7 research outputs found

    Stimulus Dependence of Barrel Cortex Directional Selectivity

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    Neurons throughout the rat vibrissa somatosensory pathway are sensitive to the angular direction of whisker movement. Could this sensitivity help rats discriminate stimuli? Here we use a simple computational model of cortical neurons to analyze the robustness of directional selectivity. In the model, directional preference emerges from tuning of synaptic conductance amplitude and latency, as in recent experimental findings. We find that directional selectivity during stimulation with random deflection sequences is strongly dependent on the mean deflection frequency: Selectivity is weakened at high frequencies even when each individual deflection evokes strong directional tuning. This variability of directional selectivity is due to generic properties of synaptic integration by the neuronal membrane, and is therefore likely to hold under very general physiological conditions. Our results suggest that directional selectivity depends on stimulus context. It may participate in tasks involving brief whisker contact, such as detection of object position, but is likely to be weakened in tasks involving sustained whisker exploration (e.g., texture discrimination)

    Millisecond-Timescale Local Network Coding in the Rat Primary Somatosensory Cortex

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    Correlation among neocortical neurons is thought to play an indispensable role in mediating sensory processing of external stimuli. The role of temporal precision in this correlation has been hypothesized to enhance information flow along sensory pathways. Its role in mediating the integration of information at the output of these pathways, however, remains poorly understood. Here, we examined spike timing correlation between simultaneously recorded layer V neurons within and across columns of the primary somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats during unilateral whisker stimulation. We used Bayesian statistics and information theory to quantify the causal influence between the recorded cells with millisecond precision. For each stimulated whisker, we inferred stable, whisker-specific, dynamic Bayesian networks over many repeated trials, with network similarity of 83.3Β±6% within whisker, compared to only 50.3Β±18% across whiskers. These networks further provided information about whisker identity that was approximately 6 times higher than what was provided by the latency to first spike and 13 times higher than what was provided by the spike count of individual neurons examined separately. Furthermore, prediction of individual neurons' precise firing conditioned on knowledge of putative pre-synaptic cell firing was 3 times higher than predictions conditioned on stimulus onset alone. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of a temporally precise network coding mechanism that integrates information across neighboring columns within layer V about vibrissa position and whisking kinetics to mediate whisker movement by motor areas innervated by layer V

    Rapid fluctuations in rat barrel cortex plasticity

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    Neuronal populations in the sensory cortex exhibit fluctuations in excitability, and the present experiments tested the hypothesis that these variations coincide with peaks and troughs in cortical modifiability. The activity of multiunit neuronal clusters under light urethane anesthesia was recorded through 100-microelectrode arrays implanted in the infragranular layers of rat barrel cortex. Spontaneous activity was characterized by "bursts" of spikes, synchronized across the barrel cortex. This allowed activity at one selected electrode to be taken as a reliable monitor of widespread cortical bursts. We used spikes at the selected electrode to trigger stimulation of two pairs of whiskers during a 50 min conditioning procedure: ( 1) for the "burst-conditioned" whisker pair, each stimulus was delivered 1 msec after the triggering spike, activating cortex coincident with the burst; and ( 2) for the "interburst-conditioned" whisker pair, each stimulus was delivered 300 msec after the triggering spike, activating cortex during the trough between bursts. The cross-correlation between cortical neurons in the pairs of columns matching the stimulated whisker pairs was estimated after the termination of the conditioning procedure. Conditioning produced a twofold increase in the degree of co-firing between infragranular neurons in columns receiving burst-conditioned costimulation but no significant change in connectivity between infragranular neurons in columns receiving interburst-conditioned costimulation, although the two pairs of columns received an equal number of sensory inputs. These findings suggest that the strength of co-activity between columns in the barrel cortex can be modified by sensory input patterns during discrete, intermittent intervals time-locked to bursts

    Neural coding and contextual influences in the whisker system

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