organise its spatial data and units in terms of consolidation of DIKA process as well as operational organisation of flows and staff. The workings of JRC and well as knowledge on the types of work carried out will help MEPA get a clear idea of what JRC is or is not and how it relates to spatial data. In turn, MEPA will be able to use such knowledge in its quest to enhance its data process and be able to launch the SF_Mon project outputs within a reasonable operational structure.peer-reviewe


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    This study investigates bilingualism among young learners in English and Japanese immersion education in Japan through analysis of their mother tongues and language use. It involves 126 participants: elementary school students (N = 42) and their fathers (N = 42) and mothers (N = 42). The results demonstrate that while most of the parents use only Japanese between each other in their conversations, the mother tongues of the students are in some cases English and in others Japanese, while yet other students are bilingual in English and Japanese. This diversity of mother tongue among the students was found to be related to their amount of experience abroad (with length of time and location as factors), but being educated by parents who had lived abroad was found to affect students’ mother tongues a fortiori. With regard to language use, there was no great difference among the three mother tongue groups, and the students commonly had both English and Japanese input and output in multiple environments such as family milieu, school milieu, and socioinstitutional milieu. In sum, this study suggests that although the status of a language as mother tongue can be fragile in certain language environments, young learners tend to become bilingual if, in addition to receiving immersion education at school, they have parents who cooperate in passing on to their offspring languages and cultures with which they have a common affinity

    On Density of State of Quantized Willmore Surface-A Way to Quantized Extrinsic String in R^3

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    Recently I quantized an elastica with Bernoulli-Euler functional in two-dimensional space using the modified KdV hierarchy. In this article, I will quantize a Willmore surface, or equivalently a surface with the Polyakov extrinsic curvature action, using the modified Novikov-Veselov (MNV) equation. In other words, I show that the density of state of the partition function for the quantized Willmore surface is expressed by volume of a subspace of the moduli of the MNV equation.Comment: AMS-Tex Us

    イマージョン教育と第二言語習得 : 日本の英語教育への応用

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    Is popular radio a source of exposure to alcohol references in mid to later life?:A content analysis

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    Background There is concern around alcohol consumption in mid to later life yet little understanding about what influences this behaviour. No previous research has explored the extent to which adults in mid to later life may be exposed to alcohol references in the media. This project aimed to determine the frequency of alcohol references on radio stations with a high proportion of listeners in mid to later life. Methods Content analysis of alcohol references on four popular UK music-based radio stations with a high proportion of listeners aged 55–64 years over three time points. Results Alcohol references occur frequently, but vary by time of year and type of radio station. When alcohol is mentioned its consumption is portrayed as the norm, without negative consequences. On three commercial stations, the majority of mentions came from advertising, whereas on BBC Radio 2 nearly all references were talk-based. All adverts for direct promotion of alcohol were by supermarkets. Alcohol was frequently associated with celebrations, socializing or something to consume for its own sake. Conclusions Adults in the age group 55–64 may be exposed to references to alcohol that could serve to reinforce norms of consumption of alcohol and promote purchases of cheap alcohol

    L’immersion sociotechnique au sein des jeux de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueurs.

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    En nous intéressant aux pratiques de coordination de joueurs de jeux de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueurs (MMORPG), notre regard de chercheur s’est porté sur les défis collectifs qu’ils tentaient de relever collectivement, autrement dit la dimension systémique de l’immersion identifiée par Arsenault et Picard (2008), celle challenge-based chez Ermi et Mäyrä (2005) ou encore les dimensions tactique et performative pour Calleja (2007). A côté d’une immersion phénoménologique du corps et du regard dans ceux de son avatar, et d’une immersion narrative dans l’univers fictionnel du jeu, il faut bien sûr tenir compte de l’immersion anthropologique du joueur au sein de sa communauté de pratique (Berry, 2006). Cette dernière conditionne les apprentissages nécessaires à son appartenance à la communauté des joueurs et à sa participation aux activités collectives en jeu. Néanmoins, les auteurs oublient souvent de souligner l’importance de la médiation matérielle et technique rendant possible cette plongée dans ces espaces virtuels collectifs, ce qu’abordera plus spécifiquement cette communication. Le concept d’« immersion », perçu a priori comme l’expression d’une expérience qui serait détachée du « réel » et dans laquelle le joueur « serait pris », a été très peu mobilisé dans le cadre de nos recherches. Nous considérons en effet que le jeu, activité d’engagement et de second degré (Henriot, 1969), tient avant tout d’une conduite (en opposition à une perte de contrôle) articulant des aspects en-jeu et hors-jeu. Néanmoins, nous profitons de l’appel pour mettre en exergue le rôle essentiel de la matérialité du médium vidéoludique dans l’immersion en jeu. Nous appelons pour l’occasion immersion sociotechnique le fait d’investir les ressources matérielles et sémiotiques permettant d’exercer efficacement son activité en jeu. Le préfixe « socio » caractérise ici le fait que dans le cadre des MMORPG, cette « immersion » tient compte de la dimension collective et distribuée de l’activité. A partir de nombreux exemples, nous montrerons comment les joueurs s’approprient et ajustent les aspects techniques et sémiotiques du jeu pour pouvoir jouer collectivement, autrement dit s’immerger dans l’espace narratif et anthropologique partagé du jeu. S’appuyant sur les théories de la cognition distribuée, notre exposé montrera que les dimensions sociales (e.g. sociolecte, constitution des groupes), culturelles (e.g. systèmes de rôles, connaissance du jeu) et techniques (e.g. fenêtres consultées, disposition et reconfigurations d’interfaces) participent conjointement de cette immersion sociotechnique

    Les "Expériences" de Stephen Crane ou l’articulation d’une conception originale et complexe de l’immersion journalistique

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    Stephen Crane, écrivain et journaliste de la fin du 19e et début du 20e siècle, est plus connu en tant que pionnier du journalisme littéraire américain (Connery, 1992 ; Hartsock, 2000) qu’en tant que figure du journalisme d’immersion. Cette communication plaidera cependant pour lui accorder une place de choix dans l’histoire de cette pratique. Crane n’est certes pas un précurseur comme James Greenwood (1866) ni l’auteur d’un coup célèbre comme Nellie Bly (1887). Il ne pratique l’immersion que dans deux de ses articles (1894a, 1894b), en utilisant, de plus, un dispositif déjà répandu à l’époque : l’experiment (Robertson, 1997). Crane va néanmoins lui donner une ampleur nouvelle : d’abord en élargissant le spectre des expériences possibles ; ensuite, et surtout, en modifiant la nature même de l’expérience proposée. Au-delà de la simple observation d’êtres dans leur milieu naturel (Flynt, 1899), loin de toute volonté d’héroïsation et de toute croisade (Bly, 1887), Crane tente de créer un « échange de subjectivités » (Trachtenberg, cité par Hartsock, 2000, p. 7), une expérience perceptuelle et identitaire (Robertson, 1997, p. 96). Cette tentative peut sembler quelque peu naïve aujourd’hui, au vu des discussions sur les difficultés éthiques et le temps nécessaire à l’immersion (Boynton, 2005 ; Kramer et Call, 2007). D’autant plus que, selon Muhlmann, le journaliste ne pourrait jamais rendre compte que d’une altérité « apprivoisée », puisqu’il a besoin de la rendre communicable au lecteur (2004, p. 211). On montrera cependant que les textes de Crane indiquent une réelle conscience de nombreux enjeux de l’immersion. Il articule ainsi, dès la fin du 19e siècle, l’embryon d’une phénoménologie et d’une épistémologie de l’immersion journalistique

    Judges Conference 2022

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    Gillian Kennedy, Anna Dwyer, Anne Poelina and Vennessa Poelina were key organisers of the Kimberley Cultural Immersion Program for the Federal, Supreme and District Court Judges of WA. The project was held on Country and at The University of Notre Dame Broome

    Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives

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    Assessing Dutch and English immersion in French-Speaking Belgium: linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives Our paper aims to present and illustrate the methodological approach that will be adopted in a very recently funded 5-year multidisciplinary research project on immersion in French-speaking Belgium. Our project starts from the postulate that although recently published surveys have confirmed that immersion learners outperform traditional L2 learners as far as target language test scores are concerned, it nonetheless remains largely unclear how much, in what respect and thanks to which (internal and external) processes/factors immersion students are better than traditional learners (see Dalton-Puffer 2011). Thanks to the innovative combination of different research methods and perspectives, our project will tackle underinvestigated facets of immersion, viz. spoken skills and oral proficiency in (semi-)authentic interactions, lexical and morpho-syntactic knowledge, cognitive abilities and socio-affective variables. The project thus tackles the interplay between linguistic, cognitive and educational aspects of immersion. This interdisciplinary approach will allow us to examine by which cognitive [memory, attention…] and socio-affective [motivational, attitudinal…] factors the potential linguistic [typological, cross-linguistic…] differences between immersion learners of Dutch and of English can be accounted for (see for instance Bialystok and Barac 2012 and Katarzyna 2012). We will analyse data from French-speaking immersion and non-immersion learners (control group) of English and Dutch as target languages in the last two years of primary school education, but also in the last two years of secondary school education. Regarding the methodological approach, we will adopt an innovative combination of corpus-based longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses, together with experimental research designs. A longitudinal learner corpus will be collected, annotated and analysed, detailed sociolinguistic and attitudinal questionnaires collected, classroom observations carried out; and focus groups studies will also be performed (set of controlled tasks and individual interviews). Dalton Puffer, C. (2011), Content-and-Language Integrated Learning: From Practice to Principles? in: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31, 182–204. Bialystok, E. & Barac, R. (2012). Emerging bilingualism: Dissociating advantages for metalinguistic awareness and executive control. Cognition, 122, 67-73. Katarzyna P. (2012). ‘The impact of students’ attitude on CLIL: A study conducted in higher education’. In: Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning 5(2), 28-5