19 research outputs found

    Innovative development of the inspired sinewave device to measure lung functions and inhomogeneity for diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

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    Surprisingly, lung disease is still one of the leading causes of deaths in the developed countries, including UK. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fifth biggest killer disease in the UK, killing approximately 25,000 people a year. This prob-lem is even worse in developing countries such as Vietnam, India and China, where air pollution is a big problem and the disease awareness is under-recognised. The NHS has set out one of its challenges is to identify people with lung disease earlier in the disease’s development pathway, in order to pro-vide more effective and timely intervention and treatment. This paper presents a novel Inspired Sinewave Device (ISD) to measure lung function and inhomogeneity. Both set of infor-mation are important for diagnosis and detection of early lung diseases. ISD has the potential to replace or supplement the traditional spirometry in the routine lung function testing. The paper describes both the principle of ISD and a set of experi-mental results demonstrating the capability of ISD to asymp-totically detect asthmatic symptoms. Finally the paper discuss-es the future plan, including the testing of 300+ COPD patients at the Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit in UK, and the potential collaborations among research institutions in Vietnam and UK about cost-effective and innovative developments of smart devices, biosensors, lab-on-chips and telehealth solutions for the routine lung function testing, diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

    Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an outcall program to reduce carer burden and depression among carers of cancer patients (PROTECT) : rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial

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    Published: 6 January 2014BACKGROUND: Carers provide extended and often unrecognized support to people with cancer. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that excessive carer burden is modifiable through a telephone outcall intervention that includes supportive care, information and referral to appropriate psycho-social services. Secondary aims include estimation of changes in psychological health and quality of life. The study will determine whether the intervention reduces unmet needs among patient dyads. A formal economic program will also be conducted. METHODS/DESIGN: This study is a single-blind, multi-centre, randomized controlled trial to determine the efficacy and cost-efficacy of a telephone outcall program among carers of newly diagnosed cancer patients. A total of 230 carer/patient dyads will be recruited into the study; following written consent, carers will be randomly allocated to either the outcall intervention program (n = 115) or to a minimal outcall / attention control service (n = 115). Carer assessments will occur at baseline, at one and six months post-intervention. The primary outcome is change in carer burden; the secondary outcomes are change in carer depression, quality of life, health literacy and unmet needs. The trial patients will be assessed at baseline and one month post-intervention to determine depression levels and unmet needs. The economic analysis will include perspectives of both the health care sector and broader society and comprise a cost-consequences analysis where all outcomes will be compared to costs. DISCUSSION: This study will contribute to our understanding on the potential impact of a telephone outcall program on carer burden and provide new evidence on an approach for improving the wellbeing of carers.Patricia M Livingston, Richard H Osborne, Mari Botti, Cathy Mihalopoulos, Sean McGuigan, Leila Heckel, Kate Gunn, Jacquie Chirgwin, David M Ashley and Melinda William

    Innovative development of the inspired sinewave device to measure lung functions and inhomogeneity for diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

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    Surprisingly, lung disease is still one of the leading causes of deaths in the developed countries, including UK. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fifth biggest killer disease in the UK, killing approximately 25,000 people a year. This prob-lem is even worse in developing countries such as Vietnam, India and China, where air pollution is a big problem and the disease awareness is under-recognised. The NHS has set out one of its challenges is to identify people with lung disease earlier in the disease’s development pathway, in order to pro-vide more effective and timely intervention and treatment. This paper presents a novel Inspired Sinewave Device (ISD) to measure lung function and inhomogeneity. Both set of infor-mation are important for diagnosis and detection of early lung diseases. ISD has the potential to replace or supplement the traditional spirometry in the routine lung function testing. The paper describes both the principle of ISD and a set of experi-mental results demonstrating the capability of ISD to asymp-totically detect asthmatic symptoms. Finally the paper discuss-es the future plan, including the testing of 300+ COPD patients at the Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit in UK, and the potential collaborations among research institutions in Vietnam and UK about cost-effective and innovative developments of smart devices, biosensors, lab-on-chips and telehealth solutions for the routine lung function testing, diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

    Long-lived memory B-cell responses following BCG vaccination.

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    The role of T-cells in immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) infection has been extensively studied, however, that of B-cells still remains comparatively unexplored. In this study, we determined the presence and frequencies of mycobacteria-specific memory B-cells (MBCs) in peripheral blood from clinically healthy, Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccinated (n = 79) and unvaccinated (n = 14) donors. Purified protein derivative (PPD)-specific MBCs were present in most donors (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) but their frequencies were significantly higher in vaccinated than in unvaccinated donors. MBCs specific for other mycobacterial antigens [antigen-85A (Ag85A), antigen-85B (Ag85B), 6 kDalton early secretory antigenic target (ESAT-6) and the 10 kDalton-culture filtrate protein (CFP-10)] were less prevalent than those recognising PPD. Furthermore, PPD-specific MBCs were detected in BCG vaccinated donors without ESAT-6 and CFP-10 specific responses. Together, these results indicate that BCG vaccination induces long-lived MBC responses. Similar patterns of response were seen when we examined mycobacteria-specific antibody and T-cell responses in these donors. Our data show for the first time that BCG vaccination elicits long-lived mycobacteria-specific MBC responses in healthy individuals, suggesting a more substantial role of B-cells in the response to BCG and other mycobacterial infections than previously thought

    Beyond implicit prices: recovering theoretically consistent and transferable values for noise avoidance from a hedonic property price model

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    Using a two-stage hedonic pricing methodology we estimate a system of structural demand equations for different sources of transport-related noise. In the first stage, we identify market segments using model-based clustering techniques and estimate separate hedonic price functions (HPFs) for each segment. In so doing, we show how a semiparametric spatial smoothing estimator outperforms other standard specifications of the HPF. In the second stage, we control for non-linearity of the budget constraint and identify demand relationships using techniques that account for problems of endogeneity and censoring of the dependent variable. Our estimated demand functions provide welfare estimates for peace and quiet that we believe to be the first derived from property market data in a theoretically consistent manner