134 research outputs found

    Local BRST cohomology in (non-)Lagrangian field theory

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    Some general theorems are established on the local BRST cohomology for not necessarily Lagrangian gauge theories. Particular attention is given to the BRST groups with direct physical interpretation. Among other things, the groups of rigid symmetries and conservation laws are shown to be still connected, though less tightly than in the Lagrangian theory. The connection is provided by the elements of another local BRST cohomology group whose elements are identified with Lagrange structures. This extends the cohomological formulation of the Noether theorem beyond the scope of Lagrangian dynamics. We show that each integrable Lagrange structure gives rise to a Lie bracket in the space of conservation laws, which generalizes the Dickey bracket of conserved currents known in Lagrangian field theory. We study the issues of existence and uniqueness of the local BRST complex associated with a given set of field equations endowed with a compatible Lagrange structure. Contrary to the usual BV formalism, such a complex does not always exist for non-Lagrangian dynamics, and when exists it is by no means unique. The ambiguity and obstructions are controlled by certain cohomology classes, which are all explicitly identified.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, references adde

    First order parent formulation for generic gauge field theories

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    We show how a generic gauge field theory described by a BRST differential can systematically be reformulated as a first order parent system whose spacetime part is determined by the de Rham differential. In the spirit of Vasiliev's unfolded approach, this is done by extending the original space of fields so as to include their derivatives as new independent fields together with associated form fields. Through the inclusion of the antifield dependent part of the BRST differential, the parent formulation can be used both for on and off-shell formulations. For diffeomorphism invariant models, the parent formulation can be reformulated as an AKSZ-type sigma model. Several examples, such as the relativistic particle, parametrized theories, Yang-Mills theory, general relativity and the two dimensional sigma model are worked out in details.Comment: 36 pages, additional sections and minor correction

    The Evolutionary Origin of Man Can Be Traced in the Layers of Defunct Ancestral Alpha Satellites Flanking the Active Centromeres of Human Chromosomes

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    Alpha satellite domains that currently function as centromeres of human chromosomes are flanked by layers of older alpha satellite, thought to contain dead centromeres of primate progenitors, which lost their function and the ability to homogenize satellite repeats, upon appearance of a new centromere. Using cladistic analysis of alpha satellite monomers, we elucidated complete layer patterns on chromosomes 8, 17, and X and related them to each other and to primate alpha satellites. We show that discrete and chronologically ordered alpha satellite layers are partially symmetrical around an active centromere and their succession is partially shared in non-homologous chromosomes. The layer structure forms a visual representation of the human evolutionary lineage with layers corresponding to ancestors of living primates and to entirely fossil taxa. Surprisingly, phylogenetic comparisons suggest that alpha satellite arrays went through periods of unusual hypermutability after they became “dead” centromeres. The layer structure supports a model of centromere evolution where new variants of a satellite repeat expanded periodically in the genome by rounds of inter-chromosomal transfer/amplification. Each wave of expansion covered all or many chromosomes and corresponded to a new primate taxon. Complete elucidation of the alpha satellite phylogenetic record would give a unique opportunity to number and locate the positions of major extinct taxa in relation to human ancestors shared with extant primates. If applicable to other satellites in non-primate taxa, analysis of centromeric layers could become an invaluable tool for phylogenetic studies

    Parent formulation at the Lagrangian level

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    The recently proposed first-order parent formalism at the level of equations of motion is specialized to the case of Lagrangian systems. It is shown that for diffeomorphism-invariant theories the parent formulation takes the form of an AKSZ-type sigma model. The proposed formulation can be also seen as a Lagrangian version of the BV-BRST extension of the Vasiliev unfolded approach. We also discuss its possible interpretation as a multidimensional generalization of the Hamiltonian BFV--BRST formalism. The general construction is illustrated by examples of (parametrized) mechanics, relativistic particle, Yang--Mills theory, and gravity.Comment: 26 pages, discussion of the truncation extended, typos corrected, references adde

    Amyloid-Mediated Sequestration of Essential Proteins Contributes to Mutant Huntingtin Toxicity in Yeast

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    BACKGROUND: Polyglutamine expansion is responsible for several neurodegenerative disorders, among which Huntington disease is the most well-known. Studies in the yeast model demonstrated that both aggregation and toxicity of a huntingtin (htt) protein with an expanded polyglutamine region strictly depend on the presence of the prion form of Rnq1 protein ([PIN+]), which has a glutamine/asparagine-rich domain. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we showed that aggregation and toxicity of mutant htt depended on [PIN+] only quantitatively: the presence of [PIN+] elevated the toxicity and the levels of htt detergent-insoluble polymers. In cells lacking [PIN+], toxicity of mutant htt was due to the polymerization and inactivation of the essential glutamine/asparagine-rich Sup35 protein and related inactivation of another essential protein, Sup45, most probably via its sequestration into Sup35 aggregates. However, inhibition of growth of [PIN+] cells depended on Sup35/Sup45 depletion only partially, suggesting that there are other sources of mutant htt toxicity in yeast. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained data suggest that induced polymerization of essential glutamine/asparagine-rich proteins and related sequestration of other proteins which interact with these polymers represent an essential source of htt toxicity

    Mining Medical Data: A Case Study of Endometriosis

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    [[abstract]]Ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian endometrioma had been tried as an alternative therapeutic modality in patients whose desire to avoid surgery or surgical approach is contraindicated since 1991. Cyst puncture can reduce tumor volume and destruct the cyst wall, alleviate sticking circumstances and enhance the chance of recovery. But simple aspiration without other treatments results in high recurrence rate (28.5 % to 100 %). In order to reduce recurrence after aspiration, ultrasound-guided aspiration with instillation of tetracycline, methotrexate, and recombinant interleukin-2 has been combined and proven to be effective with the recurrence rates of 46.9 %, 18.1 %, and 40 % respectively. Noma et al. (2001) reported that conduct of ethanol instillation for more than 10 min particularly for a case with a single endometrial cyst is considered most effective from the standpoint of recurrence (14.9 %). Our goal is to analyze patients with recurrent pelvic cyst who underwent surgical intervention. The research data are based on clinical diagnosis, symptoms and medical intervention classification, and the cyst numbers are defined as forecast project target. The decision tree, methodology of data mining technology, is used to find the meaningful characteristic as well as each other mutually connection. The experimental result can help the clinical faculty doctors to better diagnose and provide treatment reference for future patients.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙

    Rab proteins and Rab-associated proteins: major actors in the mechanism of protein-trafficking disorders

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    Ras-associated binding (Rab) proteins and Rab-associated proteins are key regulators of vesicle transport, which is essential for the delivery of proteins to specific intracellular locations. More than 60 human Rab proteins have been identified, and their function has been shown to depend on their interaction with different Rab-associated proteins regulating Rab activation, post-translational modification and intracellular localization. The number of known inherited disorders of vesicle trafficking due to Rab cycle defects has increased substantially during the past decade. This review describes the important role played by Rab proteins in a number of rare monogenic diseases as well as common multifactorial human ones. Although the clinical phenotype in these monogenic inherited diseases is highly variable and dependent on the type of tissue in which the defective Rab or its associated protein is expressed, frequent features are hypopigmentation (Griscelli syndrome), eye defects (Choroideremia, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome), disturbed immune function (Griscelli syndrome and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease) and neurological dysfunction (X-linked non-specific mental retardation, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome). There is also evidence that alterations in Rab function play an important role in the progression of multifactorial human diseases, such as infectious diseases and type 2 diabetes. Rab proteins must not only be bound to GTP, but they need also to be ‘prenylated’—i.e. bound to the cell membranes by isoprenes, which are intermediaries in the synthesis of cholesterol (e.g. geranyl geranyl or farnesyl compounds). This means that isoprenylation can be influenced by drugs such as statins, which inhibit isoprenylation, or biphosphonates, which inhibit that farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase necessary for Rab GTPase activity. Conclusion: Although protein-trafficking disorders are clinically heterogeneous and represented in almost every subspeciality of pediatrics, the identification of common pathogenic mechanisms may provide a better diagnosis and management of patients with still unknown Rab cycle defects and stimulate the development of therapeutic agents