51 research outputs found
Phytosociology, Distribution and Ecology of a Willow Community with False Tamarisk from the Lotru Valley (Romanian Carpathians)
The overall objective of this research was to contribute to a better knowledge of the phytosociology, ecology and distribution of the plant community formed by Myricaria germanica (false tamarisk) and the willow species Salix purpurea. This plant community has an important role in reducing the speed and strength of the water flow during floods. The description was based on cover‐abundance data for the faithful, dominant, characteristic and companion species of this plant community. A predominance of Myricaria germanica was observed when analysing the phytocoenoses, as the species finds in this area favourable ecological conditions for an abundant development. Salix purpurea presents a small abundance-dominance or in some phytocoenoses may even lack. The field research also revealed the excessive development of the species Calamagrostis pseudophragmites in some areas, related mostly with the effect of human activities. The anthropogenic disorders have induced modifications in the floristic physiognomy and compositions of the phytocoenoses, favouring also the invasion of opportunistic species such as Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Impatiens glandulifera, Phytolacca amearicana, Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron annuus, which continuously extend in the studied territory. As Myricaria germanica and Salix purpurea phytocoenoses suffer a great decline throughout Europe, the habitat built by these species was declared of interest and was included in the Habitats Directive
In Romania practical concerns for ecological ingrowths, based on deep and long-term fundamental research on biodiversity, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural and anthropogenic resource heritage were important objectives of the research institutes and higher education colleges, in the last three decades, synchronized on an European and global level. (D. Malschi D, 2010). Bicaz Keys Quarry is a complex quarry in all aspects, with the likely ecological rehabilitation and restoration of the landscape. For good ecological rehabilitation in mining quarrys it is necessary first to know the biodiversity in the area in all its complexity. Environmental issues in mining requires a systematic approach and sustainable environmental management techniques must be applied as fairly mining areas around the world. It is necessary to establish strategic principles and elements for ensuring sustainable development in a mining quarry. Biodiversity conservation is extremely important for me personally means the continuance of life on Earth, knowing and protecting biodiversity in all its complexity, involving several aspects: scientific, educational, social, economic, political, ethical, cultural. Local authorities need to do more and we all with them
Evaluation of phenotypic diversity in Anacamptis coriophora (Orchidaceae) populations from South Romania
Romanian flora includes a high diversity of orchids, any with a high conservationist interest, but many 0f themnot yet sufficiently investigated from an ecological, phytosociological or genetic point of view. Phenotypically analysis is also scarce and only a few data have been published in relation to the effects of site factors on the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the family Orchidaceae. This study analyses the variability of two populations of Anacamptis coriophora, based on their coenological affiliations, morphological observations and biometrical measurements. The data were collected from two grassland areas in Romania Stoenesti, Vâlcea County and Cobia, Dâmbovița County. The results showed that both populations are influenced by temperature, light and humidity and develop normally under optimal conditions. In the most favorable conditions encountered in Vâlcea county, orchids offer the splendor of flowers for a long time. Orchids in our country usually bloom in March, sometimes lasting until August, they have a delicate appearance, varied colors and the most diverse perfumes. The information obtained regarding the morphological diversity of the two populations could be suitable for designing strategies for their conservation in both locations
Diode laser welding of ABS: Experiments and process modeling
The laser beam weldability of acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) plates is
determined by combining both experimental and theoretical aspects. In modeling
the process, an optical model is used to determine how the laser beam is
attenuated by the first material and to obtain the laser beam profile at the
interface. Using this information as the input data to a thermal model, the
evolution of the temperature field within the two components can be estimated.
The thermal model is based on the first principles of heat transfer and
utilizes the temperature variation laws of material properties. Corroborating
the numerical results with the experimental results, some important insights
concerning the fundamental phenomena that govern the process could be
extracted. This approach proved to be an efficient tool in determining the
weldability of polimeric materials and assures a significant reduction of time
and costs with the experimental exploration
The study presented the species which induce galls, identified in Tinca area during 2003-2017. These species (93)
belongs to different taxonomic groups: insects, acari, fungus. The biggest percentage is held by insects - 76 species,
followed by Acari - 11 species and Fungus - 6 species. The most represented family is Cynipidae - 36 species. The
distribution of the orders of gall inducting insects is the next - Diptera-39 species, Hymenoptera - 30 species,
Homoptera - 6 species, Coleoptera - 1 species. Within the fungi, the distribution is the following: Ascomycetae - 1
species, Erysiphaceae - 1 species, Peronosporaceae - 2 species, Hypocreaceae - 1 species, Pucciniaceae - 1 species
In this work are presented data about the fauna of invertebrates from Tinca area (Bihor County) during the cold season
2017-2018. There were identified 47 species belonging to seven classes. The winter 2017-2018 could be considered the
warmest from the history of Tinca village with diurnal temperatures between 0 – 17o C. In this way, there identified
premature activities, even copula in some species. There are identified 47 species belonging to seven classes. The most
represented class is Insecta - 41 species. There were identified two species in copula - Lumbricus terrestris L. and Culex
pipiens L. The Sympecma fusca VdL. species is mentioned for the first time in Tinca area and in the Bihor county. We
noticed some phenological anomalies at four species
The intensive abiotic activity, but not only that, has brought about the invasion of allochtone (non-native) species in the natural and semi-natural degraded ecosystems in our country. The invasive species influence the succesional dynamics and the floristic composition of the plant communities, occupying increasingly more and more space. Biological invasion of the invasive plants is considered to be one of the most serious threats to biodiversity in alluvial and meadow vegetation. The effects of the invasive alien plants, on the flora and plant communities structure of the alluvial and meadow vegetation were investigated at Copănița Island in the Danube Valley. The researched territory is part of the ROSCI0045 Coridorul Jiului Protected Area. In order to control the introduction and expansion of invasive plants, as well as the anthropogenic impact of these species on biodiversity, a number of measures for the protection and proper management of invasive plants in riparian areas need to be defined and implemented. In the researched area, 22 invasive species were identified, for some of them new locations were established for Romania or Oltenia. Several species were identified for the first time in Oltenia or a second location was identified for Romania, such as the Conyza sumatremsis. is found for the first time in Romania. The management is most effective when the invasion is detected early and comprehensive control measures are implemented quickly, any effect is thus limited. Therefore, early identification of the areas in which efforts should be concentrated (e.g. prevention, elimination and monitoring) is essential for cost-effective management. All the invasive species strongly affect biodiversity within natural habitats
Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. is one of the most spectacular glacial relict species and rare species of Asteraceae family and one that suffered a significant decrease in Eurasia in the second half of the past century. L. sibirica dates from the Tardiglacial – early Postglacial period. It is of a great floristic, ecological, and phytogeographical importance (Paun and Popescu, 1971), being included in Annex II and IV of the Habitats Directive and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as DD (data deficient) (Bernhardt et al. 2011). According to the European Nature Information System species Natura 2000 data base (http://natura2000.eea.europa.eu), Ligularia sibirica is a species of community importance reported from 32 Natura 2000 Sites from Romania, including our study protected area – ROSCI0323 Ciucului Mountains. In the study area we identified a large number of well-developed populations with large number of individuals but varies depending on the type of habitat and of the variation eco-pedo-climatic conditions. The populations of L. sibirica in this area are stable and well preserved. Following research in this area in the summer of 2019 found that: the soil humidity, nitrogen availability, temperature, and lighting are the ecological factors influencing the morphological features of L. sibirica populations. In the Salonca and Delnita basins this species grows in the following habitats: 3220 - Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks, CLAS. PAL.: 24.221 şi 24.222; 7110* Active raised bogs, CLAS. PAL.: 51.1; 6430 - Hydrophilous tall-herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels, CLAS. PAL.: 37.7 şi 37.8; 6440 - Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii, CLAS. PAL.: 37.23; 6510 - Lowland hay meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis)] CLAS. PAL.: 38.2; 91E0* - Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae), CLAS. PAL.: 44.3, 44.2 şi 44.13 and 9410 - Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetea), CLAS. PAL.: 42.21 up to 42.23, 42.25. (Mountford and Gafta, 2008; Niculescu, M., 2006
General Considerations Regarding the Reserves and Consumption of Energetic Resources
The knowledge of the processes of economic and social development ensues without adoubt the study and understanding of the market mechanisms, of the market in general, in all thefunctions it has been known to play throughout the history in the life of peoples, but especially in thatof mechanism which manages the adjustment and auto-adjustment of the economic processes.Generally speaking, the market is perceived as a meeting place, more or less abstract, where the offerof the sellers and the customers’ demand meet. The first being the manifestation form of theproduction in the conditions of the exchange economy, the second expressing the solvent humanneeds accompanied by the people’s capacity to buy the offered merchandise, if convenient
Băiţa Craciunesti area is situated on the territory of 3 localities: Peştera, Ormindea and Crăciuneşti, which belong to the locality of Băiţa, Hunedoara County, about 27 km North from Deva.This project aimed to identify and monitor rare endemical endangered and jeopardized plant species of Nature 2000 plant communities and habitats that lived in the quarry and nearby, since it is placed close to the contact limit of the protected area ROSCI0110- Băiţa Hills. In terms of flora a number 360 taxons have been identified, which shows the floristic richness of the area and a low human impact regarding the activity of a mining quarry. Both in the area and nearby the quarry a number of rare, endemic, endangered and vulnerable species have been identified. In terms of phytocoenology we have identified and analyzed a number of 38 plant communities. Some of them are mentioned for the first time in this area. Several types of habitats have been identified and their conservation status has been noted. The permanency of grasslands and forest ecosystems across quarry has been observed and analyzed. These ecosystems should be viewed as dynamic ecosystems
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