132 research outputs found

    Development of the calibration method for a fast steering antenna for investigating the mode conversion window used in EBW heating in the LHD plasma

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    In this study, we developed a calibration method for a fast steering antenna for investigating the mode conversion window used in electron Bernstein wave heating in the large helical device. The calibration was carried out in under-dense plasma against a line-of-sight with an optical thickness which varied spatially. Although multi-reflected background radiation becomes dominant in optically thin lines-of-sight, we succeeded in calibrating the fast steering antenna by including the effect of multi-reflected background radiation in the solution of the radiation transfer equation as the constant by which the temperature of the center of the plasma is multiplied. In addition, we report the initial results of experiments investigating the mode conversion window in over-dense plasma using the calibrated antenna

    Measurement of electrostatic potential fluctuation using heavy ion beam probe in large helical device

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    Heavy ion beam probe (HIBP) for large helical device (LHD) has been improved to measure the potential fluctuation in high-temperature plasmas. The spatial resolution is improved to about 10 mm by controlling the focus of a probe beam. The HIBP is applied to measure the potential fluctuation in plasmas where the rotational transform is controlled by electron cyclotron current drive. The fluctuations whose frequencies change with the time constant of a few hundreds of milliseconds and that with a constant frequency are observed. The characteristics of the latter fluctuation are similar to those of the geodesic acoustic mode oscillation. The spatial profiles of the fluctuations are also obtained

    ECCD Experiment Using an Upgraded ECH System on LHD

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    Electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) is an attractive tool for controlling plasmas. In the large helical device (LHD), ECCD experiments have been performed by using an EC-wave power source, gyrotron, with a frequency of 84 GHz. The maximum driven current was ?9 kA with 100 kW injection power to plasma and 8 s duration of EC-wave pulse. These years, high-power and long-pulse 77 GHz gyrotrons were newly installed. An ECCD experiment with 775 kW injection power was performed. The 77 GHz waves of 8 s pulse duration sustained the plasmas. The EC-wave beam direction was scanned toroidally, keeping the beam direction aiming at the magnetic axis in X-mode polarization. In spite of the change in the EC-wave beam direction, plasma parameters such as the line-average electron density, the central electron temperature and the plasma stored energy were kept nearly the same values for the discharges, ?0.3 × 1019 m?3, ?3 keV and ?30 kJ, except for the plasma current. The plasma current showed a systematic change with the change in the beam direction for ECCD, and at an optimum direction with N// ? ?0.3, the plasma current reached its maximum, ?40 kA. Also, current drive efficiency normalized with density and power was improved by 50% compared with that at the former 84 GHz ECCD experiment

    High Harmonic ECH Experiment for Extension of Heating Parameter Regime in LHD

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    High harmonic electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECH) can extend the plasma heating region to higher density and higher β compared to the normal heating scenario. In this study, the heating characteristics of the second-harmonic ordinary (O2) and third-harmonic extraordinary (X3) modes and the possible extension of heating regime are experimentally confirmed. At the same time, a comparative study using ray-tracing calculation was performed in the realistic three-dimensional configuration of the Large Helical Device. The O2 mode heating showed a 40% absorption rate even above the X2 mode cut-off density. The X3 mode heating using powerful 77 GHz gyrotrons demonstrated an increase of about 40% in the central electron temperature in the plasmas at β-value of about 1%. These results were quantitatively explained to some extent by ray-tracing calculations

    Experimental Results for Electron Bernstein Wave Heating in the Large Helical Device

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    Electron cyclotron heating (ECH) using electron Bernstein waves (EBWs) was studied in the large helical device (LHD). Oblique launching of the slow extraordinary (SX-) mode from the high field side and oblique launching of the ordinary (O-) mode from the low field side were adopted to excite EBWs in the LHD by using electron cyclotron (EC) wave antennas installed apart from the plasma surface. Increases in the stored energy and electron temperature were observed for both cases of launching. These launching methods for ECH using EBWs (EBWH) is promising for high-density operation in future helical fusion devices instead of conventional ECH by normal electromagnetic modes

    Collective Thomson scattering with 77, 154, and 300 GHz sources in LHD

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    Collective Thomson scattering (CTS) is one of attractive diagnostics for measuring locally and directly the fuel temperature and the velocity distribution of fast ions in fusion plasmas. A mega-watt class source of millimeter or sub-millimeter waves is required to detect a weak scattered radiation superimposed on background radiation owing to electron cyclotron emissions (ECEs) from plasmas. Based on electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system with the frequencies of 77 GHz and 154 GHz in the Large Helical Device (LHD), the CTS diagnostic system has been developed to measure bulk ion temperatures from a few keV to ∼10 keV and fast ions originated from 180 keV-neutral beam injection in the LHD. The measured CTS spectra and their time evolutions are analyzed with the electrostatic scattering theory. The bulk ion temperatures obtained from CTS spectra increase with the neutral beam injections and decrease with the heating terminated. The velocity map of simulated fast ions explains that the bumps on tail of measured CTS spectra are caused by the co- and counter- fast ions. A new prescription for anisotropic velocity distribution function is proposed. As for 154 GHz bands, the CTS spectrum broadenings for D and H plasmas are distinguished reasonably at the same temperature, and its ion temperatures are comparable to those of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy. As reactor-relevant diagnostics, a 300 GHz gyrotron and a corresponding receiver system have been implemented in LHD to access high density plasmas with low background ECEs. The recent progress for CTS diagnostics and their spectrum analysis with the probe frequencies of 77 GHz, 154 GHz, and 300 GHz in the LHD experiments is described

    Isotope effect in transient electron thermal transport property and its impact on the electron internal transport barrier formation in LHD

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    In this study, we perform a comprehensive comparison of the transport hysteresis width in deuterium (D) plasmas, hydrogen (H) plasmas, and D-H mixed plasmas. The core focused modulation electron cyclotron resonance heating (MECH) is applied as the heat source perturbation, and the heat flux is evaluated using the energy conservation equation with the measured electron temperature response and the ECH deposition profile calculated by the ray-tracing scheme. Systematic density scan in plasmas with different ion mass reveals that there is no significant isotope effect in their hysteresis width. It is found that plasmas with heavier isotope mass can easily form the electron internal transport barrier. As the hysteresis width is insensitive to the isotope mass, the classical part of the diffusivity is considered to be responsible for the isotope effect in the transport barrier formation

    Present Status in the Development of 6 MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD

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    In order to measure the potential in Large Helical Device (LHD), we have been developing a heavy ion beam probe (HIBP). For probing beam, gold beam is used, which is accelerated by a tandem accelerator up to the energy of 6 MeV. The experiments for calibration of beam orbit were done, and experimental results were compared with orbit calculations. The experimental results coincided fairly with the calculation results. After the calibration of the beam orbit, the potential in plasma was tried to measure with the HIBP. The experimental data showed positive potential in a neutral beam heating phase on the condition of ne ? 5 × 10^18 m^-3, and the increase of potential was observed when the additional electron cyclotron heating was applied to this plasma. The time constant for this increase was about a few tens ms, which was larger than a theoretical expectation. In the spatial position of sample volume, we might have an ambiguity in this experiment

    Correcting for non-periodic behaviour in perturbative experiments: application to heat pulse propagation and modulated gas-puff experiments

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    This paper introduces a recent innovation in dealing with non-periodic behavior often referred to as transients in perturbative experiments. These transients can be the result from the unforced response due to the initial condition and other slow trends in the measurement data and are a source of error when performing and interpreting Fourier spectra. Fourier analysis is particularly relevant in system identification used to build feedback controllers and the analysis of various pulsed experiments such as heat pulse propagation studies. The basic idea behind the methodology is that transients are continuous complex-valued smooth functions in the Fourier domain which can be estimated from the Fourier data. Then, these smooth functions can be subtracted from the data such that only periodic components are retained. The merit of the approach is shown in two experimental examples, i.e. heat pulse propagation (core transport analysis) and radiation front movement due to gas puffing in the divertor. The examples show that the quality of the data is significantly improved such that it allows for new interpretation of the results even for non-ideal measurements

    Effects of core stochastization on particle and momentum transport

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    The effects of the stochastic magnetic field in a plasma center produced by electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) on transport have been revealed. Because the electron temperature profile is flat in the core region, in the case of counter-directed ECCD (ctr-ECCD) against the toroidal magnetic field, the magnetic field is stochastic in the core region with rotational transform ᵼ ∼ 1/3. The particle diffusion coefficient of the ctr-ECCD plasma is approximately 20 times as large as that of the plasma without the stochastic magnetic field produced by co-directed ECCD (co-ECCD) at the maximum. Furthermore, in the stochastic magnetic field with ctr-ECCD, counter-directed intrinsic rotation is observed in the plasma with balanced NBI discharge
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