27 research outputs found

    Hippocampal pyramidal cells: the reemergence of cortical lamination

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    The increasing resolution of tract-tracing studies has led to the definition of segments along the transverse axis of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer, which may represent functionally defined elements. This review will summarize evidence for a morphological and functional differentiation of pyramidal cells along the radial (deep to superficial) axis of the cell layer. In many species, deep and superficial sublayers can be identified histologically throughout large parts of the septotemporal extent of the hippocampus. Neurons in these sublayers are generated during different periods of development. During development, deep and superficial cells express genes (Sox5, SatB2) that also specify the phenotypes of superficial and deep cells in the neocortex. Deep and superficial cells differ neurochemically (e.g. calbindin and zinc) and in their adult gene expression patterns. These markers also distinguish sublayers in the septal hippocampus, where they are not readily apparent histologically in rat or mouse. Deep and superficial pyramidal cells differ in septal, striatal, and neocortical efferent connections. Distributions of deep and superficial pyramidal cell dendrites and studies in reeler or sparsely GFP-expressing mice indicate that this also applies to afferent pathways. Histological, neurochemical, and connective differences between deep and superficial neurons may correlate with (patho-) physiological phenomena specific to pyramidal cells at different radial locations. We feel that an appreciation of radial subdivisions in the pyramidal cell layer reminiscent of lamination in other cortical areas may be critical in the interpretation of studies of hippocampal anatomy and function

    PLN Foundation

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    The entorhinal cortex of Megachiroptera: a comparative study of Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat and the straw-coloured fruit bat

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    This study describes the organisation of the entorhinal cortex of the Megachiroptera, Strawcoloured fruit bat and Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat. Using Nissl and Timm stains, parvalbumin and SMI-32 immunohistochemistry, we identified 5 fields within the medial(MEA) and lateral (LEA) entorhinal areas. MEA fields ECL and EC are characterised by a poor differentiation between layers II and III, a distinct layer IV and broad, stratified layers V and VI. LEA fields EI, ER and EL are distinguished by cell clusters in layer II, a clear differentiation between layers II and III, a wide columnar layer III, and a broad sublayer Va. Clustering in LEA layer II was more typical of the Straw-coloured fruit bat. Timm-staining was most intense in layers Ib and II across all fields, and layer III of field ER. Parvalbuminlike staining varied along a medio-lateral gradient with highest immunoreactivity in layers II and III of MEA and more lateral fields of LEA. Sparse SMI-32-like immunoreactivity was seen only in Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat. Of the neurons in MEA layer II, ovoid stellate cells account for ~38%, polygonal stellate cells for ~8%, pyramidal cells for ~18%, oblique pyramidal cells for ~6%, and other neurons of variable morphology for ~29%. Differences between bats and other species in cellular make-up and cytoarchitecture of layer II may relate to their 3-dimensional habitat. Cytoarchitecture of layer V in conjunction with high encephalisation and structural changes in the hippocampus suggest similarities in efferent hippocampal-entorhinal-cortical interactions between fruit bats and primates