33 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary level of pantothenic acid and sex on carcass, meat quality traits and fatty acid composition of thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue in Italian heavy pigs.

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    Two trials were carried out to evaluate the effects of i) supranutritional doses of pantothenic acid (PA) and ii) sex on carcass, meat quality and fatty acid (FA) composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue in Italian heavy pig. In trial 1, 59 Duroc x (LxLW) pigs were fed the same diet containing either 10 [in the control (C) group] or 110 ppm [in the treatment (T) group] PA, from 107 to 168 kg live weight. At slaughtering, forty carcasses were sampled randomly. The T carcasses had lower backfat thickness (P<0.05), lower incidence of adipose cuts (P<0.05), higher lean cuts percentage (63.09 vs 60.64%; P<0.01) and lean meat yield (P<0.07). In trial 2, 42 pigs [Dumeco Cofok x (LxLW)], evenly divided into three groups, were fed the same feed containing respectively 10 (C), 60 (T1) and 110 ppm (T2) PA, from 95 to 165 kg live weight. The treatment lowered total adipose cuts yield (P<0.05) and increased lean/adipose cuts ratio (P<0.07). In the outer layer of thighs subcutaneous adipose tissue, the treatment raised polyunsaturated FA content (P<0.01), unsaturation coefficient (P<0.01) and polyunsaturated/saturated (P/S) FA ratio (P<0.05). In the inner layer, the treatment led to a lower saturated FA (P<0.05) and higher polyunsaturated FA content (P<0.01). In both trials, females generally provided leaner carcasses. In neither trials, vitamin level affected meat quality. Thus, feeding high levels of PA to heavy pigs can yield more valuable carcasses without affecting meat quality. However, effects on FA composition suggest caution in adopting this practice in the Italian heavy pig production

    Natural complementary feeds in gestating and lactating sows: effects on performance and metabolic profile

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    Gestating and lactating sows were fed natural complementary feed with the aim to improve performance and metabolic profil

    Iodine Value and Fatty Acids Determination on Pig Fat Samples by FT-NIR Spectroscopy: Benefits of Variable Selection in the Perspective of Industrial Applications

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    In this work, FT-NIR spectroscopy was employed to determine iodine value (IV) and fatty acids (FA) content of pig fat samples, through the combined use of signal preprocessing, multivariate calibration, and variable selection methods. In particular, the main focus was on the use of variable selection methods, both in order to improve the predictive performance of the calibration models, and to identify relevant wavelengths that could be subsequently used for the development of simple, fast, and cheap hand-held devices, able to measure IV and FA content directly on the fat without the need of any sample pretreatment. Firstly, for each property of interest, partial least squares (PLS) multivariate calibration models were calculated considering the whole spectral range and testing different signal preprocessing methods. Then, once chosen the optimal signal preprocessing method, a two-step variable selection procedure was applied. In the first step, the interval-PLS variable selection algorithm was used to calculate a set of calibration models, whose outcomes were considered altogether in the second step, in order to select the optimal calibration model. The variable selection procedure allowed to lower the number of spectral variables retained by the model, and often led to an increase of the performance in prediction of the external test set samples

    Shelf life of pork from five different quality classes

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    A total of 117 loins were selected on the cutting line at 24 h post-mortem to study the long term shelf life (35 days, 4 °C) of vacuum packaged pork from five different quality classes (PSE: pale, soft, exudative; PFN: pale, firm, non-exudative; RSE: red, soft, exudative; RFN: red, firm, non-exudative; and DFD: dark, firm, dry). The microbial load at 0 d was not significantly different (P > 0.05) among the pork quality classes, indicating that the initial microflora was influenced by the dressing conditions at the plant, not by the meat quality class. But after 35 d of storage, total aerobic mesophilic and presumptive lactic acid bacteria counts were higher (P < 0.05) in DFD pork due to its higher ultimate pH. RSE was the second quality class most susceptible to spoilage, whereas PFN, RFN and PSE pork had similar microbial loads. Further research is needed to elucidate the causes of the shorter shelf life in RSE pork

    A hub and spoke model to supply the Sicilian neurorehabilitation demand: effects on hospitalization rates and patient mobility

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    IntroductionCerebrovascular diseases in Sicily have led to high mortality and healthcare challenges, with a notable gap between healthcare demand and supply. The mobility of patients seeking care, both within and outside Sicily, has economic and organizational impacts on the healthcare system. The Hub and Spoke model implemented by the IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino-Pulejo” of Messina aims to distribute advanced neurorehabilitation services throughout Sicily, potentially reducing health mobility and improving service accessibility.MethodsThe evaluation was based on calculating hospitalization rates, examining patient mobility across Sicilian provinces, and assessing the financial implications of neurorehabilitation admissions. Data from 2016 to 2018, covering the period before and after the implementation of the Hub and Spoke network, were analyzed to understand the changes brought about by this model.ResultsThe analysis revealed a significant increase in hospitalization rates for neurorehabilitation in the Sicilian provinces where spokes were established. This increase coincided with a marked decrease in interregional health mobility, indicating that patients were able to receive high-quality care closer to their residences. Furthermore, there was a decrease in both intra-regional and inter-regional escape rates in provinces within the Hub and Spoke network, demonstrating the network’s efficacy in improving accessibility and quality of healthcare services.DiscussionThe implementation of the Hub and Spoke network substantially improved neurorehabilitation healthcare in Sicily, enhancing both accessibility and quality of care for patients. The network’s establishment led to a more efficient utilization of healthcare resources and balanced distribution of services. These advancements are vital steps toward equitable and effective healthcare delivery in Sicily

    Effect of different pre-slaughter procedures on behavioural and blood parameters in pigs.

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    The effect of different pre-slaughter procedures on behavioural and blood parameters were evaluated on 120 pigs reared in one farm and delivered in groups of 40 subjects to three slaughterouses. Due to the different attitude of the personnel involved, differences in handling were evident at loading and at unloading where the difficulties to srive the pigs incresed the behaviuoral events. Blood analysis parameter showed that different resting time did not reduce the physical stress exoerienced by the pigs, which seems related "per se" to loading, transport and unloading and not to the different handling applied in each slaughter plant

    Preliminary investigation of the use of digital image analysis for raw ham evaluation

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    In order to find objective parameters for the evaluation of pig thighs to be used for PDO processing, digital images of the external surface of 384 left thighs were acquired, to be used for multivariate image analysis. The following parameters were also measured on the same samples: weight, length, circumference, thickness of fat and thigh, globosity index and colour of skin. Moreover, a subjective evaluation of veining and red skin defects was also made by an expert assessor. Multivariate analysis of the digital images showed a separation of the analysed samples in two clusters, whose differences were then investigated on the basis of the other traits. Various differences between the two clusters where found, mainly for the size-related parameters

    Indagine sul benessere animale in allevamenti suini delle province di Modena e di Reggio Emilia

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    Ai titolari di 74 allevamenti suini, 55 della provincia di Reggio Emilia e 19 della provincia di Modena, è stato inviato un questionario volto a rilevare le caratteristiche generali dell’azienda (numero di suini, indirizzo produttivo e sua organizzazione, assistenza tecnica e veterinaria) e i parametri ambientali e manageriali specifici per ciascuna categoria produttiva (tipo di illuminazione, ventilazione, sistema di alimentazione, pavimento, arricchimento ambientale). Nella seconda fase dell’indagine sono state visitate 17 unità produttive facenti capo alle aziende resesi disponibili al sopralluogo, al fine di ottenere informazioni dirette sui principali criteri strutturali o design criteria (temperatura, umidità relativa, pulizia delle strutture, odori, polverosità, illuminazione, sistema di alimentazione e di approvvigionamento idrico, arricchimento ambientale, presenza di roditori e/o insetti, partecipazione del personale a corsi sul benessere animale) e sui principali criteri animali o animal criteria (salute, pulizia, lesioni, comportamenti anomali, body condition score, uniformità) ritenuti indicativi del livello di benessere dei suini. A fronte di un livello generalmente e spesso molto soddisfacente in termini di animal criteria, emergono soprattutto carenze legate alla mancata frequenza a corsi specifici da parte del personale e ad insufficienze relative all’arricchimento ambientale e al grado di illuminazione./ A questionnaire dealing with the general aspects of the farm (number of pigs, type of production and organization, technical and veterinary assistance) and the specific environmental and managerial parameters for each animal category (type of illumination, ventilation, feeding system, floor, environmental enrichment) was sent to the owners of 55 piggeries located in the province of Reggio Emilia and to 19 farmers of the province of Modena. In a second phase of the survey 17 farming units were directly inspected in order to get information on the main design criteria (temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness of the facilities, presence of bad smells and dusty, illumination level, feeding and drinking system, environmental enrichment, presence of rodents and flies, vocational training of stockmen) and animal criteria (health, cleanliness, lesions, abnormal behaviours, body condition score and uniformity) which are believed to be indicative of the welfare level of the pigs. Facing a generally satisfactory level in terms of animal criteria, the main deficiencies detected were tied to a lack of vocational training of stockmen and to insufficient enrichment and illumination levels of the environment

    Pisello proteico e fava nell'alimentazione di bovine di razza Reggiana: effetti sulla produzione e sulle caratteristiche del latte

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    Effects of pea and faba beans in the diet of Reggiana cows on milk yield and composition. - The use of pea and faba beans, self produced and not-GM feeds, as substitutes for soybean meal was tested in the diets of Reggiana breed cows, whose milk is transformed into Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. A concentrate feed composed by 15% flaked pea and 10% flaked faba beans (“PF”; 15.7% crude protein) was compared with a control one providing 11% soybean meal (“C”; 15.6% crude protein), during two subsequent feeding trials lasted 12 weeks each. The first trial involved two groups of 19 cows each, the second one involved two groups of 14 cows each; forages were hay only (alfalfa and mixed lawn) in the 1st trial and hay+green herbage in the 2nd. Milk yield was recorded daily from all cows, and no difference in milk production between the two feeding groups was observed. Milk composition (protein, fat, casein and urea) was periodically analysed on individual samples, as well as milk-dynamometer tracing: no effect of the diet could be detected. The results allow to state that pea and faba beans can be included at maximum levels permitted by Parmigiano-Reggiano production rules, such allowing a complete substitution of soybean meal, without detrimental effects on milk production and quality

    Carcass and meat quality traits of pigs with different blood fractions of “Mora Romagnola” breed, reared outdoors

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    Nowadays, the Mora Romagnola (MR) is a small numbered autochthonous Italian pig breed, and, thus, is often crossed with genetically improved animals, including commercial hybrids, to get subjects which are reared outdoors for the production of fresh meat and traditional seasoned salami. This research aims to get preliminary information on both carcass and meat quality traits of either purebred MR, or PICxMR (MR50), or (PICxMR)xMR (MR75), reared outdoors in an organic pig farm on Reggio Emilia Apennines, in Italy. Examined carcases (4 MR, 5 MR50, and 7 MR75), though showing high and extremely variable weights (MR 152.2 kg, MR50 245.3 kg, MR75 214.4 kg), produced very valuable lean cuts contents (MR 60.1%, MR50 53.3%, MR75 56.0%) and fair adipose cuts contents (MR 32.0%, MR50 41,2%, MR75 37,2%). On average, Longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) contained 69.1% water, 22.4% protein, and 6.8% fat, with no difference among the genetic types. Colour and pH values of thigh and LD muscles at 24h p.m. showed optimal values, suitable even for PDO productio