5 research outputs found

    A quest for efficacy in data protection: a legal and behavioural analysis

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    [eng] The article questions the role of consent to the processing of personal data, especially in the technological context, as a tool of self-determination or protection of the data subject. The work draws on some results from behavioural studies and some Italian judgements regarding other private actions in data protection law (liability for damages). Some suggestions towards an alternative scenario are finally suggested.[spa] El artículo cuestiona el rol del consentimiento en el tratamiento de datos personales, particularmente en el contexto tecnológico como herramienta de la autodeterminación o protección del interesado. Este trabajo analiza algunas conclusiones de estudios comportamentales y determinadas resoluciones judiciales del ordenamiento italiano respecto del ejercicio de acciones privadas en el derecho de protección de datos (responsabilidad por daños). Finalmente se exponen algunas recomendaciones de un escenario alternativ

    BCI devices and their capacity to express human will having legal value: A model of risk-based classification

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    One of the ultimate frontiers in biotechnology is Brain-computer-interface. BCI devices are currently developed for therapeutic purposes (e.g., as assistive tools) but also recreational ones. A BCI system detects brain activity, allowing a decoding of patterns of neural signals, then ‘translatable’ in commands a computer can understand and even carry out in the external reality. That’s why BCI is now becoming more used (or experimented), considering the advantages that could derive from it. Nevertheless, it also raises some questions from a legal perspective. This Paper focuses on BCI-based devices used for assistive and augmented communication of users, and wonders what legal regime should be accorded to the personal will expressed through those tools. Once the risks have been identified, the parameters and requirements a BCI device must meet, for the human will expressed through it having legal value, are outlined. The Paper proposes, in conclusion, a self-assessment strategy to operationalize BCI technologies applicable to the context of legal relations, implementing methods of risk evaluation and management. A risk- based classification model is also suggested

    A quest for efficacy in data protection: a legal and behavioural analysis

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    [eng] The article questions the role of consent to the processing of personal data, especially in the technological context, as a tool of self-determination or protection of the data subject. The work draws on some results from behavioural studies and some Italian judgements regarding other private actions in data protection law (liability for damages). Some suggestions towards an alternative scenario are finally suggested.[spa] El artículo cuestiona el rol del consentimiento en el tratamiento de datos personales, particularmente en el contexto tecnológico como herramienta de la autodeterminación o protección del interesado. Este trabajo analiza algunas conclusiones de estudios comportamentales y determinadas resoluciones judiciales del ordenamiento italiano respecto del ejercicio de acciones privadas en el derecho de protección de datos (responsabilidad por daños). Finalmente se exponen algunas recomendaciones de un escenario alternativ

    Consumers and digital environments as a structural vulnerability relationship

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    This article highlights the need forlegislation to protect human beings as such (and not only but most of all in their position as minors, elderly people, disabled people) is indispensable in a perspective of balanced development of technologies in all possible directions. Therefore, a new concept of vulnerability is asserted not related to physiological-cognitive deficits of human beings but to their very condition as humans operating in a digital environment. L’articolo evidenzia la necessità di una legislazione che tuteli l'essere umano in quanto tale (e non solo, ma soprattutto, nel caso di minori, anziani, disabili) è indispensabile in una prospettiva di sviluppo equilibrato delle tecnologie in tutte le direzioni possibili. Si afferma quindi un nuovo concetto di vulnerabilità non legato a deficit fisiologici-cognitivi degli esseri umani, ma alla loro stessa condizione di esseri umani che operano in un ambiente digitale

    Satellite Data Management and Privacy Law

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    With the development of an increasingly data- driven global economy, the relevance of the space sector is increasing, with reference not only to the traditional telecommunications satellites but also to Earth Observation satellites, equipped with increasingly sophisticated electro- optical, radar and spectrographic payloads capable of collecting increasingly precise and well-defined data. This space race sees the participation above all of private entities that flank and sometimes replace the normal institutional players. However, private companies carry out extensive data collection, with the sole aim of making it profitable, while also increasing the number of satellites in orbit and also posing risks to the ecosystem. In this light, the aim of the paper is to specifically analyze the issue of personal data processing, also with regard to the latest advances in the field of sensors and access to space, adopting the tools of Empirical Legal Studies and cost-benefit assessment in order to identify the most appropriate intervention tool. The objective of the research study is to support a proposal for integrating space-related legislation with existing privacy legislation, in order to ensure effective protection of individuals