69 research outputs found

    Evolutionary fragmentary algorithm for permutation flow shop problem

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    Рассматривается NP - трудная в сильном смысле задача Джонсона. Установлена фрагментарная структура задачи. Предложен эволюционно-фрагментарный подход для поиска оптимального решения. Ппроведено тестирование эволюционно-фрагментарного алгоритма на наборе тестовых задач из библиотеки ORLib. Ключевые слова: задача Джонсона, фрагментарная структура, еволюционно-фрагментарный подход, NP - трудность.Розглядається NP - важка в сильному сенсі задача Джонсона. Встановлено фрагментарну структуру задачі. Запропоновано еволюційно-фрагментарний підхід для пошуку оптимального розв'язку. Проведено тестування еволюційно-фрагментарного алгоритму на наборі тестових задач з бібліотеки ORLib. Ключові слова: задача Джонсона, фрагментарна структура, еволюційно-фрагментарний підхід, NP - важкість.The article tackles the strongly NP - hard permutation flow shop problem. The flagmentary structure of the problem is pointed out. The evolutionary fragmentary approach for optimal solution is proposed. The testing of evolutionary fragmentary algorithm on instances' set from the ORLib library is conducted

    The representation type of elementary abelian p-groups with respect to the modules of constant Jordan type

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    We describe the representation type of elementary abelian p-groups with respect to the modules of constant Jordan type and offer two conjectures (for such modules) in the general case, one of which suggests that any non-wild group is of finite representation type in each dimension

    On Sushchansky p-groups

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    We study Sushchansky p-groups introduced in [Sus79]. We recall the original definition and translate it into the language of automata groups. The original actions of Sushchansky groups on p-ary tree are not level-transitive and we describe their orbit trees. This allows us to simplify the definition and prove that these groups admit faithful level-transitive actions on the same tree. Certain branch structures in their self-similar closures are established. We provide the connection with, so-called, G groups [BGS03] that shows that all Sushchansky groups have ˇ intermediate growth and allows to obtain an upper bound on their period growth functions

    The Fauna of Springtails (Collembola) from the Forest Ecosystems of South-East Ukraine

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    The fauna of springtails (Collembola) was investigated for seven years in natural forest ecosystems of the Donetsk highland, namely in gully forests, flood-land forests and highland woods. The list of Collembola of forest habitats of the eastern Ukraine has been compiled basing on the original and literature data. It includes 115 species belonging to 52 genera and 16 families. The core of the fauna of Collembola in investigated forests is formed by such families as Entomobryidae, Onychiuridae and Isotomidae. Eight zoogeographical complexes of species were defined by the authors. The European, the Holarctic and the cosmopolitan complexes predominate in the number of species. Species richness, representation of ecological groups, life forms and Collembola hygromorphs differ in the three types of forests investigated. Most of the biotopes are characterized by the predominance of forest species, the considerable representation of eurybionts as well as meadow and steppe forms of species, the predominance of upper-litter biomorphs and a wide spectrum of hygromorphs. The ecological-faunistic peculiarities of springtails ecosystems reflect the specifics of forest microclimate in steppe and can be used for zoodiagnostics of natural and artifical forests.В течение 7 лет изучали фауну ногохвосток в естест-венных лесах на Донецком кряже, а именно: в байрачных, пойменных и нагорных лесах. На основании авторских и литературных сведений составлен список коллембол лесных биотопов Левобержной Украины, включающий 115 видов из 52 родов и 16 семейств. Ос-нову фауны исследованных лесов формируют семейства Entomobryidae, Onychiuridae и Isotomidae. Авторами выделено 8 зоогеографических видовых комплексов, среди кото-рых преобладают (по числу видов) европейский, голарктический и космополитный. В трех исследованных вариантах лесов видовое богатство, соотношение экологических групп, жизненных форм и гигроморф коллембол отличаются. Большинству биотопов при-суще долевое преобладание лесных видов и верхнеподстилочных биоморф, значительная представленность эврибионтных, луговых и степных форм, разнообразие спектра гигро-морф. Эколого-фаунистические особенности сообществ ногохвосток отражают специфику лесного микроклимата и могут использоваться для зоодиагностики естественных и искусственных лесонасаждений в степной зоне

    Influence of Mg content on defect-related luminescence of undoped and doped wurtzite MgZnO ceramics

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    Undoped as well as Li-, Ag-, Cu- and Zn-doped MgxZn₁₋xO ceramics with x = 0–0.20 were sintered at 1000 °C. Defect-related photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation spectra were measured at room temperature in 400–800 nm and 250–400 nm spectral ranges, accordingly. Two types of PL bands were observed: i) the bands, spectral positions of which were not influenced by the Mg content (Cu-related as well as selfactivated orange and red ones); ii) the bands, spectral positions of which exhibited some blueshift with increasing Mg content (Li- and Ag-related and self-activated green ones). It has been shown that used doping gives the possibility to obtain the phosphor with intense visible emission within the blue-yellow spectral range

    About self-activated orange emission in ZnO

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    Nominally undoped ZnO ceramics were sintered in air and N₂ flow at 1000 °C. Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the samples were measured and analyzed using Gaussian fitting. The self-activated orange PL band peaking at 610 nm was separated by Gaussian deconvolution. Based on the obtained results compared with some literature data, it has been concluded that the defects responsible for self-activated orange emission in ZnO are zinc vacancies

    Undecidable properties of self-affine sets and multi-tape automata

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    We study the decidability of the topological properties of some objects coming from fractal geometry. We prove that having empty interior is undecidable for the sets defined by two-dimensional graph-directed iterated function systems. These results are obtained by studying a particular class of self-affine sets associated with multi-tape automata. We first establish the undecidability of some language-theoretical properties of such automata, which then translate into undecidability results about their associated self-affine sets.Comment: 10 pages, v2 includes some corrections to match the published versio

    The role of microbial associations in the development of implant-associated infection after primary total knee replacement

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    Aim: to study the role of microbial associations in the etiology of implant-associated infection, the peculiarities of associates antibiotic resistance, to propose informative methods for the microbiological diagnostics of mixed infections. Material and Methods. The biological samples from 488 patients with infectious complications after total knee replacement were studied. Microorganisms were isolated and identified using a BD BBL™ Crystal™ AutoReader analyzer and Crystal™ Enteric/ Nonfermenter ID Kit, Crystal™Gram-Positive ID Kit panels. Results. Polyetiological infectious complications comprise up to 21.4-24.8% out of the total number of implant-associated infection cases; microbial associations have broad microbial spectrum and various component structure. Specific gravity of clinically significant microorganisms — methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, polyresistant enterobacteria and nonfermentative Gram- negative bacteria is statistically higher (p&lt;0.05) among the associates (38.2, 25.2, 64.3 and 72.8% respectively) than in monocultures (18.2, 11.8, 47.5 and 58.3% respectively). Microbiological methods should be modified in order to verify polyetiological implant-associated infection. Conclusion. The organization of microbiological monitoring of polyetiologi-cal implant-associated infections with detailed study of microbial associations structure, the monitoring of associates antibiotic resistance is necessary to optimize the diagnostics and causal treatment of this pathology.</p

    The etiological role of opportunistic microflora in the pathogenesis of implant-associated inflammation in patients after primary total knee replacement

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    The aim: to study etiological role of opportunistic microflora in the pathogenesis of implant-associated inflammation in patients after primary knee joint replacement and antibiotic sensitivity of main agent groups. Material and Methods. The retrospective analysis of microbiological samples of 383 patients with implant-associated inflammation occurred after primary total knee replacement. Results. Gram-positive cocci (63.5%) are the leading agents of implant-associ- ated inflammation, and there is an increase in the etiological role of coagulase-positive Staphylococci. Main agents of Gram-negative group were Enterobacteraceae and non-enzyme bacteria. We revealed high resistance of Staphylo-coccus spp. to antibiotics of various groups. Oxazolidinones and glycylcyclines were the most active among all antibiotic groups. Gram-negative bacteria were highly resistant to cephalosporine and macrolides with carbapenems and fluoroquinolones being most active. Conclusion. Gram-negative Enterobacteraceae, non-enzyme bacteria and Gram-positive cocci are most significant etiological factors in the pathogenesis of implant-associated inflammation in patients after primary total knee replacement.</p

    The methods of deep periprosthetic infection diagnostics in the area of knee joint

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    The data on the methods and promising areas of investigations potent to improve diagnostic tactics in patients with infectious complications after total knee replacement is presented.</p